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&1xbet online games login ;Restoring the Balance&1xbet online games login ;

Alicia Bowman (Spring 2004)

World War I was a war of new technology. There were machine guns, gas bombs, and trenches. Because of 1xbet online games login new technology, World War I was also a war filled with atrocities. The men fighting in the war experienced horrors that no human being should have ever experienced. The novel 1xbet online games login by Pat Barker addresses the question of how these soldiers were supposed to recover from these horrors. For Dr. W.H.R. Rivers, there was only one answer -- psychology. On page 29, a patient of Rivers' named Anderson tells Rivers, &1xbet online games login ;That's what you Freudian Johnnies are on about all the time, isn't it? Nudity, snakes, corsets.&1xbet online games login ; Freudian therapy is also alluded to on pages 31 and 46, although Freudian methods of analyzing dreams, recognizing symbols, and understanding the unconscious are constants. Rivers helps to bring the traumatized soldiers back to a reality where they can accept life and the duties that they must fulfill through the use of a psychology which draws upon Freud's theories. The appearance of Freudian psychology in 1xbet online games login helps to acknowledge the frailty of the human mind, body, and soul. 1xbet online games login ' use of psychology is a way to restore the delicate balance of life, giving renewal to a life thought hopeless by its possessor.

Sigmund Freud's life work as a psychologist and psychoanalyst has been very influential. Sigmund Freud (1856-1931) attended college in Vienna where he started writing 1xbet online games login many treatises and theories on the psychoanalytical approach. In 1881, Freud got 1xbet online games login doctor's degree in medicine. From 1885-86, Freud spent time studying the effects of hypnosis and studied hysteria. From 1900 to 1916, Freud wrote many of 1xbet online games login most famous works, such as The Interpretation of Dreams, and gave many lectures. Of all 1xbet online games login works and theories, Freud is most known for 1xbet online games login theories on the unconscious and for the importance he puts on sex (Thornton). With the start of World War I, Freud began studying several patients suffering from hysteria and shell-shock. He died of cancer in England in 1931.

Freud studied and wrote several theories on neurosis and the use of psycho-analysis as a form of therapy. Freud said that there were several forms in which neurosis appears, including repression, regression, and fixation. Freud felt that in order &1xbet online games login ;to effect a cure, he must facilitate the patient himself to become conscious of unresolved conflicts buried in the deep recesses of the unconscious mind, and to confront and engage with them directly&1xbet online games login ; (Thornton). From here, Freud developed his theory on hysteria. Freud believed that hysteria was &1xbet online games login ;the biological conversion of trauma into symptoms -- that 'psychic pain,' for example, 'often became transformed into physical pain'&1xbet online games login ; (Wain 126). Some of the believed symptoms of hysteria are delusions and paralysis. Freud's descriptions and treatment of hysteria were new discoveries and just being put into use by the start of World War I (Wain).

Freud's methods of treatments focused on facing your fears and working through them slowly. Working through problems slowly with the use of psychology was a new school of thought to the armed forces in World War I. They believed that the soldier / patient was &1xbet online games login ;an unruly child that must be educated with a firm hand&1xbet online games login ; (Binneveld 114). Some, however, believed differently. Dr. W.H.R. Rivers was, in fact, &1xbet online games login ;the most prominent representative of the psychoanalytical approach&1xbet online games login ; (Binneveld 116). Rivers' job was to cure the soldiers so that they could go back to the front. He felt that therapy was the best way to heal the minds of the soldiers. The treatment he performed at Craiglockhart aimed &1xbet online games login ;at bringing out in the open again traumatic experiences that had been repressed and teaching the patient to live with these experiences&1xbet online games login ; (Binneveld 118). The ideas, theories, and works of Freud were behind this aim.

