Karin E. Westman

Department of English
108 English / CS Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-0701
(785) 532-2171

Education | Employment | Publications | Conference Papers | Invited Lectures |
Quoted in Media | Dissertation | Grants | Awards | Teaching | Professional Development |
Administrative Appointments | Service | Professional Affiliations | References

Last Updated: January 2024

EDUCATION Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, August 1996.
M.A., Vanderbilt University, May 1992.
B.A., Wellesley College, English and French 1xbet online games login , magna cum laude, May 1991.

EMPLOYMENT Head, Department of English, Kansas State University. June 2007-present.
Professor, Department of English, Kansas State University, 2023-present
Associate Professor, Department of English, Kansas State University. 2006-2023.
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Kansas State University. 2002-2006.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English, Kansas State University. 2000-2002.
Assistant Professor, Department of English, College of Charleston, 1998-2001.
Lecturer, Department of English, Vanderbilt University, 1996-1998.
Lecturer, Program of Women's 1xbet online games login , Vanderbilt University, 1997-1998.
Computer-Assisted Writing Coordinator, Vanderbilt University, 1997-1998.
Teaching Fellow, Vanderbilt University, 1992-1996.
Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University, 1994-1996.



Pat Barker's Regeneration: A Reader's Guide. NY: Continuum, 2001. 89pp.

Books in Progress:

J. K. Rowling's Library: Harry Potter in Context. (Under contract, University Press of Mississippi.)

The New Realism: British Women Novelists Since 1950. (In progress.)

Journal Editor:

The Lion and the Unicorn. Johns Hopkins UP, three issues per year. Co-editor with Naomi Wood and David Russell. 2008-present. (Journal information available through JHUP and Project Muse.)

Edited Journal Issues, with Introduction:

Children’s 1xbet online games login and War. Special Issue. Children’s 1xbet online games login Association Quarterly 34.3 (2009). (Full text available through Project Muse.)

Children’s 1xbet online games login and Modernism. Special Issue. Children’s 1xbet online games login Association Quarterly 32.4 (2007). (Full text available through Project Muse.)

Articles in Refereed Journals:

&1xbet online games login ;Beyond Periodization: Children's Literature, Genre, and Remediating Literary History.&1xbet online games login ; ChLAQ Forum: Manifestos from the 2013 Children's Literature Association Conference. Children's 1xbet online games login Association Quarterly 38.4 (2013): 464-469. (Full text available through Project Muse.)

&1xbet online games login ;The Weapon We Have Is Love.&1xbet online games login ; ChLAQ Forum: Outing Dumbeldore. Children’s 1xbet online games login Association Quarterly 33.4 (2008): 193-199. (Full text available through Project Muse.)

&1xbet online games login ;Perspective, Memory, and Moral Authority: The Legacy of Jane Austen in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Children's 1xbet online games login 35 (2007): 145-165. (Full text available through Project Muse.)

&1xbet online games login ;'For her generation the newspaper was a book': Media, Mediation, and Oscillation in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts.&1xbet online games login ; The Journal of Modern 1xbet online games login . 29.2 (2006): 1-18. (Full text available through Project Muse.)

&1xbet online games login ;The First Orlando: The Laugh of the Comic Muse in Virginia Woolf's 'Friendships Gallery.'&1xbet online games login ;Twentieth-Century 1xbet online games login 47.1 (2001): 39-71. (Full text available through 1xbet online games login Online.)

&1xbet online games login ;The Character in the House: Virginia Woolf in Dialogue with History's Audience.&1xbet online games login ; Clio: A Journal of 1xbet online games login , History, and the Philosophy of History 28.1 (1998): 1-27. (Full text available through 1xbet online games login Online.)

Articles in Refereed Volumes:

&1xbet online games login ;Realism and Race: The Narrative Politics of Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Diversity, and Difference in the Wizarding Worlds. Ed. Sarah Park Dahlen and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas. UP of Mississippi, 2022. 51-70.

&1xbet online games login ;Genre.&1xbet online games login ; Keywords for Children’s 1xbet online games login . 2nd ed. Eds. Philip Nel, Lissa Paul, and Nina Christensen. New York: NYU Press, 2021. 84-88.

