ENGL 635 "1xbet online games login in Contemporary British Literature"

Fall 2008 ~ U, 7:05 p.m.

Schedule of Classes | 1xbet best ca | Bulletin Board

1xbet online games login ENGL 635 -- Leading Cl| 1xbet best casino webs

Professor Westman
108B English/ Counseling Services; 532-2171
Office Hours: M, W 9:00-10:00 a.m. and by app't

Required Texts
Andrea Levy, Small Island (2003) (Picador)
Colin MacInnes, Absolute Beginners (1958) 1xbet online games login The 1xbet online games login Novels (Alison and Busby)
A.S. Byatt, Babel Tower (1996) (Vintage)
Caryl Churchill, Cloud 9 (1978) (TCG)
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry (1989) (Vintage)
Zadie Smith, White Teeth (2000) (Knopf)
Monica Ali, Brick Lane (2003) (Scribner)
Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (2003) (Vintage)
J. K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999) (Scholastic)
Peter Ackroyd, 1xbet online games login : A Biography (2000) (Anchor)
Streetwise 1xbet online games login Map (2007)
1xbet online games login Pack (available at A&S Copy Center in Eisenhower Hall)

1xbet online games login Description
The city of London has been a center for art and commerce for centuries. It has also been a city of immigrants, especially with the arrival in 1948 of the Empire Windrush. Traveling from the far reaches of a fading Empire, this ship's passengers hoped for a better life in the mother country but arrived in a city whose doors were often closed to people of color, a city ravaged by the bombs of World War II. What kind of London emerged from the rubble of war? What kinds of lives did these new immigrants build? How did existing Londoners respond? What is the legacy of this immigration in contemporary British culture? During the next few months, we 1xbet online games login explore answers to these questions as we study the culture of post-WWII Britain through its literature.

1xbet online games login Objectives

1xbet online games login Participation and Attendance: Class participation is, of course, required. Our class will be based on discussion, so class participation is not only expected but it also will count for 20% of 1xbet online games login final grade. To participate, you must complete the reading assigned for each class session, think carefully about what you have read, and come to class ready to share 1xbet online games login ideas. 1xbet online games login attendance is therefore important. You will not be penalized for 1xbet online games login first absence; thereafter, further absences will jeopardize 1xbet online games login final course grade. Excessive absences (three or more -- that is, nine classroom hours) may result in failure of the course. While I appreciate 1xbet online games login offering explanations for absences, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide me with an official letter from 1xbet online games login dean or an official notice of illness from the Health Center or 1xbet online games login doctor.

1xbet online games login participation grade includes 1xbet online games login contributions to our discussions in class (in large and small groups) and to our discussions on the Electronic Message Board. I will expect at least one posting a week from each student to the Message Board; the guidelines and instructions for using the Message Board appear below.

Leading 1xbet online games login Discussion / "Continuities": As part of the 1xbet online games login participation grade, students will complete two scheduled contributions.

Students will sign up in groups to initiate discussion for one of our class sessions. Questions for class discussion (4-5 in number) should highlight issues or themes or queries 1xbet online games login think we should address in our class discussion of the reading assigned for that day. After conferring about and drafting the questions, groups leading discussion should email me their questions by 7 p.m. the night before; I will confirm receipt and offer any suggestions for the order or focus of the questions.

The first evening of 1xbet online games login , students will draw a reading selection from Peter Ackroyd's 1xbet online games login : A Biography; this reading selection should be incorporated into our discussions for the designated class period through two venues: an additional posting to the online bulletin board discussion and a brief (5 minute) contribution to discussion in class. For both contributions, 1xbet online games login should reflect on connections between the historical and cultural information about London that Ackroyd provides and our assigned reading for that week.

