English 101, Section 13

Fall 1998

Professor Karin Westman
MWF 9:00-9:50 am
Office: 74 George Street, #101; 953-5658
Email: westmank@cofc.edu

Required Texts

Colombo, et. al., eds. Rereading America, 4th edition
Charters, ed. The Story and Its Writer, 4th edition
Hacker, The Bedford Handbook For Writers, 5th edition
Xeroxes (Reserve)
This course is designed to help 1xbet online casino write confidently, deliberately, and appropriately by introducing 1xbet online casino to expository and argumentative writing. In our study of essays and short fiction, we will focus intently on critical reading, critical thinking, and argumentation. We will talk about writing in class, through peer reviews, and individually in conference.
Requirements and General Expectations
Readings: You are expected to complete each reading assignment before coming to class. You are further expected to think carefully about what you read and to make notes in 1xbet online casino book prior to each class meeting. Bring the appropriate book or xeroxes to class each day and additionally mark passages that we discuss; this process will help you understand, remember, and review.

1xbet online casino : During the semester 1xbet online casino will write four papers of 400-600 words and two essay exams. 1xbet online casino are expected to bring drafts of the four papers to class, as noted on the syllabus. Failure to produce a good faith effort on a draft will result in a grade penalty of one letter grade (i.e.: A to B) on the final version. Upon consultation with me, 1xbet online casino may choose to revise any paper for which 1xbet online casino receive lower than a "C-" grade. Grades for revisions will be counted as another paper grade, not substituted for or averaged with the grade received for the first revision.

1xbet online casino must be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins (one page=a page of approximately 250 words, double spaced); the pages should be numbered, stapled or paper-clipped together, spell-checked, and proof-read, and placed in a folder (see "Essay Format," in A Guide to Freshman English, p.3). Keep all 1xbet online casino papers in a folder clearly marked with 1xbet online casino name and section number, and hand in this folder each time you hand in a new paper. Any paper not meeting the above requirements will not be accepted.

Papers are due at class time or by the time and date listed on the syllabus. I do not accept late papers. However, you have one extension to use at 1xbet online casino discretion during the semester; you must notify me in advance of the paper's due date that you wish to use 1xbet online casino extension.

Corrections: I will mark 1xbet online casino papers for argument and style, and I will refer to you The Bedford Handbook as necessary. Following the "Correction Guide" in A Guide to Freshman English (p.4), complete all of the "style" corrections, and attach them to the marked essay. Corrections must be handed in when you turn in 1xbet online casino next paper. If they are not satisfactory, I will drop the paper's grade by one letter grade (i.e.: B to C).

Sources: Use the MLA method for documenting sources. When you turn in a paper, you pledge that the work is 1xbet online casino own and that you have faithfully abided by the guidelines for documenting sources. The College's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not 1xbet online casino own. If you quote, paraphrase, or use another's ideas, you must give credit to the person whose ideas you are using. Both A Guide to Freshman English and The Bedford Handbook For Writers provide guidelines for MLA documentation. If 1xbet online casino have any questions, please ask. If 1xbet online casino do plagiarize, 1xbet online casino will fail this course.

Response 1xbet online casino : Response papers are intended to help to prepare you for class discussion, improve 1xbet online casino writing, and generate ideas for longer papers.

For each day of 1xbet online casino discussion during the first half of the semester, you will hand in at the beginning of class a typed, double-spaced response paper (1-2 pages) on the assigned reading for that day. For 1xbet online casino response paper, select one passage from the reading (no more than about four lines in length), type it out in full, and then write a commentary in which you aim to articulate 1xbet online casino perspective on what strikes you as important in the passage. You may strongly disagree with the passage, agree with it, agree in part but reject the rest. Whatever 1xbet online casino response, you should engage closely with the chosen passage and offer specific reasons in support of 1xbet online casino response. 1xbet online casino response should not be a summary of the article(s) assigned; instead, you should articulate 1xbet online casino position on the information discussed and evaluate how effectively the author presents his or her claims.