&1xbet online games login ;Realism and Race: The Narrative Politics of Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Diversity, and Difference in the Wizarding Worlds. Ed. Sarah Park Dahlen and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas. (Collection under review.)

&1xbet online games login ;Blending Genres and Crossing Audiences: Harry Potter and the Future of Literary Fiction.&1xbet online games login ; The Oxford Handbook of Children’s 1xbet online games login . Ed. Julia Mickenberg and Lynne Vallone. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2011. 93-112.

&1xbet online games login ;Beauty and the Geek: Changing Gender Stereotypes on Gilmore Girls.&1xbet online games login ; Geek Chic. Ed. Sherrie A. Inness. New York: Palgrave, 2007. 11-30.

&1xbet online games login ;Regenerating the Collaborative Triangle: Point-of-Need Assistance for English Literature Students.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Sara Kearns and Marcia Stockham. Information Literacy Collaborations That Work. Eds. Trudi E. Jacobson and Thomas P. Mackey. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2007. 61-71.

&1xbet online games login ;Faculty/Librarian/Undergraduate Collaboration for Evaluating Children's Literature.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Sara Kearns and Marcia Stockham. Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Education and Social Science Students and Practitioners: A Second Casebook of Applications. Eds Doug Cook and Tasha Cooper. Chicago: ACRL, 2006. 55-67.

&1xbet online games login ;Generation, Not Regeneration: Screening Out Class, Gender, and Cultural Change in the Film of Regeneration.&1xbet online games login ; Critical Perspectives on Pat Barker. Eds. Margaretta Jolly, Sharon Monteith, Ronald Paul, and Nahem Yousaf. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2005. 162-174.

&1xbet online games login ;'A Story of Her Weaving': The Self-Authoring Heroines of Georgette Heyer's Regency Romance.&1xbet online games login ; Doubled Plots: Romance and History. Eds. Susan Strehle and Mary Paniccia Carden. Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi, 2003. 165-184.

&1xbet online games login ;Spectres of Thatcherism: Contemporary British Culture in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series.&1xbet online games login ; The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter: Perspectives on a Literary Phenomeon. Ed. Lana Whited. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, Fall 2002. 305-328.

&1xbet online games login ;Preservice Teachers, Technology, and Information Literacy.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Naomi Wood. Proceedings of SITE 2002, 13th International Conference. Eds. Dee Anna Willis, Jerry Price, and Niki Davis. Vol. 3. Norfolk, VA: 1xbet online games login for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2002. 1826-1830.

&1xbet online games login ;A.S. Byatt and '(V.Woolf)': Mapping a Misreading of Modernism.&1xbet online games login ; Virginia Woolf Out of Bounds. Eds. Jessica Berman and Jane Goldman. New York: Pace University Press, 2001. 73-79.

&1xbet online games login ;History As Drama: Towards a Feminist Materialist Historiography.&1xbet online games login ; Virginia Woolf and the Arts. Eds. Leslie Hankins and Diane Gillespie. New York: Pace University Press, 1997. 335-343.


&1xbet online games login ;J. K. Rowling.&1xbet online games login ; The Oxford Encyclopedia of British 1xbet online games login . Vol. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 420-424. 2,853 words.

Edited Instructional Materials:

English 200: Expository Writing 2. 5th ed. Co-edited with Jennifer Henderson. Boston: Pearson, 2005. 171 pp.

Expository Writing 200. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2003. 140 pp.


&1xbet online games login ;Woolf in the World.&1xbet online games login ; Rev. of Melba Cuddy-Keane, Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual, and the Public Sphere. Novel 38.1 (2004): 114-116.

Review of Kathy Peiss, Hope in a Jar. The Forum: Women's 1xbet online games login at the College of Charleston. III.2 (2000).

Review of Michael Kimmel, Manhood in America: A Cultural History. The Forum: Women's 1xbet online games login at the College of Charleston. III.1 (1999).

Review of Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will (1993 edition). The Forum: Women's 1xbet online games login at the College of Charleston. II.2 (1999).