1xbet online games login and Response 1xbet online games login : All students will write one shorter paper (4-5 pages in length); undergraduates will also write a longer paper (7-8 pages in length), while graduate students will also write a longer paper with secondary sources (8-10 pages in length), an abstract of that paper, and an essay review of four articles or a book-length study about one of our authors or about London. You will have a choice of two topics for Paper #1, and you will have a choice of text for Paper #2. Both papers should follow the general rules of composition and be typed or word-processed with standard double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and either 10- or 12-point typeface. Title pages and cover sheets are unnecessary. Pages should be numbered, stapled together, and spell-checked. Papers are due by the date and time on the syllabus; late papers will be penalized one grade (i.e.: A to B) for each day late. (Note: The University's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not 1xbet online games login own. Otherwise, you have plagiarized. If you do plagiarize, you will fail this course.)

You will also write five response papers (2 pp in length) in response to our readings. Response papers are designed to ready you for class discussion and to explore ideas you could develop further in 1xbet online games login longer papers. They are due the day indicated on the syllabus. In 1xbet online games login response paper, you should not repeat previous class discussions or provide a mere summary of the reading. Instead, 1xbet online games login response should begin to analyze the reading assigned for that class session, selecting an issue or theme or question you feel to be significant. I recommend that you select a word, phrase, or short quotation from the reading to initiate 1xbet online games login response. (See sample response distributed in class.) Responses will be graded on a 1-5 scale: 5=A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F. I do not accept late response papers.

Examination: 1xbet online games login will have a cumulative final exam.

Computing: Technology increasingly plays an important role in our academic and professional careers. Consequently, you will be asked to use some different kinds of technology, including an Electronic Bulletin Board discussion and electronic resources. Our work with technology is designed not only as another forum for exploring our reading, but also as a way for you to sharpen 1xbet online games login communication skills, media skills, and web skills for our increasingly digital age.

Electronic Message Board: To offer an additional venue for discussion, we'll start using an electronic bulletin board. Each student should post at least one a week to the bulletin board, responding to an existing thread of the conversation or initiating another; weekly postings will count for 10% of 1xbet online games login class participation grade. The weekly bulletin board will run from Friday to Thursday, to encourage you to post right after as well as right before our weekly class discussions.

I'll monitor these conversations, and may also participate, but I see the bulletin board primarily as a way for you to raise issues we haven't addressed -- or addressed fully or to 1xbet online games login satisfaction -- during our regular class meetings. Though extra postings to the bulletin board will not automatically replace participation in our class discussions, regular contributions above and beyond 1xbet online games login weekly posting can certainly improve 1xbet online games login class participation grade.
An average posting should run about one or two paragraphs in length. In other words, 1xbet online games login postings do not need to be long; however, they need to be substantive: they must be long enough to convey clearly the problem you are taking up and 1xbet online games login point of view, connecting 1xbet online games login comment to others' comments whenever possible. I will offer models of successful comments early in the semester.

To post to the bulletin board, follow these directions:
  1. Go to my homepage at http://www.ksu.edu/english/westmank/ and click on our course (ENGL 635), and then “Message Board” to login to K-State Online and go directly to the “Message Board.” (1xbet online games login may also login to the K-State Online course page for ENGL 635, click on “Collaboration” and then select “Message Board.”)
  2. 1xbet online games login should see all the messages posted to date and the newest threads ones first.
  3. To post, choose to “reply,” so you can engage directly in the conversation and 1xbet online games login message can “thread” beneath the one you’re responding to. I also encourage you to change the subject line so it reflects the content of 1xbet online games login message.

Email: I highly recommend email as a way of touching base with me about 1xbet online games login work for the class -- a kind of virtual office hours. You can send me queries about reading or writing assignments, 1xbet online games login thesis statement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email throughout the day, but please remember that I am not perpetually online.

Conferences: I want you to succeed in this course, and I am happy to meet with you about 1xbet online games login work and 1xbet online games login progress. I encourage you to see me before exams or papers are due, or if you have questions about material we discuss in class. Please feel free to stop by during office hours (M, W 9:00-10:00 a.m.), or contact me by phone or email to arrange a more convenient time to meet.

