ENGL 362: British Survey 2

Fall, 2006; MWF 1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.

Schedule of Classes | Papers | 1xbet online g | Bulletin Board

Professor Karin Westman
106 English/Counseling Services
Office: 532-2171; Office Hours: M, W 9-10 a.m. and by app't.
Email: westmank@ksu.edu

Required Texts
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2, 7th ed.
Stoppard, Arcadia
Class Pack I: Readings from The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol.1, 7th ed.
Class Pack II: Readings from Selected Authors
(Note: Class Packs are available from the A&S Copy Center in Eisenhower Hall.)

Course Description:

A survey of representative British authors since the late 17th century. We will consider their works in terms of form and the historical context of their cultural production, exploring the often contested relationship between life and art. Our goal is two-fold: familiarity with a canon of British literature and further practice in literary analysis and interpretation. Success in this course depends upon careful reading and participation in our discussions.

Course Objectives:

Requirements and General Expectations:

Reading and Class Participation: Any literature course is a reading-intensive experience, especially a survey class, so plan accordingly!

Our class will be based on discussion, so class participation is expected and will count for 20% of your final grade. &1xbet online games login ;Class participation&1xbet online games login ; is not the same as just showing up and taking notes: you must be an active presence in the class. To participate, you must complete the reading assigned for each class session, think carefully about what you have read, and come to class ready to share your ideas. For each class, bring the appropriate book or course pack, so you can not only contribute to discussion but also mark passages that we discuss; this process will help you understand, remember, and review.

Your participation grade includes your contributions to our discussions in class (in large and small groups) and to our discussions on the Electronic Bulletin Board. I will expect at least one posting a week from each student to the Electronic Bulletin Board; the guidelines and instructions for using the Bulletin Board appear below.

Attendance: Obviously, you can't participate effectively if you aren't in class. Since the University requires that students attend all classes in which they are enrolled, there are no excused absences. You will not be penalized for your first three absences; thereafter, further absences will jeopardize your final course grade. Excessive or repeated lateness will also jeopardize your final grade. Excessive absences (nine or more) may result in failure of the course. If you wish to receive a passing grade in this class, then, attendance is important.

While I appreciate your offering explanations for absences, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide me with an official letter from your dean or an official notice of illness from the Health Center or your doctor. Classroom work or homework assignments missed due to absence cannot be made up. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out from another class member any announcements or assignments.

Quizzes: Quizzes are designed to test your knowledge of the reading assigned for that class session and the critical skills we develop and practice during our discussions. The quizzes will consist of identifications and interpretive questions which will help you improve your critical skills and will allow me to evaluate those skills and your comprehension of the material.

Quizzes are noted on the schedule of classes. I reserve the option to replace a quiz with a two-page, typed response paper, due at the start of class; if assigned, response papers would be in response to a particular interpretative question distributed at the previous class session. Quizzes (and response papers) will be graded on a scale of 1 to 5 points: 5=A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F. I will average the points at the end of the course after dropping the lowest grade. Should you be absent on the day of a quiz, you will receive a zero, unless the absence is excused.

Papers: You will write two short papers. The papers are due at the time the class meets. Late papers will be penalized one full grade (i.e., B to C) for each day late. More information about these two papers follows the schedule of classes below. Note: The University's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not your own. If you quote, paraphrase, or use another's ideas, you must give credit to the person whose ideas you are using. Otherwise, you have plagiarized. If you have any questions, please ask. If you do plagiarize, you will fail this course.

Electronic Bulletin Board: To offer an additional venue for discussion, I'll establish during the first week an electronic bulletin board for our class. Each student is required to post once a week about the materials we're studying in class. I will monitor these discussions and assess a grade (at the end of the semester) based on the thoughtfulness of your comments, their ability to foster discussion among your classmates, and their responsiveness both to our readings and to your classmates' comments in class and on the list.

An average posting should run about one or two paragraphs in length. In other words, your postings do not need to be long; however, they need to be substantive: they must be long enough to convey clearly the problem you are taking up and your point of view, connecting your comment to others' comments whenever possible. I will offer models of successful comments early in the semester. Your grade for these postings will become part of your class participation grade.