Review of Rita Felski, The Gender of Modernity. Prose 1xbet online games login . 20.2 (1997): 127-129.

Review of D.H. Lawrence, Twilight in Italy. Prose 1xbet online games login . 18.2 (1995): 239-242.


&1xbet online games login ;The State in and of State Universities: The View from WVU and Beyond&1xbet online games login ; (organizer and moderator). Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 4 Jan 2024.

“An Introduction to Children’s 1xbet online games login and/in Modernism.” “Roundtable: Children’s 1xbet online games login and/in Modernism” (organizer and moderator). Modernist Studies Association. Brooklyn, NY. 28 Oct. 2023.

&1xbet online games login ;Wild Hearts: Landscapes of Affect and Imagination in Three Narratives about Mary Shelley and Her Art.&1xbet online games login ; Children’s Literature Association Conference. Bellevue, WA. 16 June 2023.

&1xbet online games login ;Advocating for the Humanities on the Hill.&1xbet online games login ; ADE/ALD 2023 Summer Seminar: Centering the Humanities. Georgetown, Washington, DC. 3 June 2023.

&1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature and/in Modernism: Remediating the Modern.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: &1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature and/in Modernism.&1xbet online games login ; Organizer and Chair. Modernist Studies Association Conference. Portland, OR. 30 Oct 2022.

&1xbet online games login ;Being Human Again in the Humanities: Life after Zoom.&1xbet online games login ; ADE 2022 Summer Seminar Midwest: A Moment of Reinvention: Building Just Programs and Initiatives. 16 June 2022.

&1xbet online games login ;'Walt Disney on Ecstasy': Affect, Agency, and the Natural World in Meg Rosoff's How I Live Now.&1xbet online games login ; Children’s Literature Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. 3 June 2022.

&1xbet online games login ;Wild Hearts: Lita Judge's Mary's Monster: Love, Madness, and How Mary Shelly Created Frankenstein (2018).&1xbet online games login ; International Research Society for Children's Literature, Santiago, Chile, 28 Oct. 2021. Online.

&1xbet online games login ;Faculty Anxiety and Remote Leadership.&1xbet online games login ; ADE 2021 MAPS Leadership Institute: Why Humanities Now. 30 June 2021. Zoom.

&1xbet online games login ;'It's Me!': #Hamilkids and the Politics of Play.&1xbet online games login ; Children's Literature Association Conference. 9 June 2021. Zoom.

&1xbet online games login ;Departmental Storytelling: How to Make Your Department More Visible.&1xbet online games login ; Association of Departments of English 2020 MAPS Leadership Institute: The Public Humanities. Zoom. 30 June 2020.

&1xbet online games login ;Walt Disney on Ecstasy: Affect, Agency, and the Natural World in Meg Rosoff's How I Live Now.&1xbet online games login ; Children's Literature Association Conference. Bellevue, WA. 18-20 June 2020. Postponed due to Covid-19.

&1xbet online games login ;The Paratextual Condition of Modernist Children's Literature.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: &1xbet online games login ;Modernist Paratext.&1xbet online games login ; Modernist Studies Association Conference. Toronto, Canada. 18 Oct. 2019.

&1xbet online games login ;'Rise Up': #Hamilkids, Children's Rights, and the Politics of Empathy.&1xbet online games login ; REIYL Conference: Transatlantic Conversations in Research on Inclusive Youth Literature. Glasgow, Scotland. 9 Aug 2019.
Also presented at Children's 1xbet online games login Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN. 14 June 2019.

&1xbet online games login ;At the Margins of Gender and Genre: Children’s Literature and Remediating the Modern.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: Marginal Modernisms: Feminist Forms & Questions of Belonging. 20th Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Columbus, OH. Nov. 2018.

&1xbet online games login ;Realism and Race: The Fictional Histories of J. K. Rowling's Pottermore.&1xbet online games login ; Children's Literature Association Conference. San Antonio, TX. June, 2018.

&1xbet online games login ;Campus Carry and Campus Budgets: The View from a Land Grant University in Kansas.&1xbet online games login ; Modern Language Association Conference. New York, NY. January, 2018.

