English 112W.07

Professor Karin Westman
TR 9:35-10:50 a.m.
425 Benson Hall
322-2326 (Office)
298-4607 (Home)
Required Texts:
Allison, et. al., eds. Norton Anthology of 1xbet best casino website , 4th edition
Abrams, Glossary of Literary Terms, 6th edition
Hacker, The Bedford Handbook For Writers, 4th edition
Xeroxes (Reserve Room, Heard Library)


This course is designed to introduce you to various forms of poetry in English and to improve 1xbet best casino website critical skills in reading and writing. As we read poets from the Renaissance to the present day, we will develop a vocabulary for talking about poetry while we study the formal elements of poetry and the persistence of several thematic concerns. We will talk about writing in class, through peer reviews, and individually in conference.


1xbet best casino website :

During the semester 1xbet best casino website will write four papers of varying lengths. 1xbet best casino website will revise the first two of these papers for a final paper grade. Failure to produce a good faith effort on a draft will result in a grade penalty on the graded version. Upon consultation with me, 1xbet best casino website may also choose to revise any paper for which 1xbet best casino website receive lower than a "C" grade. Grades for further revisions will be counted as another paper grade, not substituted for or averaged with the first 1xbet best casino website received.

1xbet best casino website must be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins (one page = a page of approximately 250 words, double spaced); the pages should be numbered, stapled or paper-clipped together, spell-checked, and proof-read. You must include the first, marked version of 1xbet best casino website paper with 1xbet best casino website revision to receive a grade. Papers are due at class time or by the time and date listed on the syllabus. Late papers will be penalized one grade increment (e.g., B+ to B) for each day late.

When you turn in a paper, you pledge that the work is 1xbet best casino website own and that you have abided by the guidelines for documenting sources. Vanderbilt's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not 1xbet best casino website own. If you quote, paraphrase, or use another's ideas, you must give credit to the person whose ideas you are using. The Bedford Handbook For Writers provides guidelines for MLA documentation. However, you will need no secondary sources for these papers; I recommend you avoid them, and offer 1xbet best casino website own ideas.

Response 1xbet best casino website :

Once a week, you will hand in at the beginning of class a typed, double-spaced response paper (1-2 pages) to one of the two or three poems designated by an asterisk on the syllabus. Response papers are due the day we begin our discussion; they are intended to help to prepare you for class discussion and improve 1xbet best casino website critical reading and writing skills.

For 1xbet best casino website response paper, select one or two lines, a phrase, or even word from the poem; type 1xbet best casino website selection out in full, and then write a commentary in which you aim to articulate why 1xbet best casino website selection strikes you as important or significant to a reading of the poem. In other words, use 1xbet best casino website selected lines or word(s) to explore the poem's theme(s) and form. 1xbet best casino website response paper may also include 1xbet best casino website personal response to the poem, or perhaps how the poem relates to others we have discussed in class. In 1xbet best casino website response, you should engage closely with the chosen line(s) or word(s) and offer specific reasons in support of 1xbet best casino website response. 1xbet best casino website response should not be a paraphrase of the poem; instead, you should articulate 1xbet best casino website reading of the poem through 1xbet best casino website selection.

Response papers will not be graded individually, but as a whole: please keep them together in a folder, so I can evaluate 1xbet best casino website progress at the end of the semester. Points will be deducted for late (-0.5) or missing (-1.0) response papers.

1xbet best casino website Participation and Leading 1xbet best casino website Discussion:

Attendance and class participation are required. More than two unexcused absences will be reflected in 1xbet best casino website final grade for the course; these two excused absences should be reserved for unexpected illnesses or family emergencies. Each absence over the allotted absences will lower 1xbet best casino website 1xbet best casino website course 1xbet best casino website by one 1xbet best casino website increment (e.g., B to B-).

You are expected to have read and to be prepared to discuss the readings assigned for each class session. 1xbet best casino website class participation grade will be determined by 1xbet best casino website ability to engage in productive class discussion and readings. You must be present and be an active presence in class discussion and peer review groups. If necessary, any in-class quizzes will be part of 1xbet best casino website class participation grade.

Once during the semester, each of 1xbet best casino website (working in pairs) will initiate our class discussion and sustain it for about 10 minutes. This activity has two goals: to make the classroom more interactive and collaborative, and to encourage 1xbet best casino website to ask questions and pursue them towards a reading of a poem.

Before the day 1xbet best casino website lead discussion, 1xbet best casino website will need to do the following:


Choose a specific passage or two as a focus for 1xbet best casino website question or questions. Note: while 1xbet best casino website question can (and should) lead us to other areas in the poem, select a specific place as a launching point.


Develop discussion questions on some issues or ideas 1xbet best casino website think we should address. Discussion questions should have more than one possible answer, and should lead to other questions. For example, the question "What is the meter of this poem?" is not a discussion question; the question "How does the meter of the poem contribute to its theme?" is a discussion question. Note: While 1xbet best casino website discussion questions should point us towards a reading of the poem, 1xbet best casino website questions can certainly be ones to which you do not yet have complete answers. For example, you may wonder why in Shakespeare's sonnet #18 the speaker compares his beloved to a summer's day; 1xbet best casino website question for the class might address this issue by calling our attention to one of the several comparisons within the sonnet and asking us how the beloved fares in the comparison.


