ENGL 525B:
Women in Literature
1xbet online sports betting 2004; TU 9:30-10:45 a.m.

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1xbet online sports betting schedule for class di1x

Professor Westman
English/CS 106; 532-2171
Office Hours: T, U 8-9 a.m. & by app't.
1xbet online sports betting Texts
Anne Bronte, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) (Penguin)
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (1907) (Penguin Puffin Classics)
Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) (Norton Critical Edition)
JeanetteWinterson, The Passion (1987)
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones's Diary (1999)
Pat Barker, Regeneration (1991)
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (1985) (Anchor Books)
Gloria Naylor, Mama 1xbet online sports betting (1987)
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
1xbet online sports betting Pack (selected poetry, non-fiction prose, and critical essays; available on 1/22 at A&S Copy Center in Eisenhower Hall)
1xbet online sports betting Description:
Literary works by or 1xbet online sports betting women. Treats writers considered within various traditions, themes, or formal issues.
1xbet online sports betting Objectives:
In this course we 1xbet online sports betting study how a variety of women authors both respond to and reshape a tradition of literature that has typically been sexed as male and gendered as masculine. Issues we 1xbet online sports betting explore include:
Requirements and 1xbet online sports betting Expectations:
1xbet online sports betting Participation and Attendance: 1xbet online sports betting participation is, of course, required. To participate, you must complete the reading assigned for each 1xbet online sports betting session and think carefully about what you have read. Your attendance is therefore important. You will not be penalized for your first three absences; thereafter, your final course grade will drop. Excessive absences (six or more) may result in failure of the course. While I appreciate your offering explanations for absences, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide 1xbet online sports betting with an official letter from 1xbet online sports betting dean or advisor or an official notice of illness from the Health Center.
Leading 1xbet online sports betting Discussion: Depending on the number enrolled, students will sign up in groups of three or four to initiate discussion for one of our 1xbet online sports betting sessions. Discussion leaders will encourage us to explore the connections between the secondary readings and our assigned primary reading. In most cases discussion topics are provided below. The group leading discussion should contact me at least one day in advance to confirm the focus of their discussion questions and should email me with their planned questions by 7pm the night before.

1xbet online sports betting and Response 1xbet online sports betting : You will write two papers, one short (4-5 pp) and one long (7-8 pp), on topics of 1xbet online sports betting choosing in connection with our readings. Both papers should follow the general rules of composition and be typed or word-processed with standard double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and either 10- or 12-point typeface. Title pages and cover sheets are unnecessary. Pages should be numbered, stapled together, and spell-checked. Papers are due by the date and time on the syllabus; late papers will be penalized one grade (i.e.: A to B) for each day late.

You will also write five weekly response papers (2 pp in length) in response to our readings. Response papers are designed to ready you for 1xbet online sports betting discussion and to explore ideas you could develop further in your longer papers. Response papers are due on the day we discuss the reading.

If your response paper, you should not repeat previous 1xbet online sports betting discussions or provide a mere summary of the reading. Instead, your response should begin to analyze the reading assigned for that 1xbet online sports betting session, selecting an issue or theme or question you feel to be significant. (Refer to the sample response paper distributed in 1xbet online sports betting .)

You can choose when to complete 1xbet online sports betting five responses, with the following guidelines in mind: 1) you can only write a response for a day when we have reading due, 2) two responses must respond to novels, and 3) you must complete 3 responses before March 15th (Spring Break) and complete 2 responses after March 15th (Spring Break). Responses will be graded on a 1-5 scale: 5=A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F. I do not accept late response papers. (Extra credit opportunities will go towards 1xbet online sports betting response paper grade.)

Electronic 1xbet online sports betting : To offer another venue for discussion, we'll start using an electronic bulletin board next week; technical details will follow shortly. Each student should post at least once a week to the bulletin board, responding to an existing thread of the conversation or initiating another; weekly postings will count towards your 1xbet online sports betting participation grade. I'll monitor these conversations, and may also participate, but I see the bulletin board primarily as a way for you to raise issues we haven't addressed--or addressed fully or to your satisfaction--during our regular 1xbet online sports betting meetings. Though extra postings to the bulletin board will not automatically replace participation in our 1xbet online sports betting discussions, regular contributions above and beyond your weekly posting can certainly improve your 1xbet online sports betting participation grade.
Grading: The two papers will count for 40% of your final grade (15% and 25% respectively); the response papers will count for 20% of your final grade. 1xbet online sports betting participation (20%) and a final exam (20%) complete the requirements.

