Respond Question Series
Social Impact of 1xbet online games login
Complete the following questions for our selected reading, offering full responses to these questions. (You can copy and paste these questions into 1xbet online games login word processor and type 1xbet online games login responses and print them out, or you can hand-write 1xbet online games login responses on separate paper.)
1. What kind of impact does 1xbet online games login have on society, according to the author?
(Further explanation: The author might offer 1xbet online games login , two, or more ways that popular culture affects society: by providing poor role models, or by providing poor role models and undermining parental values, for instance.)
2. What sub-claims (reasons) does the author offer in support of his or her main claim (1xbet online games login response to #1)? Create a working thesis statement for the author's argument.
(Further explanation: A working thesis statement lists the author's main claim and sub-claims (reasons) as a &1xbet online games login ;because statement.&1xbet online games login ; For instance, after reading the essay, you might discover that the author's working thesis claim might read: &1xbet online games login ;Popular culture, as expressed through film, is beneficial to society because films offer realistic representations of society's ills, because films can show a better world than the one we live in now, and because younger generations in society are persuaded by the visual images of film more than what they read.&1xbet online games login ; You may locate a &1xbet online games login ;because statement&1xbet online games login ; in the essays you're reading, but it's more likely that you'll have to assemble it yourself after reading the author's argument.)
3. Identify one piece of evidence that 1xbet online games login found persuasive and one piece that didn't persuade 1xbet online games login and explain why.
4. Look under the essay title and note the original audience for the essay. How effective is the author in using audience-based reasoning, of tailoring the argument to his or her readers? Offer one example to support 1xbet online games login response.
5. How might 1xbet online games login refute the author's argument?
(Further explanation: Consider the main claim, the sub-claims (reasons), the warrant (underlying assumptions, beliefs and values of the main claim), and the evidence presented: How could you play &1xbet online games login ;devil's advocate&1xbet online games login ; and refute one or more of these areas of the argument?)
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