Make an outline of 1xbet best casino website discussion, including the passage(s) you intend to focus on, and the questions you will ask. 1xbet best casino website outline needs to reach me 24 hours in advance of class: email it to me or put it in my box in Benson.

Garland Lab Sessions:

Over the course of the semester we will meet about six times in the Garland Microcomputer Lab, where 1xbet best casino website will participate in various activities using the Daedalus Integrated Writing Program (DIWE). For each of these sessions 1xbet best casino website will need to bring an IBM-formatted computer disk.


1xbet best casino website will all meet with me individually after the first paper and before the fourth paper, but I am always available for conferences. Please feel free to stop by during Office Hours (MW 1-2 pm, TR 11-12 noon), or to arrange a more convenient time to meet.


1xbet best casino website
Response 1xbet best casino website
Leading 1xbet best casino website Discussion
1xbet best casino website Participation
1xbet best casino website Exam

R 8 Introduction
T 13 Tone and Diction (Abrams 155-7, 163-4): Jonson, "Still to Be Neat"*; Goldsmith, "When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly"; Swift, "A Description of the Morning"; Wordsworth, "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802"; Housman, "Eight O'clock"(x)

R 15 Imagery and Figures of Speech (Abrams 36-7, 66-70): Eliot, "Preludes"*; Heaney, "Digging"


T 20 Keats, "To Autumn"; Dickinson, #280 ("I Felt a Funeral in my Brain") Sound, Meter, Rhyme (Abrams 138-9, 112-7, 184-7): Blake, "London"*

R 22 1xbet best casino website Workshop: 1st 1xbet best casino website Due (3 pp, 3 copies)


T 27 Poetic Forms: The 1xbet best casino website (Abrams 197-8): Spenser, 1xbet best casino website #75*; Sidney, 1xbet best casino website #1; Drayton, 1xbet best casino website #6; Shakespeare, Sonnets #18 and #130; Wordsworth, "Scorn Not the 1xbet best casino website "; Keats, "On the 1xbet best casino website "

R 29 ...and Variations (Abrams 34-5): Frost, "Design"*; Hollander, "Swan and Shadow"*; Apollinaire, "Rain" (x); Baudelaire, "Get Drunk" (x); Swenson, "Cardinal Ideograms"

Revision of 1st 1xbet best casino website Due

T 3 1xbet best casino website Workshop: 2nd 1xbet best casino website Due (5 pp, 3 copies)
R 5 Poems on 1xbet best casino website : Moore, "1xbet best casino website "*; MacLeish, "Ars Poetica"; Stevens, "Of Modern 1xbet best casino website " (x)* and "The Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour" (x)

T 10 Love and Desire: Herrick, "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time"; Marvell, "To His Coy Mistress"*; Donne, "Elegy XIX. To His Mistress Going to Bed"*

R 12 Millay, "I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed"; Frost, "To Earthward"* and "The Subverted Flower" (x)

T 17 Yeats, "Adam's Curse"*; Atwood, "Variations on the Word Love" (x)


R 19 Dialogues: Frost, "Birches"* and "Wild Grapes" (x)*

F 20 Revision of 2nd 1xbet best casino website Due at 12 noon.

T 24 Frost, "Home Burial" (x)*; Morrissey, "Birches" (x); Carver, "The Gift" (x)

R 26 Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"*


T 10 Memory: Wordsworth, "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"*; Crane, "My Grandmother's Love Letters"
R 12 Eliot, "The Waste Land" (Part I*)


T 17 "The Waste Land" (Part II* and III) R 19 "The Waste Land" (Part IV* and V*)

F 20 3rd 1xbet best casino website Due (5 pp) at 12 noon.

T 24 "(No 1xbet best casino website / but in things)" (Abrams 88): W.C. Williams, "The Red Wheelbarrow" and "A Sort of Song"*; Pound, "In a Station of the Metro"; H.D., "Sea Rose" and "Garden" (x)


R 26 Roethke, "Dolor" (x)*; Simic, "The Cold" (x) and "Shirt" (x); America: "The American Dream" from The United States of 1xbet best casino website " (handout)

T 31 Whitman, "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"*; Sandburg, "Chicago"

R 2 Ginsburg, "Howl" (Part I)* and "Howl" (Parts II and III; x) and "A Supermarket in California" (x); cummings, "'next to of 1xbet best casino website god america i"* and "a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse" (x)
M 6 4th 1xbet best casino website Due (7pp) at 12 noon.

T 7 Dunbar, "We Wear the Mask"*; Cullen, "Incident"; Waller and Razaf, "(What Did I Do to Be So) Black and Blue" (x)*; Soyinka, "Telephone Conversation"

R 9 Hughes, "Harlem," "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," "Harlem Sweeties," and "Theme for English B"*

T 14 Rich, "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law"*; Swenson, "Motherhood"


R 16 Rich, "Diving into the Wreck"*; Atwood, "Spelling" (x); Levine, "What Work Is" (x)*, "Soloing" (x)

T 21 Conclusion and Review

Take Home 1xbet best casino website Exam Due April 28

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Last updated 28 April 1998.