Below is part of the sample persuasive research essay we looked at in its entirety in class on April 16th. Please note:

Jeanne Waller
Expository Writing 2 -- Westman
Persuasive Essay -- Revision
November 27, 2001

Diet 1xbet best casino website : The Miraculous Weight Loss Formula?

If you have ever considered losing weight, you have probably heard of the various kinds of diet 1xbet best casino website available. Diet 1xbet best casino website claim to "melt away the fat." They sound like the perfect solution to shed a few pounds, but research tells a different story. Diet 1xbet best casino website became popular in 1996. The most common ingredients were Redux and fenfluramin/phentermine, which posed as appetite suppressants. The 1xbet best casino website seemed to suck up the fat, and people were losing anywhere between 25-50 pounds in months. The FDA no longer approves the use of Redux or fen/phen, but new ingredients have made diet 1xbet best casino website just as popular. An herb called ephedra is currently the most common substance in diet 1xbet best casino website . Ephedra is still available for over the counter distribution, but the FDA is researching the side effects. Many cases of heart diseases and strokes have been linked to the herb. The use of diet 1xbet best casino website is not recommended, but the advice does not stop many Americans. Diet 1xbet best casino website are dangerous and should not be taken. The 1xbet best casino website should be avoided because they do not provide a safe or effective way to lose weight, cause heart valve disease and other complications, and are used as a replacement for physical activity.

[Jeanne next offers a paragraph with evidence and explanation for her first stated 1xbet best casino website . Within this paragraph, after providing a topic sentence and further exposition, she introduces and tags her evidence by identifying the profession and source of the quotation, increasing her own credibility as an author on this subject:

Christine Haller, M.D., a medical toxicologist, was interviewed about herbal 1xbet best casino website loss for an article in 1xbet best casino website magazine. The article notes, &1xbet best casino website ;In Haller's opinion, the risk far outweighs the potential benefit. When people ask her if they should try ephedra, she responds with a question of her own: 'Do you want to lose 10 pounds that badly?'&1xbet best casino website ; (Gower 72).

After completing her argument for her first 1xbet best casino website , Jeanne then offers two paragraphs with evidence and explanation for her second stated 1xbet best casino website . She then provides the following paragraph for her third 1xbet best casino website : ]

One last reason to avoid diet 1xbet best casino website is because they are used as a replacement for physical activity. Many people use diet 1xbet best casino website as their last resort because nothing else has allowed them to lose weight. Popping a pill in one's mouth sounds so much easier than working out at the gym. However, research indicates that physical activity is essential to good health in many other ways than maintaining weight. A Report of the Surgeon General in 1996 states,

Regular physical activity improves your health and well-being by: improving health related quality of life, reducing the risk of dying prematurely, promoting psychological well-being, decreasing feelings of depression and anxiety, helping to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints, helping with weight management, assisting in increasing HDL cholesterol and decreasing the risk of colon cancer, lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension, reducing the risk of developing high blood pressure, aiding in the control and prevention of diabetes, and decreasing the risk of dying from coronary heart disease. (&1xbet best casino website ;Physical Activity&1xbet best casino website ;)

As little as 30 minutes of physical activity every day can lead to all of the above benefits. Weight loss is only one of the many benefits of physical activity. There are many other important benefits that only come with consistent exercise. When people take diet 1xbet best casino website they usually have little or no exercise in their lives, which means that they don't get any of the other benefits of physical activity. Diet 1xbet best casino website users often see rapid weight loss without exercising, so they quit exercising at all. The dieters don't realize how important exercising is for other body functions. The pill users are so excited to lose weight that they don't notice the negative affects diet 1xbet best casino website have on their body. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to many health complications, so it is important to stay active and benefit form physical activity. If diet 1xbet best casino website are not the source of weight loss, more individuals will incorporate daily exercise into their lives.

[Jeanne then provides two paragraphs which each introduce, summarize, and refute opposing views - one paragraph for each opposing view and refutation. She then provides the following conclusion with a call to action: ]

In conclusion, diet 1xbet best casino website should not be used because they are not a safe and effective way to lose weight, cause heart valve disease and other complications, and are used as a replacement for physical activity. The "magical" image of diet 1xbet best casino website is only an advertisement. There is nothing great or magical about diet 1xbet best casino website . The dangerous side effects caused by diet 1xbet best casino website prove a general saying to be true: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

[Jeanne then provides a &1xbet best casino website ;Works Cited&1xbet best casino website ; list for her outside sources.]

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