To post to the bulletin board, follow these directions:
  1. Go to my homepage at http://www.ksu.edu/english/westmank/ and click on our course (ENGL 362).
  2. From the course web page, click on Bulletin Board.
  3. A window will pop up that asks for your user name. Type: engl362 (Be sure to use lower-case letters, since the software is case-sensitive.)
  4. Click into the password box and type the password I've distributed in class.
  5. You should see all the messages posted to date and the newest ones first. (If not, click on &1xbet online games login ;Preferences&1xbet online games login ; and set the options to &1xbet online games login ;12 months&1xbet online games login ; and &1xbet online games login ;Mixed Threaded, Reversed.&1xbet online games login ; Click on the button that says &1xbet online games login ;View Message Index.&1xbet online games login ; You should be able to see all the messages posted to the threaded bulletin board.)
  6. To post, you can choose to &1xbet online games login ;post response&1xbet online games login ; to a message you are viewing or you can &1xbet online games login ;post a new message.&1xbet online games login ;
  7. I encourage you to select &1xbet online games login ;post response,&1xbet online games login ; so you can engage directly in the conversation and your message can &1xbet online games login ;thread&1xbet online games login ; beneath the one you're responding to. I also encourage you to change the subject line so it reflects the content of your message. Whichever option you choose, you will have to enter your name, your email address, and the subject of the message. You can preview your message before sending it; then, click &1xbet online games login ;post message.&1xbet online games login ;

Examinations: You will have a midterm and a cumulative final exam. A missed exam counts as a zero; no make-up exams will be offered without a dean's excuse.

Conferences: There are no mandatory conferences for this course. I encourage you, however, to stop by during office hours, particularly before an assignment is due, or if you have any questions or concerns about the course or the readings. You can always reach me by email to make an appointment if my office hours are not convenient for you.

Email: I highly recommend email as a way of touching base with me about your work for the class -- a kind of virtual office hours. You can send me queries about reading or writing assignments, your thesis statement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email throughout the day, but please remember that I am not perpetually online.

Note: If you have any condition such as a physical or learning disability that will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me within the first week of the course.

Paper #1 10%
Paper #2 10%
Quizzes 15%
Class Participation 20%

In-class 10%

Postings 10%

Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 25%

Schedule of Classes (subject to change)

[Unless otherwise indicated by CP for class pack, readings are found in a required book.]

August M 21 Introduction: Condition of England in Life and Art, c.1700

The Restoration and the 18th Century (1660-1785)

W 23 &1xbet online games login ;The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2045-70); Alexander Pope (CPI: 2505-8): &1xbet online games login ;An Essay on Criticism,&1xbet online games login ; Part 1 (CPI: 2509-13)
F 25 Pope, from &1xbet online games login ;An Essay on Man&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2554-62); Jonathan Swift (CPI: 2298-9), &1xbet online games login ;A Description of a City Shower&1xbet online games login ;(CPI: 2300-1) Quiz

M 28 &1xbet online games login ;Debating Women&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2584-85): Jonathan Swift, &1xbet online games login ;The Lady's Dressing Room&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2585-88); Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (CPI: 2579-80), &1xbet online games login ;The Reasons That Induced Dr. Swift to Write a Poem Called the Lady's Dressing Room&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2588-90)

Recommended: John Wilmot (CPI: 2162), &1xbet online games login ;The Disabled Debauchee&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2162-3) and &1xbet online games login ;The Imperfect Engagement&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2163-5); Aphra Behn (CPI: 2165-7), &1xbet online games login ;The Disappointment&1xbet online games login ; (CPI: 2167-70)

W30 Samuel Johnson (CPI: 2660-2), from A Dictionary of the English Language (CPI: 2719-25); &1xbet online games login ;Landscape and Power&1xbet online games login ; (CPII: 2857-58): Selections from Pope, Walpole, and Burke (CPII: 2872-82) Quiz
September F 1 &1xbet online games login ;Landscape and Power,&1xbet online games login ; continued.

