ENGL 345 Drama
Spring 2007 -- TU 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
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Schedule of Classes | Bulletin Board

Professor Westman
106 English/ Counseling Services; 532-2171
Office Hours: T, U 9:00-10:00 a.m. and by app't
When 1xbet online games login watch movies 1xbet online games login are so wrapped in the dark that 1xbet online games login can be persuaded to believe almost any nonsense. It's part of the fun of movies.... Live theatre is something very different. There is all that light coming from the stage. 1xbet online games login are never unaware of surrounding members of the audience, or of the fact that 1xbet online games login are observing actors impersonate other people. The result is that 1xbet online games login develop bifocal vision, which allows 1xbet online games login to appreciate both the fiction taking place on the stage and the skills of the people making it possible.
A performance is a spooky, ephemeral thing. Without 1xbet online games login , it doesn't exist. When it's over, it's gone. It's never to be repeated in quite the same way again, unlike movies and live-on-tape television that, being frozen in time, are essentially inert.
-- Vincent Canby, New York Times theater critic
Required Texts
Drama: A Pocket Anthology, 3rd edition, edited by R.S. Gwynn (Longman)
Sophocles, Antigone, Trans. Richard Braun (Oxford)
Wilder, Three Plays (Harper Perennial)
Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire (Signet)
Course Pack #1, #2, #3 (Available at A&S Copy Center in Eisenhower Hall on 1/5/07)

Course Description
This course will explore how authors' dramatic forms and techniques allow their audiences to re-experience the world around them. As we read, discuss, write about, and consider the performance of their plays, we will investigate how each play accomplishes its task through the cultural language of dialogue, props, costumes, theatrical tradition, and the relationship between actors and audience.

Course Objectives

Readings and Class Participation: Any literature course is a reading-intensive experience, so plan accordingly! 1xbet online games login are expected to complete each reading assignment before coming to class. 1xbet online games login are further expected to think carefully about what 1xbet online games login read and to make notes in the text prior to each class meeting. For each class, bring the appropriate book or xeroxes and additionally mark passages that we discuss; this process will help 1xbet online games login understand, remember, and review.
This class will be based on discussion, so class participation is expected and will count for 20% of your final grade. &1xbet online games login ;Class participation&1xbet online games login ; is not the same as just showing up and taking notes: you must be an active presence in the class. This grade, then, includes 1xbet online games login contributions to our discussions in class (in large and small groups) and to our discussions on the Electronic Bulletin Board. I will expect at least one posting a week from each student on the Electronic Bulletin Board; the guidelines and instructions for using the Bulletin Board appear below.

Attendance: Obviously, you can't participate effectively if you aren't in class. Since the University requires that students attend all classes in which they are enrolled, 1xbet online games login attendance is required. If you are absent for more than nine classroom hours -- that is, six (6) class periods -- you will fail this class automatically. If you are absent for more than two, you jeopardize 1xbet online games login final grade for the course. Excessive or repeated lateness will also jeopardize 1xbet online games login final grade. If you wish to receive a passing grade in this class, then, attendance is very important.
While I appreciate 1xbet online games login offering explanations for absences, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide me with an official letter from 1xbet online games login advisor or an official notice of illness from the Health Center or 1xbet online games login doctor. Classroom work or homework assignments missed due to absence cannot be made up. If you are absent, it is 1xbet online games login responsibility to find out from another class member any announcements or assignments.

Quizzes/Response Papers: In most cases, you will have a quiz or a response paper due each day we begin our discussion of a play. Quizzes and response papers are designed to test 1xbet online games login knowledge of the reading assignments and the analytical skills we develop and practice during our discussions. The quizzes will consist of identifications and interpretive questions which will help you improve 1xbet online games login close reading skills and to evaluate 1xbet online games login comprehension of the material; the response papers will be in response to a particular interpretative question. Quizzes and response papers will be graded on a scale of 1 to 5 points: 5=A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F. I will average the points at the end of the course after dropping the lowest grade. Should you be absent on the day of a quiz or response paper, you will receive a zero, unless the absence is excused.

Papers: You will write only one paper (4-5 pages) in this class, given the other projects you'll be working on. If 1xbet online games login paper is late, it will be penalized a full letter grade (i.e.: A to B) for each day it is late. Papers must be typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins (one page = at least 250-300 words); the pages should be spell-checked, proof-read, numbered, and stapled or paper-clipped together. 1xbet online games login name, my name, the date, and the type of assignment should appear in the upper-left hand corner of the first page.