&1xbet online games login ;Consulting on the English Major in Its Department Context&1xbet online games login ; (panel participant). Modern Language Association Conference. New York, NY. January, 2018.

&1xbet online games login ;Left Out: Children's Literature and Remediating the Modern.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: Modernism v. Modernity. 18th Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Pasadena, CA. November, 2016.

&1xbet online games login ;Genres Behaving Badly: Harry Potter, Bunheads, and the Perils of Intergeneric Performance.&1xbet online games login ; 43rd Annual Children's Literature Association Conference. Columbus, OH. June, 2016.

&1xbet online games login ;Ebb, Flow, and Absence: A Digital Mapping of Forster’s London in Howards End.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: Modernist London and the Digital Map. 17th Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Boston, MA. November, 2015.

&1xbet online games login ;Local Strategies for National Concerns: Challenging Our Culture's 'Casual Ridicule' of the English Major&1xbet online games login ; (plenary talk). Association of Departments of English (ADE) Summer Seminar. Kansas City, MO. June, 2015

&1xbet online games login ;Affective Agency through Embodied Emotion in Meg Rosoff’s How I Live Now and Picture Me Gone.&1xbet online games login ; 42nd Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference. Richmond, VA. June, 2015.

&1xbet online games login ;How to Live Now: Embodied Emotion and Affective Action in Meg Rosoff's How I Live Now and Picture Me Gone.&1xbet online games login ; 11th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Children's Literature Association for Research (ACLAR). Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. 30 June - 2 July 2014.

&1xbet online games login ;Diversifying the Academy: The Plurality, Remediation, and Cultural Capital of Children's Literature.&1xbet online games login ; 41st Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. 19-21 June 2014.

&1xbet online games login ;Beyond Periodization: Children's Literature, Genre, and Remediating Literary History.&1xbet online games login ; 40th Annual Children's Literature Association Conference. University of Mississippi. Biloxi, MS. June, 2013.

&1xbet online games login ;The Placement Director and the M.A. Program.&1xbet online games login ; With Gregory Eiselein. Modern Language Association Convention. Boston, MA. January, 2013.

&1xbet online games login ;Performing History through Genre.&1xbet online games login ; Round-Table: &1xbet online games login ;Beyond Modernist Periodization: Alternatives to the Canonical Half-Century.&1xbet online games login ; 14th Annual Modernist Studies Association. Las Vegas, NV. October, 2012.

&1xbet online games login ;The Absent Presence?: Seeing Children's Literature and Modemism through Voyant.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: &1xbet online games login ;Using Digital Humanities: Tools to Consider Spectacles of Modemist Scholarship.&1xbet online games login ; 14th Annual Modernist Studies Association. Las Vegas, NV. October, 2012.

&1xbet online games login ;Mind the Gap: Harry Potter and the Fantasy (of) Genre.&1xbet online games login ; 39th Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference. Simmons College. Boston, MA. June, 2012.

&1xbet online games login ;Genre.&1xbet online games login ; Special Session: Keywords for Children’s Literature. Modern Language Association Conference. Seattle, WA. January, 2012.

&1xbet online games login ;Still New: Children's Literature as Case Study for the New Modernisms at Work in the 21st Century MLA.&1xbet online games login ; Seminar: The Old New Modernisms. Thirteenth Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Buffalo, NY. October, 2011.

&1xbet online games login ;New Plots for Old: Terry Pratchett, Metafiction, and the Sympathetic Imagination.&1xbet online games login ; 20th Biennial Conference of the International Research Society for Children's Literature. Queensland University of Technology. Brisbane, Australia. July, 2011.

&1xbet online games login ;Lessons in Moral Complexity: The School Stories of J. K. Rowling and Antonia Forest.&1xbet online games login ; Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Roanoke, VA. June, 2011.

&1xbet online games login ;Entering the Conversation: A Case Study in Research Methods for the 21st Century Graduate Student.&1xbet online games login ; Modern Language Association Conference. Los Angles, CA January, 2011.