The Romatic Period (1785-1830)

M 4 No Class -- Labour Day
W 6 &1xbet online games login ;The Romantic Period&1xbet online games login ; (1-23); William Wordsworth (219-21): &1xbet online games login ;A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal&1xbet online games login ; (254), &1xbet online games login ;Lucy Gray&1xbet online games login ; (254-5), &1xbet online games login ;I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud&1xbet online games login ; (284-5), &1xbet online games login ;Tintern Abbey&1xbet online games login ; (235-8), excerpts from &1xbet online games login ;Preface&1xbet online games login ; to Lyrical Ballads (238-51) Quiz
F 8 Wordsworth, continued.

M 11 Wordsworth, &1xbet online games login ;Ode: Intimations of Immortality&1xbet online games login ; (286-92), excerpts from The Prelude, Books I (303-8; 311-19), II (324-5), VII (348-51), XII (364-5, 369-71), XIII (375), and XIV (381-83)
W 13 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (416-18): &1xbet online games login ;The Eolian Harp,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;This Lime Tree Bower My Prison,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Kubla Khan&1xbet online games login ; (419-41), &1xbet online games login ;Frost at Midnight&1xbet online games login ; (457-8), &1xbet online games login ;Dejection: An Ode&1xbet online games login ; (459-462); excerpts from Biographia Literaria (467-8,474-89) Quiz
F 15 Coleridge, continued.

M 18 Mary Wollstonecraft, excerpts from Vindication of the Rights of Woman (163-192)
W 20 Percy Bysshe Shelley (698-701): &1xbet online games login ;Mont Blanc&1xbet online games login ; (720-23), &1xbet online games login ;Hymn to Intellectual Beauty&1xbet online games login ; (723-25), &1xbet online games login ;To a Skylark&1xbet online games login ; (765-67), and excerpts from A Defense of Poetry (789-802) Quiz
F 22 Mary Shelley (903-5), Frankenstein (905-1034) Quiz

M 25 Frankenstein, continued.
W 27 John Keats (823-26): &1xbet online games login ;On First Looking into Chapman's Homer,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Sleep and Poetry,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;On Seeing the Elgin Marbles,&1xbet online games login ; from &1xbet online games login ;Endymion: A Poetic Romance,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;On Sitting Down to Read King Lear...,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;When I Have Fears...,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;To Homer&1xbet online games login ; (826-34)
F 29 Keats, &1xbet online games login ;Ode to a Nightingale,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Ode on a Grecian Urn,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Ode on Melancholy&1xbet online games login ; (849-854), &1xbet online games login ;To Autumn&1xbet online games login ; (872-3), and excerpts from Keats' Letters (886-903); Paper #1 due in class.

October M 2 No Class -- Fall Break
W 4 Keats, continued.
F 6 Midterm Exam

The Victorian Age (1830-1901)

M 9 &1xbet online games login ;The Victorian Age&1xbet online games login ; (1043-65); &1xbet online games login ;The Rise and Fall of Empire&1xbet online games login ; (2017-18); Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1198-1201): &1xbet online games login ;The Kraken&1xbet online games login ; (1201-2), &1xbet online games login ;The Lady of Shalott,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;The Lotus-Eaters,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Ulysses&1xbet online games login ; (1202-14), &1xbet online games login ;Locksley Hall&1xbet online games login ; (1219-25) Quiz
W 11 Tennyson, continued.
F 13 Tennyson, excerpts from In Memoriam A. H. H. (1230-80); &1xbet online games login ;Evolution&1xbet online games login ; and excerpts from Darwin's Descent of Man (1679, 1686-90)

M 16 Robert Browning (1345-9): &1xbet online games login ;My Last Duchess&1xbet online games login ; (1352-3) and &1xbet online games login ;Caliban upon Sebetos&1xbet online games login ; (1402-9); &1xbet online games login ;Industrialism: Progress or Decline?&1xbet online games login ; (1696-7); Macaulay, from &1xbet online games login ;A Review of Southey's Colloquies&1xbet online games login ; (1697-1702); Dickens, from Hard Times (1711-2) Quiz
W 18 Matthew Arnold (1471-5): &1xbet online games login ;To Marguerite--Continued&1xbet online games login ; (1479-80), &1xbet online games login ;The Buried Life&1xbet online games login ; (1480-2), &1xbet online games login ;Dover Beach&1xbet online games login ; (1492-3); excerpts from &1xbet online games login ;The Function of Criticism at the Present Time&1xbet online games login ; (1514-15, 1526-28)
F 20 No class -- Read ahead.

