ENGL 660 -- Class 1xbet best casino website Schedule

Below is the schedule for creating questions for class 1xbet best casino website . For further information about this contribution to our class, see the syllabus.

Any changes to the schedule below (such as switching with someone) should be approved in advance; once approved, I will post an updated schedule.

Feb 1
1xbet best casino website #1: Austen, Mansfield Park
  • Kelsey Hopson
  • Mary Swabb
  • Victoria Brenneis
  • Monica McFadden
Feb 22
1xbet best casino website #2: Eliot, Middlemarch
  • Kelly O'Sullivan
  • Molly McKay
  • Amber Dove
  • Dominic Krezowski
March 1
1xbet best casino website #3: Eliot, Middlemarch
  • Megan Hadorn
  • Dan Smith
  • Tim Cochran
  • Kiley Porter
March 15 1xbet best casino website #4: Heyer, Frederica
  • Netta Learned
  • Chelsea Parker
  • Darcie Canfield
  • Kelsey Vetter
March 29
1xbet best casino website #5: Rowling, Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Krayton Brox
  • Heather Hyde
  • Krista Carter
  • Robin Sommer
April 12
1xbet best casino website #6: Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary
  • Lauren Raber
  • Kadie Calovich
  • ____________
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April 19
1xbet best casino website #7: Clueless
  • Shaun Baker
  • Lisa Barry
  • Christy Pottroff
April 19
1xbet best casino website #7: Bride and Prejudice
  • Mariya Vaughan
  • Emi Griess
  • Jordan Kimbrell
Updated 4 April 2011