ENGL 635 -- 1xbet best casino website /Class Discussion Schedule

Below is the schedule for presentations and class discussions. For further information about developing questions for class discussion, see the 1xbet onl; for further information about presentations, see below.

Any changes to the schedule below (such as switching with someone) must be approved in advance; once approved, I will post an updated schedule.

Feb 3
Leading Discussion: Schlegel, Wilcox, & Bast: Who Will Inherit England?
Will Studer
Travis Winter
Feb 17
1xbet best casino website : Public Response to the Post-Impressionist Exhibitions
March 3
1xbet best casino website : Woolf's Diaries, Vols. 2-3: Composition & Publication of TTL
Sara Parks
Chelsea Wright
1xbet best casino website : Woolf's Letters, Vols.3-4: Composition & Publication of TTL
[Karin Westman]
1xbet best casino website : The Original Holograph Draft: Composition & Publication of TTL
Elizabeth Altepeter
March 10
Leading Discussion: Part III of TTL
Carla Reimer
Gretchen Leech
April 7
1xbet best casino website : Woolf's Diaries, Vols. 3-4: Composition & Publication of The Waves
Rachel Hendershot
Emily King
1xbet best casino website : Woolf's Letters, Vols. 3-4 : Composition & Publication of The Waves
Michael Trenary
1xbet best casino website : Two Holograph Drafts: Composition & Publication of The Waves
Jessica Edwards
Leading Discussion: Open Topic on The Waves
Carla Schuster
Hanna Patterson
April 21
1xbet best casino website : Woolf's Diary, Vol.5: Composition of Between the Acts
Katie Patterson
1xbet best casino website : Woolf's Letters, Vol.6: Composition of Between the Acts
Emily Vieyra
For presentations, each group should prepare a brief 1xbet best casino website (no longer than 10 minutes in length) for the class on the topic you have selected.

For those reading letters, diaries, and holograph drafts, you will need to plan in advance who will be reading the materials at what time (all are on reserve at Hale Library). I encourage you to develop a brief handout (one side of one page or two sides of one page) which you can distribute to the class as a reference to the information and insights you will provide.

For those presenting on the public response to the Post-Impressionist Exhibitions of 1910 and 1912, you will need to consult relevant resources (some on reserve, but most available in the stacks or other library resources). A brief handout would be helpful for your 1xbet best casino website , too.

As you can tell from these guidelines, you should plan to meet with your group at least once in advance of the 1xbet best casino website ; I strongly encourage you to meet with me, too, should you have any questions or concerns as you prepare.

Updated March 2005