A note on sources: a &1xbet online games login ;Works Cited&1xbet online games login ; page should accompany any assignment that refers to outside sources, and you should use the MLA method for documenting sources. When you turn in a paper, you pledge that the work is your own and that you have faithfully abided by the guidelines for documenting sources. The University's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not your own. If you quote, paraphrase, or use another's ideas, you must give credit to the person whose ideas you are using. Otherwise, you have plagiarized. If you have any questions, please ask. If you do plagiarize, you will fail this course.

Performance Review: 1xbet online games login will write one performance review. The review will discuss the video-taped performance of one of the plays on our syllabus. Further information will follow shortly.

Performance Troupes: By the end of the first week, I will divide the class into performance troupes. Troupes work together to perform a scene (or scenes) from a play on the syllabus (about 10 minutes of performance). You will meet outside of class with 1xbet online games login troupe and, if needed, with me to prepare for 1xbet online games login roles as directors, costumers, and actors. The troupe's in-class performance of the scene(s) as well as a written production review (a Director's Checklist and a Character Analysis) will count 15% towards 1xbet online games login final grade for the course; please see the details following the schedule of classes.

Computing: Technology increasingly plays an important role in our academic and professional careers. Consequently, you will be asked to participate in some different kinds of technology, including an Electronic Bulletin Board discussion and electronic resources for research. Our work with technology is designed not only as another forum for exploring our reading, but as a way for you to sharpen 1xbet online games login communication skills, media skills, and web skills for an increasingly technological age.
Electronic Bulletin Board:
Beginning the first week of class, I'll establish an electronic bulletin board for our class. Each student is required to post once a week about the materials we're studying in class. I will monitor these discussions and assess a grade (at the end of the semester) based on the thoughtfulness of 1xbet online games login comments, their ability to foster discussion among 1xbet online games login classmates, and their responsiveness both to our readings and to 1xbet online games login classmates' comments in class and on the list.

An average posting should run about one or two paragraphs in length. In other words, 1xbet online games login postings do not need to be long; however, they need to be substantive: they must be long enough to convey clearly the problem you are taking up and 1xbet online games login point of view, connecting 1xbet online games login comment to others' comments whenever possible. I will offer models of successful comments early in the semester. 1xbet online games login grade for these postings will become part of 1xbet online games login class participation grade.

To post to the bulletin board, follow these directions:
  1. Go to my homepage at http://www.ksu.edu/english/westmank/ and click on our course (ENGL 345), and then &1xbet online games login ;Bulletin Board&1xbet online games login ; to login to K-StateOnline and go directly to the &1xbet online games login ;Message Board.&1xbet online games login ; (You may also login to the K-State Online course page for ENGL 345, click on &1xbet online games login ;Collaboration&1xbet online games login ; and then select &1xbet online games login ;Message Board.&1xbet online games login ;)
  2. 1xbet online games login should see all the messages posted to date and the newest threads ones first.
  3. To post, choose to &1xbet online games login ;reply,&1xbet online games login ; so you can engage directly in the conversation and your message can &1xbet online games login ;thread&1xbet online games login ; beneath the one you're responding to. I also encourage you to change the subject line so it reflects the content of your message.

Email: I highly recommend email as a way of touching base with me about 1xbet online games login work for the class - a kind of virtual office hours. You can send me queries about reading or writing assignments, 1xbet online games login thesis statement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email in the morning before class, in the afternoon, and in the evening before 10 p.m.

Examination: 1xbet online games login will have a cumulative final exam. A missed exam counts as a zero; no make-up exams will be offered without a dean's excuse.

Conferences: I want you to succeed in this course, and I am happy to meet with you about 1xbet online games login work and 1xbet online games login progress. I encourage you to see me before writing assignments are due, or if you have questions about material we discuss in class. Please feel free to stop by during office hours (T, U 8:00-9:00 am), or contact me by phone or email to arrange a more convenient time to meet.

Note: If 1xbet online games login have any condition such as a physical or learning disability that will make it difficult for 1xbet online games login to carry out the work as I have outlined it or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me in the first two days of the course.

Quizzes/Responses 20%
Class Participation 20%
In-class 10%
Postings 10%
Paper 15%
Performance Review 10%
Performance Troupe 15%
Final Exam 20%

Schedule of Classes (Subject to change.)