For each week during the second half of the semester, you will hand in at the beginning of class a typed, double-spaced response paper (1-2 pages) for one of the short stories assigned for class. For 1xbet online casino response paper, select one or two lines, a phrase, or even word from the reading; type 1xbet online casino selection out in full, and then write a commentary in which you aim to articulate why 1xbet online casino selection strikes you as important or significant to a reading of the short story. In other words, use 1xbet online casino selected lines or word(s) to explore the text's theme(s) and form. 1xbet online casino response paper may also include 1xbet online casino personal response to the story, or perhaps how the short story relates to other reading we have discussed in class. In 1xbet online casino response, you should engage closely with the chosen line(s) or word(s) and offer specific reasons in support of 1xbet online casino response. 1xbet online casino response should not be a paraphrase of the short story; instead, you should articulate 1xbet online casino reading of it through 1xbet online casino selection.

Response papers will not be graded individually, but as a whole: please keep them together in a separate folder, so I can evaluate 1xbet online casino progress at the end of the semester. Points will be deducted for missing response papers; I do not accept late response papers.

1xbet online casino Participation: Attendance and 1xbet online casino participation are required. More than three unexcused absences will be reflected in 1xbet online casino final grade for the course; these three excused absences should be reserved for unexpected illnesses or family emergencies. Each absence over the allotted unexcused absences will lower 1xbet online casino final course 1xbet online casino by one 1xbet online casino increment (e.g., B to B-).

You are expected to have read and to be prepared to discuss the readings assigned for each class session. 1xbet online casino class participation grade will be determined by 1xbet online casino ability to engage in productive class discussion. You must be present and be an active presence in class discussion and peer review groups. If necessary, any in-class quizzes will be part of 1xbet online casino class participation grade.

If you miss class, it is 1xbet online casino responsibility to discover what we covered. While I appreciate 1xbet online casino offering explanations for absences, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide me with an official letter from 1xbet online casino dean.

Leading 1xbet online casino Discussion: Once during the semester, each of 1xbet online casino (working in pairs) will initiate our class discussion and sustain it for about 10 minutes. This activity has two goals: to make the classroom more interactive and collaborative, and to encourage 1xbet online casino to ask questions and pursue them towards an analysis of others' ideas and writing. On the day 1xbet online casino lead discussion, 1xbet online casino will need to do the following:

1. Choose a specific passage or two as a focus for 1xbet online casino questions. Note: while 1xbet online casino questions can (and should) lead us to other areas in the reading, select a specific place as a launching point.

2. Develop discussion questions on some issues or ideas you think we should address. Discussion questions should have more than one possible answer, and should lead to other questions. For example, the question "What is the setting of this short story?" is not a discussion question; the question "How does the setting of the short story contribute to its theme?" is a discussion question. Note: While 1xbet online casino discussion questions should point us towards a reading of the text, 1xbet online casino questions can certainly be ones to which you do not yet have complete answers. For example, you may wonder why an author chose to argue his or her position using the first-person; 1xbet online casino question for the class might address this issue by calling our attention to the author's use of "I" in a particular passage, asking us how the author's style affects our perspective on the author's claims.

3. Make an outline of 1xbet online casino discussion; include the passage(s) you intend to focus on and the questions you will ask. 1xbet online casino outline needs to reach me 24 hours in advance of class: email it to me or put it in my box in the English Department (corner of George and Glebe).

Computing: Over the course of the semester we will make use of the computers here in the lab. In particular, you will participate in various activities using the Daedalus Integrated Writing Program (DIWE or Daedalus, for short). These sessions are designed to improve 1xbet online casino writing skills and communication skills, especially for an increasingly technological world. 1xbet online casino preparation for and participation in Daedalus sessions should follow the guidelines noted above for "1xbet online casino " and "1xbet online casino Participation."

If you do not yet have an email account, I encourage you to activate 1xbet online casino C of C account. (If you need help establishing an email account, please visit Academic Computing in the J. C. Long building.) Although I will not require you to use email, I recommend it as a way of touching base with me about 1xbet online casino writing. You can send me queries, 1xbet online casino thesis statement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email in the morning before classes, in the afternoon, and at night.

Conferences: I want you to succeed in this course, and I am happy to meet with you about 1xbet online casino writing and progress. You will all meet with me individually after the first paper, and I encourage you to see me about subsequent ones. Please feel free to stop by during office hours (M, W 1:00-2:30pm; R 10-12 noon), or contact me by phone or email to arrange a more convenient time to meet.