M 23 John Stuart Mill (1137-9): from The Subjection of Women (1155-65); &1xbet online games login ;The Women Question&1xbet online games login ; (1719-21) and excerpts from Ellis, &1xbet online games login ;The Women of England...,&1xbet online games login ; Patmore, &1xbet online games login ;The Angel in the House,&1xbet online games login ; and Besant, &1xbet online games login ;The Queen's Reign&1xbet online games login ; (1721-4, 1738-9)
W 25 Martineau, &1xbet online games login ;Autobiography,&1xbet online games login ; Mullock, &1xbet online games login ;A Woman's Thoughts...&1xbet online games login ;, and Nightingale, &1xbet online games login ;Cassandra&1xbet online games login ; (1725-8, 1732-7); Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1173-4): excerpts from &1xbet online games login ;Aurora Leigh&1xbet online games login ; (1180-94); Christina Rossetti (1583-84): &1xbet online games login ;In an Artist's Studio&1xbet online games login ; (1586) and &1xbet online games login ;Goblin Market&1xbet online games login ; (1589-1601) Quiz
F 27 Virginia Woolf (2141-3), A Room of One's Own (2153-2182)

M 30 Woolf, Room (2183-2214) Quiz
November W 1 &1xbet online games login ;The Nineties&1xbet online games login ; (1740-1); Oscar Wilde (1747-9): from &1xbet online games login ;The Critic as Artist&1xbet online games login ; (1752-60) and The Importance of Being Earnest (1761-1805)
F 3 Wilde, continued.

The Twentieth Century

M 6 &1xbet online games login ;The Twentieth Century&1xbet online games login ; (1897-1915); &1xbet online games login ;The Rise and Fall of Empire&1xbet online games login ; (2017-18); Joseph Conrad (1952-3): &1xbet online games login ;Preface to The Nigger of the Narcissus&1xbet online games login ; (1954-6) and Heart of Darkness (1957-2017)
W 8 Conrad, continued; Chinua Achebe (2616-7), &1xbet online games login ;An Image of Africa: Conrad's Heart of Darkness&1xbet online games login ; (2035-40) Quiz
F 10 Thomas Hardy (1916-7), &1xbet online games login ;Hap&1xbet online games login ; (1934), &1xbet online games login ;Neutral Tones&1xbet online games login ; (1935-6); &1xbet online games login ;The Darkling Thrush&1xbet online games login ; (1937-8); &1xbet online games login ;The Convergence of the Twain&1xbet online games login ; (1945-6); &1xbet online games login ;Under the Waterfall&1xbet online games login ; (1947-8); and &1xbet online games login ;He Never Expected Much&1xbet online games login ; (1951-2)

M 13 &1xbet online games login ;Voices from World War I&1xbet online games login ; (2048-9): Rupert Brooke (2049-50): &1xbet online games login ;The Soldier&1xbet online games login ; (2050); Siegfried Sassoon (2054-5): &1xbet online games login ;They&1xbet online games login ; (2055), &1xbet online games login ;The Rear-Guard&1xbet online games login ; (2056), &1xbet online games login ;Glory of Women&1xbet online games login ; (2057), and &1xbet online games login ;On Passing the New Menin Gate&1xbet online games login ; (2057-8); Wilfred Owen (2066), &1xbet online games login ;Dulce Et Decorum Est&1xbet online games login ; (2069-70)
W 15 W.B. Yeats (2085-8): &1xbet online games login ;Adam's Curse&1xbet online games login ; (2097-8), &1xbet online games login ;Easter 1916&1xbet online games login ; (2104-6), &1xbet online games login ;The Second Coming&1xbet online games login ; (2106-7), &1xbet online games login ;Sailing to Byzantium&1xbet online games login ; (2109-10); &1xbet online games login ;The Circus Animals' Desertion&1xbet online games login ; (2120) Quiz -- cancelled.
F 17 T.S. Eliot (2360-3), &1xbet online games login ;The Waste Land&1xbet online games login ; (2368-83); &1xbet online games login ;Tradition and the Individual Talent&1xbet online games login ; (2170-6); Paper #2 due in class.

