ENGL 698 -- Class 1xbet best casino website Schedule

Below is the schedule for creating questions for class 1xbet best casino website . For further information about this contribution to our class, see the 1xbet bes.

Any changes to the schedule below (such as switching with someone or signing up for an extra slot for extra credit) should be approved in advance; once approved, I will post an updated schedule.

Feb 5
1xbet best casino website #1: Austen, Mansfield Park
  • Sierra Hale
  • Nicole Clark
Feb 26
1xbet best casino website #2: Eliot, Middlemarch
  • Ashley Larsen
  • Joan Siopes
March 5
1xbet best casino website #3: Eliot, Middlemarch
  • Kevin Grooms
  • Joan Siopes
March 26 1xbet best casino website #4: Heyer, Frederica
  • Nicole Clark
  • Genna Calkins
April 16
1xbet best casino website #5: Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary
  • Elizabeth Browne
  • Ashley Larsen
April 23
1xbet best casino website #6: Clueless
  • Genna Calkins
  • Tyrek Artley
April 23
1xbet best casino website #7: Bride and Prejudice
  • Tyrek Artley
  • Katie Anderson
Updated 19 February 2013