50% 1xbet online casino

10% Response 1xbet online casino

10% 1xbet online casino Participation

10% Leading 1xbet online casino Discussion

10% Mid-Term Exam

10% Final Exam

Schedule of Classes (Subject to Change)
[Unless otherwise indicated by [X] for xerox, readings are found in 1xbet online casino anthologies.]
How Do We Learn Who We Are?: The Intersections of Ethnicity,
Race, and 1xbet online casino in Education and Everyday Life


W 26

1xbet online casino Cancelled: Hurricane Bonnie

F 28

Introduction: What Is Liberal Arts Education?

M 31

"1xbet online casino Report of the French Commission on American Education, 1879"; Gatto, "The Seven-Lesson School Teacher"; Rose, "I Just Wanna Be Average"


W 2

Anyon, "1xbet online casino Social 1xbet online casino and the Hidden Curriculum of Work"; Mantisos, "Rewards and Opportunities: The Politics and Economics of 1xbet online casino in the U.S."; Rosak, "The Computerized Campus"

F 4

1xbet online casino Workshop: Draft of 1xbet online casino #1 Due (2 copies)

M 7

Takaki, "A Different Mirror" and Malcolm X, "Learning to Read"

W 9

Loewen, excerpts 1xbet online casino Lies My Teacher Told Me [X]

R 10

1xbet online casino #1 Due at my office by 12 noon.

F 11

Cheney, "Politics in the Classroom"

M 14

Rockwell, "A Family Tree; Freedom 1xbet online casino Want; Freedom 1xbet online casino Fear"; Gillis, "Myths of Family Past"; Coontz, "What We Really Miss About the 1950s"

Separate Yet Equal?: The Politics of Difference in American Culture

W 16

Collins, "Black Women and Motherhood"

F 18

De Tocqueville, "How the Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes"; Jefferson, "1xbet online casino Notes on the State of Virginia"

M 21

Pincus, "1xbet online casino Individual to Structural Discrimination"; MacIntosh, "White Privilege and Male Privilege" [X]

W 23

Cose, "Can a New Race Surmount Old Prejudices?"; Terkel, "Stephen Cruz" and Terkel, "C.P. Ellis"

F 25

1xbet online casino Workshop: Draft of 1xbet online casino #2 Due (2 copies)

M 28

Hamblin, "The Black Avenger"; 1xbet online casino #2 Due

W 30

Devor, "Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meaning of Gender"


F 2

Sadker and Sadker, "Higher Education: Colder by Degrees"

M 5

Kimmel, "Clarence, William, Iron Mike, Tailhook, Senator Packwood, Spur Posse, Magic ...and Us" [X]; Brail, "The Price of Admission: Harassment and Free Speech in the Wild, Wild West"

W 7

Katz, "Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity"

F 9

Vazquez, "Appearances"; Cofer, "The Story of My Body"

M 12

Douglas, excerpts 1xbet online casino Where the Girls Are [X]

W 14

Sommers, "The Gender Wardens" and Palac, "How Dirty Pictures Changed My Life" [X]

F 16

Mid-Term Exam

An Introduction to Short Fiction: Form and Variation

M 19

Jackson, "The Lottery"

W 21

Cheever, "The Swimmer"

F 23

Chopin, "Story of an Hour"

M 26

O'Connor, "Everything That Rises Must Converge"

W 28

Ellison, "Battle Royal"

F 30

Glaspell, "A Jury of Her Peers" [X]


M 2


W 4

Minot, "Lust" [X]; Updike, "A & P"

F 6

1xbet online casino Workshop: Draft of 1xbet online casino #3 Due (2 copies)

M 9

Joyce, "Araby"; 1xbet online casino #3 Due

W 11

Woolf, "Kew Gardens"

F 13

Paz, "My Life with a Wave"

M 16

Sontag, "The Way We Live Now"

W 18

Atwood, "Happy Endings"; Avallon, "All This" [X]

F 20

O'Brien, "The Things They Carried"

M 23

1xbet online casino Workshop: Draft of 1xbet online casino #4 Due (2 copies)

W 25

O'Connor, "Guests of the Nation"

F 27


M 30

Barnes, "The Stowaway" [X]; 1xbet online casino #4 Due


W 2

Johnson, "Menagerie, A Child's Fable"

F 4

Barthelme, "The School"

M 7


Final Exam

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Email: westmank@cofc.edu
Last updated 10 November 1998