&1xbet online games login ;Art in Harry Potter / Harry Potter in Art.&1xbet online games login ; Infinitus 2010: A Harry Potter Conference. Orlando, FL. July, 2010.

&1xbet online games login ;Story, Book, Imagination: The Mediating Metafictions of J.K. Rowling and Terry Pratchett.&1xbet online games login ; Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor, MI. June, 2010.

&1xbet online games login ;The Next J. K. Rowling?: Stephenie Meyer and the Consequences of Genre, Revisited.&1xbet online games login ; Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Cleaveland, OH. April, 2010.

&1xbet online games login ;Voldemort vs. Mr. Bunnsy: Degrees of Metafictive Danger in J. K. Rowling and Terry Pratchett.&1xbet online games login ; Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. December, 2009.

&1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature and Modernism: A Case Study.&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Modernist Studies without Modernism&1xbet online games login ; Seminar. Eleventh Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Montreal, Canada. November, 2009.

&1xbet online games login ;Vocational Education: Re-Imagining the School Story in Noel Streatfeild's Ballet Shoes and J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter.” Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Children's 1xbet online games login Association. Charlotte, NC. June, 2009.

&1xbet online games login ;Career Advice: Re-Imagining the School Story.&1xbet online games login ; Leaky Con: A Harry Potter Conference. Boston, MA. May 2009.

&1xbet online games login ;The Next J. K. Rowling?: Stephenie Meyer and the Consequences of Genre.&1xbet online games login ; Eighth Biennial Conference on Modern Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature. Nashville, TN. March, 2009.

''Forsaken Spots': At the Intersection of Children and War.&1xbet online games login ; &1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature and War&1xbet online games login ; Seminar. Organizer and Chair. Tenth Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Nashville, TN. November, 2008.

&1xbet online games login ;Power Plays: The Ethics of Wizard Power in Rowling’s Harry Potter and Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy.” Terminus 2008: A Harry Potter Conference. Chicago, IL. August 2008.

&1xbet online games login ;Semi-Transparent Realism: In the Classroom with Pat Barker's Regeneration.” Society for the Study of Narrative 1xbet online games login . Austin, Texas. May, 2008.

&1xbet online games login ;Going to Extremes: The Boarding School Rebellions of Lindsay Anderson's If.... and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Extremism and the Excluded Middle. 17th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. March, 2008.

&1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature and Modernism: Past, Present, and Future.&1xbet online games login ; Thirty-Third Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Newport News, VA. June, 2007.

&1xbet online games login ;Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes: The Cultural Politics of J.K. Rowling's Comic Relief.&1xbet online games login ; 16th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. March, 2007.

&1xbet online games login ;History, Realism, and Narrative Transparency: In the Classroom with Pat Barker's Regeneration.&1xbet online games login ; Inaugural Conference on Contemporary British and Irish Literary Landscapes: Re-Reading Pat Barker. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England. November, 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature and Modernism: An Overview.&1xbet online games login ; Children's Literature and Modernism Seminar (seminar leader). Eighth Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Tulsa, Oklamhoma. October, 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;Speak, Memory: Transforming the Past, Transforming the Self in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Thirty-Second Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Manhattan Beach, CA. June, 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;Seeing Bridget Jones, Seeing England.&1xbet online games login ; For Love or Money?: Contemporary Women's Fiction in the Marketplace. Inaugural Conference of the Contemporary Women's Writing Network. University of Wales. Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom. April, 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;The Other Great War: World War II and English National Identity.&1xbet online games login ; Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Ottawa, Canada. April, 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;Inside Out: The Private Mind as Public Property in J. K Rowling's Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Privacy (and Secrecy). 15th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. March, 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;'How Come England Did Not Know Me?': World War II and the Shaping of English Identity.&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. November, 2005.

&1xbet online games login ;Lost in Translation: Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials on Stage.&1xbet online games login ; Thirty-First Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Winnipeg, Canada. June, 2005.

&1xbet online games login ;Barbarians at the Gate: Rejuveniles, Literary Cross-Readers, and the Invasion of Children's Literature.&1xbet online games login ; Sixth Biennial Conference on Modern Critical Approaches to Children's Literature. Nashville, TN. April, 2005.