Note: The full text of the play should be read for the first day of discussion, except as noted.
[CP1], [CP2], [CP3] = Course Packs.

January U 11
Introduction: Staging a Play
T 16
Gwynn, from &1xbet online games login ;Introduction&1xbet online games login ; (1-19)
Sophocles, Antigone (Quiz/Response #1)
Selected Online Resources for Antigone: &1xbet online games login ;Study Guide Questions,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Selected Resources on Sophocles,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Antigone's Age: How old was Antigone? ,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Ismene - notes for a director or actress,&1xbet online games login ; and &1xbet online games login ;Creon: The Importance of Being Persuaded.&1xbet online games login ;
U 18
T 23 Gwynn, &1xbet online games login ; Medieval Drama,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Elizabethan Drama,&1xbet online games login ; and &1xbet online games login ;The Comic Genres&1xbet online games login ; (19-23). Background on Shakespeare and Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream [CP1]

Selected Online Resources for A Midsummer Night's Dream:

U 25
T 30 Midsummer; Performance Troupe #1
February U 1
Midsummer; Historical Context for Midsummer [CP2] (Quiz/Response #2)
T 6 Background on Restoration theater [CP3]; Behn, The Rover, Acts I and II [CP3]

Selected online resources for The Rover:

U 8
The Rover, Acts III, IV, and V (Quiz/Response #3)
T 13
The Rover
U 15 The Rover; Performance Troupe #2
T 20
Gwynn, &1xbet online games login ;Realistic Drama, the Modern Stage, and Beyond&1xbet online games login ; (23-24); &1xbet online games login ;Modern Drama&1xbet online games login ; (xeroxed handout); Ibsen's A Doll House (Gwynn 201-264) (Quiz/Response #4)
Selected online resources for A Doll House:
  • A brief biography of Ibsen, and a more detailed biography.
  • Some reading/discussion questions for A Doll House.
  • SparkNotes provides an analysis of the main characters and the themes, motifs, and symbols of Ibsen's A Doll House: Do 1xbet online games login agree with these interpretations? How would 1xbet online games login develop the interpretations further?
  • For information about Ibsen's writing of the play and the play's production history, visit &1xbet online games login ;Notes on A Doll's House,&1xbet online games login ; compiled in conjunction with Northern State University Theatre's 2003 production. 1xbet online games login can also view photos of the 1xbet online games login .
  • Pictures of Tara Fitzgerald as Nora in the Birmingham Repertory Theatre Company's 1xbet online games login of A Doll 's House. (Larger versions of the pictures ar available, too.)
  • A review of a minimialist 1xbet online games login staged at The Playhouse in Oxford, England in 2004.
  • &1xbet online games login ;ACT draws out sexual politics in 'Doll's House'&1xbet online games login ; offers a detailed review of a 1xbet online games login at the American Conservatory Theatre (San Fransico, CA) in January 2004.
U 22
A Doll House; &1xbet online games login ;Critical Context&1xbet online games login ; readings (xeroxed handout)
T 27 A Doll House; Performance Troupe #3
March U 1
Glaspell, Trifles (Gwynn 265-278) (Quiz/Response #5)
Selected online resources for Trifles: A well-chosen series of links assembled at Web English Teacher on &1xbet online games login ;Susan Glaspell, Trifles.&1xbet online games login ;
T 6 Trifles; Glaspell, &1xbet online games login ;A Jury of Her Peers&1xbet online games login ; [CP2]. Working (draft) thesis claim for Paper #1 (1-2 sentences in length)
U 8
Wilder, &1xbet online games login ;Preface&1xbet online games login ; and The Skin of Our Teeth (Quiz/Response #6)
Selected online resources for The Skin of Our Teeth:
M 12 Paper due by 5 p.m. to my mailbox in ECS 119 (4 pages)
T 13
Skin of Our Teeth
U 15 Skin of Our Teeth; Performance Troupe #4
T 20 No Class --
U 22 Spring Break
T 27
David Ives, Sure Thing (Gwynn 546-556); Performance Troupe #5
Selected online resources for Sure Thing:
  • A series of study questions from Longman
  • A 1xbet online games login photo from a performance at Burlington County Community College, a photo from a performance by The Drama Group (Philadelphia, PA), and a photo of William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman performing Ives's one-act for the JAI Playwrights Conference (2004).
  • A brief biography of Ives from Bedford/St. Martin's
U 29 No Class -- Work on performance review
April T 3 Researching and drafting the performance review
U 5
Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire (Quiz/Response #7)
Selected online resources for A Streetcar Named Desire:
  • A range of resources are available from the page created by the Hippodrome State Theater (Gainesville, FL), &1xbet online games login ;Tennesse Williams, The Playwright,&1xbet online games login ; including a biography and links to letters exchanged between Williams and the actress Jessica Tandy (who played Blanche in the NY premiere), discussion topics, and information about the poetic references in the play.
  • The Crossroads project for Streetcar at UVA provides information about and photos from the originial Broadway 1xbet online games login , the original film 1xbet online games login , and other productions, as well as links to information about Willliams and Streetcar.
  • A web page on Williams' play, assembled by two instructors, includes a definition of expressionism, detailed study questions, an image of the Van Gogh painting Williams refers to in his stage directions. (Try the Internet Archive version of this page, if it does not load.)
  • A discussion of the stage design for a recent 1xbet online games login of Streetcar in Washington, D.C.
  • A link to the transcript of a PBS discussion of the play in honor of its 50th anniversary.
  • The New York Times theater review (4 Dec 1947) of the play's opening performance (notable for what is left unsaid about Williams' themes).
  • A review of a 1xbet online games login in London at the Footlight Club in 2003 which praises the actress for her interpretation of Blanche.
  • A review of a 1xbet online games login in Croatia includes two 1xbet online games login photos showing the stage design as well as indicating the global reach of Williams' play.
  • Some 1xbet online games login photos from a performance which emphasized the role of light in its staging and interpretation of the play.
  • Some interesting cultural history about the play's creation and its most famous productions, as well as information about the Stanley and Stella Shouting Contest that takes place each spring in New Orleans.
T 10
U 12 Streetcar
F 13 Performance Review due by 5 p.m. to my mailbox in ECS119 (For guidance for citing sources -- especially online resources -- see &1xbet online games login ;Humanities: Documenting Sources.&1xbet online games login ;)
T 17
Wilson, Fences (Gwynn 479-545) (Quiz/Response #8)
Selected online resources for Fences:
  • A detailed biography of Wilson with information about his plays.
  • A biography compiled by Dartmouth College in honor of Wilson's visit there in 1998.
  • The Arden Theater (Philadephia, PA) has a number of resources to supplement their current 1xbet online games login of Fences: a discussion of Wilson's play cycle, of which Fences is a part; a study guide; and a link to 1xbet online games login photos.
  • Dr. Sharon Sellers provides a series of discussion questions by character and themes. (Link courtesy of the Internet Archive.)
  • Professor Bill Dynes' &1xbet online games login ;Fences&1xbet online games login ; page has discussion questions and links to information about the Negro League.
  • View the art of Romare Bearden (1912-1988), whom Wilson has cited as an influence on his own art: &1xbet online games login ;The Family&1xbet online games login ; (c.1941), &1xbet online games login ;Family&1xbet online games login ; (1988), &1xbet online games login ;Home Time&1xbet online games login ; (1970), &1xbet online games login ;Roots Odyssey&1xbet online games login ; (1976), &1xbet online games login ;Alto Composite&1xbet online games login ; (1974), and &1xbet online games login ;Piano Lesson&1xbet online games login ;(1983), as well as a photo of Bearden.
  • View archival photos of African Americans during WWII, courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
  • 1xbet online games login photos from a 1xbet online games login by the Curious Theater Company in 2001.
  • Information about a current 1xbet online games login of Fences at the Port City Playhouse (Alexandria, VA), which includes links to reviews of the performance. Note, too, the image they've chosen to advertise and represent the play.
  • 1xbet online games login photos from a 1xbet online games login of Fences in 2003 by Michigan State University Theater. Note the image they have selected to advertise and present the play.
U 19 Fences; Historical and cultural context readings [CP2]
T 24
U 26
Fugard, &1xbet online games login ;Master Harold&1xbet online games login ;...and the Boys (Gwynn 437-478) (Quiz/Response #9)
Selected online resources for &1xbet online games login ;Master Harold&1xbet online games login ;...and the Boys:
May T 1
&1xbet online games login ;Master Harold&1xbet online games login ;...and the Boys
U 3
Review for Final Exam
M 7
Final Exam: Short Answer and Essay, 9:40-11:30 a.m.

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Department of English | Kansas State University
Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated 14 February 2007