Schedule of Classes

Tradition and the Gendered Talent
January U 22
Introduction: "Tradition and the Gendered Talent" (with apologies
to T.S. Eliot): Sidney, Sonnet #1 ("Loving in Truth,...");
Shakespeare, Sonnet #18 ("Shall I compare thee..."); Marvell,
"To His Coy Mistress"; Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, "The
Lover: A Ballad"
T 27
Mary Wollstonecraft, from Vindication of the Rights of Woman
[CP]; selected poems: Anne Bradstreet and Anne Finch [CP]
Gilbert and Gubar, from The Madwoman in the Attic [CP]
T 3
"Debating Women: Arguments in Verse"; Jonathan Swift, "The
Lady's Dressing Room"; Montagu, "The Reasons that Induced
Dr. S. to 1xbet online sports betting a Poem called The Lady's Dressing Room";
Aphra Behn, "The Disappointment" [CP]
Novels and Romances: The "Dangers" of the (Female) Imagination
U 5
Spectator #365; Samuel Johnson, Rambler #4; Jane Austen, from
Northanger Abbey; Sarah Stickney Ellis, from The Women of
England (1721-3); Harriet Martineau, from Autobiography
(1725-28); Janice Radway, from 1xbet online sports betting the Romance (60-61);
selections from Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women (1-2,
4-6; 56-9; 133-9) [CP]
T 10
U 12
Anne Bronte, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (3-185)
Bronte, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (186-335)
T 17
U 19
Bronte, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (339-489)
Critical 1xbet online sports betting on Bronte: Langland, from Anne Bronte: The
Other 1xbet online sports betting
Optional 1xbet online sports betting : Frawley, "'The Fair Unknown': Privacy and
Personhood in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" [CP]
1xbet online sports betting #1: "Acton Bell is neither Currer nor Ellis Bell":
Telling Tales to Find a Voice
Rossetti, "In an Artist's Studio" and "Goblin Market" [CP]
T 24
F 27
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (1-192)
Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (193-369)
Selection of critical 1xbet online sports betting on Montgomery (select two): Epperly,
Nodelman, Rubio, MacLulich, and Berg [CP]
1xbet online sports betting #2: Realism or Romance?: Nature, Culture, and the
Imagination in Anne of Green Gables
1xbet online sports betting #1 Due (4-5 pp) to my mailbox in E/CS 119 by 5 pm; information
1xbet online sports betting MLA citiation format

Taking the Pen in Hand...
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T 2
U 4
Woolf, from A Room of 1xbet online sports betting 's Own; Adrienne Rich, "1xbet online sports betting We
Dead Awaken: Writing as Revision" [CP]
Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) (9-64)
T 9
U 11
Wide Sargasso Sea (64-112); critical essays by Rhys (in
Norton Critical edition): Rhys, "The Bible Is Modern" (148-149);
Rhys, from "Black ExerciseBook" (155-156)
Wide Sargasso Sea; excerpts from Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
(119-132 ); excerpts from Rhys' letters & facsimile of mss.
(135-147); and Rody, "Burning Down the House..." (217-225)
(All 1xbet online sports betting in Norton Critical edition.)
1xbet online sports betting #3: Wide Sargasso Sea as Rhys' Jane Eyre?
T 16
U 18
Jeanette Winterson, The Passion (3-76)
Winterson, The Passion (79-160)
Critical essays on and by Winterson: from Palmer, "The
Passion: Storytelling, Fantasy, Desire" [CP]; Winterson, "A
Work of My Own" [CP]
Optional critical 1xbet online sports betting : Westman, With "money and a room of her
own":The Legacy of Woolf's Advice for the Woman Artist at
Century's End"
1xbet online sports betting - March 22nd - 26th
T 30
U 1
Pat Barker, Regeneration (3-145)
Barker, Regeneration (149-252); reviews of Regeneration [CP]
1xbet online sports betting #4: Women Writing about War
T 6
U 8
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (1-106)
Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (109-197)
T 13
U 15
Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (199-311); from "A Reader's
Companion to The Handmaid's Tale" (316-321);reviews/critical
1xbet online sports betting of Atwood (forthcoming)
1xbet online sports betting #5: [Open Topic on The Handmaid's Tale]
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones's Diary (1-153)

T 20

Fielding, Bridget Jones's Diary (157-271); film of BridgetJones's Diary
(2001); reader comments/reviews (forthcoming)
1xbet online sports betting #6: Bridget Jones Goes to Hollywood
U 22
Gloria Naylor, Mama 1xbet online sports betting (1-165)


T 27
U 29
Prospectus for 1xbet online sports betting #2 Due (1-2 pp.) to my mailbox in
E/CS 119 by 5 p.m.
Naylor, Mama 1xbet online sports betting (166-312)
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1-210)
1xbet online sports betting
T 4
U 6
F 7
Rowling, Azkaban (211-435)
Selected Poems: Fleur Adcock and Wendy Cope [CP]
1xbet online sports betting #2 Due (7-8 pp.) to my mailbox in E/CS 119
by 5 p.m.
T 11
U 13
Selected poems: Margaret Atwood, Carol Ann Duffy, and Erica
Jong [CP]
F 21
1xbet online sports betting Exam (IDs & Essay), 2 - 3:50 pm

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Department of English | Kansas State University
Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated 23 February 2004