&1xbet online games login ;Seeing Bridget Jones.&1xbet online games login ; Visual Culture: Image, Icon, Ideology. 14th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. March, 2005.

&1xbet online games login ;The 'Sweet Knowledge' of Experience in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.&1xbet online games login ; Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. December, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;Blinded by the Light: Curricular Answers to Information Illiteracy.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Deborah Murray. South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Roanoke, VA. November, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;But Is It Literature?: J.K. Rowling, Philip Pullman, and A.S. Byatt's 'Goblet of Bile.'&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Roanoke, VA. November, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;Apply Genre, and Interpret Liberally: Audience, Ideology, andInterpellating the Text.&1xbet online games login ; Generic Modernism Seminar. Sixth Annual Modernist Studies Association Conference. Vancouver, Canada. October, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;A Fortunate Fall: The 'Sweet Knowledge' of Sensual Experience and John Keats in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.&1xbet online games login ; Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Frenso, CA. June, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;Children's Literature Online: Teaching Literature and Information Literacy through Web Technologies.&1xbet online games login ; Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Frenso, CA. June, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;Reviving Realism: Stitching and Patching the Solid in A.S. Byatt's Frederica Quartet.&1xbet online games login ; Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Burlington, VT. April, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;Stitching the Self through Rebellious Acts: Sex, Work, and Political Agency in Monica Ali's Brick Lane.&1xbet online games login ; Sex and the Body Politic. 13th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. March, 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;London Calling: English Identity in the Novels of Zadie Smith.&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. November, 2003.

&1xbet online games login ;When Harry Met Jane: The Legacy of Jane Austen in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Nimbus 2003: AHarry Potter Symposium. Orlando, FL. July, 2003.

&1xbet online games login ;'Steadily more feminist, owing to the Times': Newspapers and New Realities in the Novels of Virginia Woolf.&1xbet online games login ; Thirteenth Annual Virginia Woolf Conference. Northampton, MA. June, 2003.

&1xbet online games login ;A Sentimental Education?: Georgette Heyer's Regency Romance and the Young Adult Reader.&1xbet online games login ; Fifth Biennial Conference on Modern Critical Approaches to Children's Literature. Nashville, TN. April, 2003.

&1xbet online games login ;Anatomy of a Dust-Jacket: Deracination and British Identity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth.&1xbet online games login ; The Society for Critical Exchange. ModernLanguage Association Conference. New York, NY. December, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;To Market, to Market: Transforming Helen Fielding, Zadie Smith, and J. K. Rowling for the American Reader.&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. November, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;Pippi Longstocking is Not Evil: Fostering Information Literacy in the Children's Literature Classroom.&1xbet online games login ; Twenty-eighth Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Wilkes-Barre, PA. June, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;Can Our Students Read a Web Page?: Information Literacy for the Digital Classroom.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Naomi Wood. Convergence of Digital Learning. Manhattan, KS. April, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;Generation, Not Regeneration: Screening Out Class, Gender, and Cultural Change in the Film of Pat Barker's Regeneration.&1xbet online games login ; Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. East Lansing, MI. April, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;Preservice Teachers, Technology, and Information Literacy in the English Literature Classroom.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Naomi Wood. Society for Information Literacy and Teacher Education (SITE). Nashville, TN. March, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;Keeping It Local, Keeping It Real: Global Capitalism, American Culture, and British Identity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth.&1xbet online games login ; Late Modern Planet: Globalization, Modernity, and Cultural Studies. 11th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. March, 2002.

&1xbet online games login ;Harry Potter and the Spectres of Thatcherism.&1xbet online games login ; Modern Language Association Conference. New Orleans, LA. December, 2001.

&1xbet online games login ;The Body Behind the Voice: Newspapers and Narrative in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts.&1xbet online games login ; Material Modernisms. Vancouver, British Columbia. July, 2001.

&1xbet online games login ;'For her generation the newspaper was a book': Media, Mediation, and Transformation in Woolf's Between the Acts.&1xbet online games login ; Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Houston, TX. March, 2001.

