Section BQ
Topic: Social Impact of Popular Culture

Below are some possible “Pro/Con” claims on the social impact of popular culture (or, on the impact/influence of popular culture on society). You can select one of these “Pro/Con” claims for your researched debate essay, or you can develop one of your own. Once you select your "Pro/Con" claims, you will then need to develop three reasons for each 1xbet online casino ’s claim.

1xbet online casino A: Media representations of language influence children because….
1xbet online casino B: Media representations of language do not influence children because….
1xbet online casino A: Popular culture represents average American values because….
1xbet online casino B: Popular culture does not represent average American values because….
1xbet online casino A: Popular culture de-sensitizes the way people view society because…
1xbet online casino B: Popular culture does not de-sensitize the way people view society because…
1xbet online casino A: Popular culture increases peer pressure on teens because…
1xbet online casino B: Popular culture does not increase peer pressures on teens because…
1xbet online casino A: Violent video games have a debilitating effect on teen society because…
1xbet online casino B: Violent video games do not have a debilitating effect on teen society because…
1xbet online casino A: Pop culture is a venue for the ideals of our society because…
1xbet online casino B: Pop culture is not a venue for the ideals of our society because…
1xbet online casino A: Parents have control over popular culture’s influence on children because…
1xbet online casino B: Parents do not have control over popular culture’s influence on children because…
1xbet online casino A: Magazine advertising has debilitating effect on young women’s [or on young men’s] view of themselves because…
1xbet online casino B: Magazine advertising does not have debilitating effect on young women’s [or on young men’s] view of themselves because…
1xbet online casino A: The lyrics of popular rock [rap/metal/country/pop/alternative] songs promote social awareness because….
1xbet online casino B: The lyrics of popular rock [rap/metal/country/pop/alternative] songs do not promote social awareness because….
1xbet online casino A: Music videos offer debilitating models of behavior for teens because…
1xbet online casino B: Music videos do not offer debilitating models of behavior for teens because…
1xbet online casino A: Fantasy television have a beneficial effect on young viewers because…
1xbet online casino B: Fantasy television do not have a beneficial effect on young viewers because…

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