M 20 Eliot, continued.
W 22 No Class --
F 24 Thanksgiving Break

M 27 Virginia Woolf, &1xbet online games login ;Kew Gardens&1xbet online games login ; (CPII) and &1xbet online games login ;Modern Fiction&1xbet online games login ; (2148-53); Quiz
W 29 Philip Larkin (2564-5): &1xbet online games login ;Church Going&1xbet online games login ; (2565-6), &1xbet online games login ;Talking in Bed&1xbet online games login ; (2567), &1xbet online games login ;Sad Steps&1xbet online games login ; (2569), and &1xbet online games login ;Aubaude&1xbet online games login ; (2570-71)
December F 1 Seamus Heaney (2818-9): &1xbet online games login ;Digging&1xbet online games login ; (2819-20) and excerpts from &1xbet online games login ;Station Island&1xbet online games login ; (2825-7); Derek Walcott (2580): &1xbet online games login ;Midsummer&1xbet online games login ; (2584-5); and Wole Soyinka, &1xbet online games login ;Telephone Conversation&1xbet online games login ; (xerox)

M 4 Tom Stoppard (2785-6), Arcadia (1-97)
W 6 Stoppard, continued
F 8 Review for Final Exam.

T 12 Final Exam: 11:50 a.m. -1:40 p.m.

Guidelines for Papers

Paper 1 | Paper 2
General Instructions
Paper #1 (Due Friday, September 29th; 3-4 pages in length)
Identify and analyze the patterns of imagery that you find in one of Keats' odes on the syllabus: &1xbet online games login ;Ode to a Nightingale,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Ode on a Grecian Urn,&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Ode on Melancholy&1xbet online games login ; (849-54), or &1xbet online games login ;To Autumn&1xbet online games login ; (872-3).
As preparation for your paper, make a list of the poem's images, and identify the patterns that emerge from that list.What sensory experiences does the speaker describe? What types of people, places, objects, or emotions do the images describe?
With this list in hand, decide how those patterns of images develop the poem's theme(s). What are some of the themes in the poem? How does the poem's imagery tell us about the theme(s)? Your thesis should answer these two questions, and the pattern(s) you uncover should help you answer them.
This paper should be in standard essay form. You should include a very short introduction that states the pattern(s) of imagery in the poem and the imagery's contribution to the poem's theme(s) -- that is, the thesis of your paper. The rest of your paper will support this interpretation by supplying the details of your analysis.
Paper #2 (Due Friday, November 17th; 4-5 pages in length)
Choose one of the following topics for your paper on Part I of Eliot's &1xbet online games login ;The Waste Land&1xbet online games login ; (2369-72). As for Paper #1, this paper should be in standard essay form. You should include a very short introduction that states the thesis of your paper in response to one of the topics below; the rest of your paper will support this interpretation by supplying the details of your analysis.
1. Use the poem's title (&1xbet online games login ;The Waste Land&1xbet online games login ;), the epigraph (translated in your footnotes), and the section title (&1xbet online games login ;The Burial of the Dead&1xbet online games login ;) as a way into an analysis of Part I of Eliot's poem. How do each of these &1xbet online games login ;introductions&1xbet online games login ; clarify or connect to the narrative which follows in Part I? Be sure to refer to specific lines and images in your discussion.
2. In footnote #4 on p.2371, Eliot tells the reader that he &1xbet online games login ;associate[s], quite arbitrarily,&1xbet online games login ; an image from a tarot card with the mythical image of the Fisher King. Consider Eliot's choice of the word &1xbet online games login ;arbitrarily&1xbet online games login ;: What might Eliot's comment tell us about the way in which the poem is and will be constructed? Does the poem's speaker -- the &1xbet online games login ;I&1xbet online games login ; and &1xbet online games login ;we&1xbet online games login ; of the poem -- &1xbet online games login ;associate, quite arbitrarily&1xbet online games login ; as well? Can we, as readers, begin to detect a pattern to these &1xbet online games login ;arbitrary&1xbet online games login ; associations? Be sure to refer to specific lines and images in your discussion.