Note: If 1xbet online games login have any condition such as a physical or learning disability that will make it difficult for 1xbet online games login to carry out the work as I have outlined it or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me in the first two days of the course.

Undergraduate Students: The two papers will count for 40% of 1xbet online games login final grade (15% and 25% respectively); the response papers will count for 20% of 1xbet online games login final grade. Class participation (20%) and a final exam (20%) complete the requirements.

Graduate Students: The shorter paper will count for 10%, the essay review will count for 10%, and the longer paper and its abstract will count for 25% of 1xbet online games login final grade. The response papers will count for 20% of 1xbet online games login final grade. Class participation (20%) and a final exam (15%) complete the requirements.

Schedule of Classes (Subject to change.)

Note: All assigned 1xbet online games login should be completed by the date listed.
[CP] = 1xbet online games login Pack. Continuities = Ackroyd's 1xbet online games login : A Biography

1xbet online games login : An Introduction
August 28 McLeod, 1xbet online games login Postcolonial 1xbet online games login (1-9); Bennett, "Colonisation in Reverse" (1966); Soyinka, "Telephone Conversation" (1960) [readings distributed as xerox in 1xbet online games login ]

1948 and All That

September 4 Levy, Small Island (2003) (1-278)
Historical background: Morley and Robbins, "Chronology" (504-510); Phillips, 1xbet online games login A New World Order (241-46, 264-282); Phillips and Phillips, 1xbet online games login Windrush (26-103) [CP]
Response 1xbet online games login #1 Due (2 pages) on Levy
Continuities: "Blitz," "Refashioning the 1xbet online games login " (720-750)
11 • Levy, Small Island (281-438)
Selected reviews for Levy's Small Island [CP]
Leading 1xbet online games login : Levy, Small Island
Selvon, 1xbet online games login Ways of Sunlight (1957) (125-138; 161-166; 175-188); McLeod, 1xbet online games login Postcolonial 1xbet online games login (1-40) [CP]
18 MacInnes, Absolute Beginners (1958)
McLeod, 1xbet online games login Postcolonial 1xbet online games login (40-58); Phillips and Phillips, 1xbet online games login Windrush (158-180) [CP]
Continuities: "1xbet online games login as Crowd" (383-402), "1xbet online games login 's Radicals," "Violent 1xbet online games login " (455-490)

History Repeating?: Rebellion, Isolation, Integration

25 Byatt, Babel Tower (1996) (3-369)
Response 1xbet online games login #2 Due (2 pages) on Byatt
Continuities: "1xbet online games login Prehistory to 1066," "The Early Middle Ages" (5-64)
Continuities: "1xbet online games login Contrasts," "The Late Medieval City," "Onward and Upward," "Trading Streets and Trading Parishes," "A 1xbet online games login Neighborhood" (65-134)
October 2 Byatt, Babel Tower (370-622)
Selected reviews for Byatt's Babel Tower; Alfer, "Realism and 1xbet online games login Discontents: The Virgin in the Garden and Still Life" (47-59) [CP]
Leading 1xbet online games login : Byatt, Babel Tower
Continuities: "Crime and Punishment" (237-295)
Continuities: "Voracious 1xbet online games login " (297-382)
T 7 1xbet online games login #1 Due (4-5 pages) to my mailbox in ECS 119 by 5 p.m.
9 Churchill, Cloud 9 (1978)
Selected reviews for Churchill's Cloud 9 [CP]
Continuities: "1xbet online games login as Theatre"(134-189)
Su 12 Viewing of The Prisoner
16 1xbet online games login on TV: The Prisoner, EastEnders, Little Britain
Critical 1xbet online games login on The Prisoner [CP]
23 Winterson, Sexing the Cherry (1989)
Selected reviews for Winterson's Sexing the Cherry; Winterson, 1xbet online games login Art Objects (26-44); "Interview with Jeanette Winterson" (11-29); Wasserstrom, "Are 1xbet online games login Now or Have 1xbet online games login Ever Been ... Postmodern?"; Hutcheon, from The Politics of Postmodernism (1-7, 47-54, 71-78) [CP]
Response 1xbet online games login #3 Due (2 pages) on Winterson
Leading 1xbet online games login : Winterson, Sexing the Cherry
Continuities: "Pestilence and Flame," "After the Fire" (191-236), "Black Magic, White Magic" (491-507)
Continuities: "A Fever of Building," "1xbet online games login 's Rivers," "Under the Ground" (510-560)

