InterChange Conference on Woolf's To the Lighthouse (pp.1-71)
June 19, 2000
[Note: This conference question was not used for InterChange, but discussed after our InterChange discussions.]

Karin Westman:
Thinking about her regard for Mrs. Ramsay, her desire to connect with her, Lily remarks to herself, &1xbet online casino ;How then, she had asked herself, did one know one thing or another thing about people, sealed as they were?&1xbet online casino ; (51). Mrs. Ramsay, in turn, remarks to herself, that she &1xbet online casino ;had a clear sense of [life] there, something real, something private, which she shared neither with her children nor with her husband&1xbet online casino ; (59).

Given the difficulty of knowing others &1xbet online casino ;sealed as they were,&1xbet online casino ; of the fact that life can exist as &1xbet online casino ;something real, something private,&1xbet online casino ; what evidence of connection or communication between people do we have during these first 70 pages? What makes connection or communication between people desireable, even possible? What keeps them &1xbet online casino ;sealed&1xbet online casino ;?

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