Freud is mentioned several times in Regeneration to show how strong Freud's influence is and how this influence is perceived by both doctors and patients. Barker's first reference to Freudian Psychology is a sarcastic one. It is spoken by a patient named Anderson, a surgeon who can't stand the sight of blood. He calls Rivers a &1xbet online games login ;Freudian Johnnie&1xbet online games login ; (Barker 29). This derogatory term helps to convey the anger that Anderson feels about being ill. It also conveys a sense of disdain that he feels for the Freudian form of treatment. Rivers responds to Anderson's beliefs of Freud being about nudity, snakes, and corsets as being &1xbet online games login ;misconceptions&1xbet online games login ; (Barker 31). Rivers perceives the snake to possibly represent medicine, referring to the snake as the one on the &1xbet online games login ;caduceus badge of the RAMC which he [Anderson] wore on his tunic&1xbet online games login ; (29). Rivers is a psychoanalyst who believes in many of the theories and ideas of Freud. The only problem Rivers seems to have with Freud is his emphasis on sex and wish fulfillment. It is through this non-sexual interpretation that Rivers reveals his psychoanalytic self which accompanies his Freudian self. Despite this question of Freud's emphasis on sex, Rivers is a true psychoanalyst. He uses psychoanalysis to help all of his patients.

By using psychoanalysis, 1xbet online games login is able to help many of his patients rebuild their lives and regain the balance that they lost. Billy Prior, like many of the patients, arrives at Craiglockhart as just a remnant of his former self when suffering from these nightmares. It is 1xbet online games login ' job to restore the delicate balance of his life. This delicate balance of life and the frailty of the human condition caused by an unbalance is a constant theme in Regeneration. We first meet Prior in chapter five. He is a 22-year-old Second-Lieutenant who is mute, yet who has such terrific nightmares that he keeps his roommate up at night. From what we are told of Prior, he resembles nothing of his former young and vibrant self. The balance of his life has been upset by the death of a fellow soldier and the frailty of the human condition is evident. 1xbet online games login ' only hope to bring back Prior's original self is through psychoanalytic therapy. Unlike Yealland who, later, treats a mute patient with electric-shock therapy, 1xbet online games login uses psychoanalysis. 1xbet online games login eventually decides to try a psychoanalytic method of hypnosis which does reveal Prior's reason for breakdown. After finding the reason for Prior's breakdown, only talking and facing the truth can help Prior to move on and consider a life with Sarah. The balance of his life is eventually regained.

Rivers also restores balance to Willard's life through psychoanalysis. Willard is suffering from a condition that Freud described in his study of hysteria: he is paralyzed from the waist down for no apparent reason. As mentioned earlier, psychic pain is often transformed into physical pain. This transformation of pain has happened to Willard. Rivers talks to Willard and tells him, &1xbet online games login ;There was no injury to the spine&1xbet online games login ; (Barker 112). Willard responds by asking, &1xbet online games login ;If there's no injury to the spine, then why can't I walk?&1xbet online games login ; In the psychoanalytic conversation that follows, Willard makes the realization that &1xbet online games login ;I can't walk because I don't want to go back&1xbet online games login ; (112). Willard's condition is purely psychological and Rivers helps him to realize the reason of his psychological pain through psychoanalysis. Also through Freudian psychology, Rivers is able to restore the balance to Willard's life so that he can walk again. Time after time, Rivers faces the hardest cases and uses Freudian methods to help. Rivers uses psychology to restore balance to his frail patients' lives.

Psychoanalytic 1xbet online games login is a huge part of the novel 1xbet online games login . 1xbet online games login uses Freudian methods to help most of his patients and himself. It is a valuable tool. For those patients whom psychoanalysis doesn't seem to restore the balance of life, such as Burns, 1xbet online games login tries to do the best he can to make their lives livable. Whether success or failure, the use of psychoanalysis to help patients helps us to realize the theme in the book of how a balance must be maintained in life. 1xbet online games login ' use of Freudian psychology and psychoanalysis gives hope to patients, restoring balanced life to those frail patients who think it impossible.

1xbet online games login Cited

1xbet online games login , Pat. 1xbet online games login . 1xbet online games login York: Plume, 1993.

1xbet online games login , Hans. 1xbet online games login Shellshock to Combat Stress: A Comparative History of Military Psychiatry. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1997.

Thornton, Dr. Stephen P. &1xbet online games login ;Sigmund Freud.&1xbet online games login ; The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2001. University of Tennessee. 17 Apr. 2004 < online games login htm#Life.

1xbet online games login , Martin. 1xbet online games login ’s Answer. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1998.

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Last update: 10 May 2004

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