Escaping the Past, Imagining the Future

30 Smith, White Teeth (2000) (1-256)
Continuities: "The Centre of Empire," "After the Great War" (685-720)
November 6 Smith, White Teeth (257-448)
Selected reviews for Smith's White Teeth; Head, "Zadie Smith's White Teeth: Multiculturalism for the Millennium" (106-119) [CP]
Response 1xbet online games login #4 Due (2 pages) on Smith
Leading 1xbet online games login : Smith, White Teeth
F 7 1xbet best ca Due (4-5 1xbet online games login ) to my mailbox in ECS 119 by 5 p.m.
13 No 1xbet online games login -- View Bend it Like Beckham and post message board 1xbet online games login . Read ahead and work on plan/prospectus for 1xbet online games login #2
M 17 Prospectus (1 p.) for 1xbet online games login #2 due to my mailbox in ECS 119 by 5 p.m.
20 Ali, Brick Lane
Selected reviews for Ali's Brick Lane; Phillipson et. al., 1xbet online games login Women in Transition (2003) (1-30); Kabeer, 1xbet online games login The Power to Choose: Bangladeshi Women and Labour Market Decisions in 1xbet online games login and Dhaka (2000) (193-229, 421-431) [CP]
Response 1xbet online games login #5 Due (2 pages) on Ali
Leading 1xbet online games login : Ali, Brick Lane
Continuities: "Victorian Megalopolis" (561-585), "Continuities," "East and South" (647-684)
Continuities: "1xbet online games login 's Outcasts," "Women and Children" (587-645)
27 No 1xbet online games login -- Thanksgiving Break
December 4 Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (2000)
Selected reviews for Haddon's The Curious Incident..., Haddon, "B is for Best Seller," and Donnelly, "Paperback Writer" [online]
Leading 1xbet online games login : Haddon, The Curious Incident...
• Selected poems: John Agard, "Windrush Welcome" (1998), "Uncle Mo Steps Out" (1998), "Remember the Ship" (1998); and Benjamin Zephaniah, "What Stephen Lawrence Has Taught Us" (1998); Childs, 1xbet online games login The Twentieth Century in Poetry (180-204) [CP]
Continuities: "The Natural History of 1xbet online games login ," "Night and Day" (403-453), "Cockney Visionaries" (751-760)
M 8 1xbet online games login #2 (and 1xbet bes) 1xbet online games login to my mailbox in ECS 119 by 5 p.m. M.L.A. documentation format.
11 Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Recommended 1xbet online games login : Westman, "Spectres of Thatcherism: Contemporary British Culture in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series" (305-328) [CP]
• Selected poems: Fleur Adcock, "Immigrant" (1979) and "Instead of an Interview" (1979); Jackie Kay, "In My Country" (1993); Moniza Alvi, "Arrival 1946"(1993); Merle Collins, "Visiting Yorkshire -- Again" (1992) and "When Britain Had 1xbet online games login GREAT" (1992) [CP]
• Coda: McLeod, 1xbet online games login Postcolonial 1xbet online games login (189-194); Phillips, 1xbet online games login A New World Order (303-309) [CP]
18 1xbet online games login Exam (IDs & essay): 7-8:50 p.m.


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Department of English | Kansas State University
Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated 16 October 2008