Bloomsbury Art

Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant

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Vanessa Bell, &1xbet online games login ;Still Life on Corner of a Mantlepiece&1xbet online games login ; (1914) Duncan Grant, &1xbet online games login ;The Mantlepiece&1xbet online games login ; (1914)
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Vanessa Bell, &1xbet online games login ;Interior with Table&1xbet online games login ; (1921) Duncan Grant, &1xbet online games login ;Interior at Gordon Square&1xbet online games login ; (1915)
Vanessa Bell, &1xbet online games login ;Mrs. St. John Hutchinson&1xbet online games login ; (1915) Duncan Grant, &1xbet online games login ;Portrait of a Woman&1xbet online games login ; (1927)
Link to &1xbet online games login ;Fan, Gloves, Roses, and Pearls&1xbet online games login ;
Vanessa Bell, &1xbet online games login ;Fan, Gloves, Roses, and Pearls&1xbet online games login ; Duncan Grant, &1xbet online games login ;Landscape, Sussex&1xbet online games login ; (1920)
Vanessa Bell, &1xbet online games login ;Frederick and Jessie Etchells Painting&1xbet online games login ; (1912) Duncan Grant, &1xbet online games login ;Bathing&1xbet online games login ; (1911)
Link to
&1xbet online games login ;Pamela Fry by the Lily Pond&1xbet online games login ; (1911)
Vanessa Bell, &1xbet online games login ;Studland Beach&1xbet online games login ; (c.1912) Duncan Grant, &1xbet online games login ;Pamela Fry by the Lily Pond&1xbet online games login ; (1911)
(Click on painting for larger image.)
Images collected mostly from The Tate Gallery collections.
Visit their pages on Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant for more
paintings and information about the works.

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