&1xbet online games login ;'A Kind of Manual for the Times': Self-Help for the Culturally Schizophrenic in Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones's Diary.&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Birmingham, AL. November, 2000.

&1xbet online games login ;Consuming Pleasures of the Body Politic: The Realism within the Fantasy of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; Twenty-seventh Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Roanoke, VA. June, 2000.

&1xbet online games login ;A.S. Byatt and '(V.Woolf)': Mapping a Misreading of Modernism.&1xbet online games login ; Tenth Annual Virginia Woolf Conference. Baltimore, MD. June, 2000.

&1xbet online games login ;Harry Potter and the Spectres of Late Capitalism.&1xbet online games login ; Narrative Conference. Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Atlanta, GA. April, 2000.

&1xbet online games login ;'History in Live Performance': Revising History's Script in Roy's The God of Small Things.&1xbet online games login ; Twenty-eighth Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. February, 2000.

&1xbet online games login ;'A Story of Her Own Weaving': The Self-Determining Heroines of Georgette Heyer's Regency Romance.&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. November, 1999.

&1xbet online games login ;With 'money and a room of her own': The Legacy of Woolf's Advice for the Woman Artist at Century's End.&1xbet online games login ; Ninth Annual Virginia Woolf Conference. Newark, Delaware. June, 1999.

&1xbet online games login ;Sex, Books, and Patriarchy: Modernism on Trial in A.S. Byatt's Babel Tower.&1xbet online games login ; Twenty-seventh Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. February, 1999.

&1xbet online games login ;'Tale[s] for Children of Our Time': Romancing History in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion and A.S. Byatt's Babel Tower.&1xbet online games login ; South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. November, 1998.

&1xbet online games login ;'I'm Telling You Stories': Jeanette Winterson's Romancing of History.&1xbet online games login ; Twenty-sixth Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. February, 1998.

&1xbet online games login ;In Dialogue with History: Woolf's 'Additions and Deductions' in A Room of One's Own.&1xbet online games login ; Modern Language Association Conference. Toronto, Canada. December, 1997.

&1xbet online games login ;Embodied Exchange: Woolf, LaCapra, and History's Audience.&1xbet online games login ; Seventh Annual Virginia Woolf Conference. Plymouth, NH. June, 1997.

&1xbet online games login ;The First Orlando. Virginia Woolf's Romancing of History in 'Friendships Gallery'.&1xbet online games login ; Twenty-fifth Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. February, 1997.

&1xbet online games login ;History As Drama: Towards a Feminist Materialist Historiography.&1xbet online games login ; Sixth Annual Virginia Woolf Conference. Clemson, SC. June, 1996.

&1xbet online games login ;Reconfiguring the Past: The Post-Modern, Post-Southern Narratives of Josephine Humphreys.&1xbet online games login ; Department Colloquium, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, TN. April, 1993.


&1xbet online games login ;Harry Potter in the 21st Century: Realism, Fantasy, and Fan Culture&1xbet online games login ; (workshop leader). Children’s Literature Summer School. University of Antwerp. Antwerp, Belgium. 1 July 2019.

&1xbet online games login ;J. K. Rowling's Library: Harry Potter in Context&1xbet online games login ; (invited talk). University of Antwerp. Antwerp, Belgium. March, 2018.

&1xbet online games login ;Mind the Gap: Harry Potter and the Fantasy (of) Genre&1xbet online games login ; (invited talk). University of Antwerp. Antwerp, Belgium. March, 2018.

&1xbet online games login ;Mind the Gap: Harry Potter and the Fantasy (of) Genre&1xbet online games login ; (invited plenary talk). Fourth Annual Harry Potter Conference. Chestnut Hill College. Chestnut Hill, PA. 16 Oct. 2015.

&1xbet online games login ;Mind the Gap: Harry Potter and the Fantasy (of) Genre.&1xbet online games login ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Knoxville, TN. October, 2013.

&1xbet online games login ;Harry Potter and the Object of Art.&1xbet online games login ; University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA. March, 2012.

&1xbet online games login ;Accidental Experts: Strategy, Serendipity, and the Places You'll Go.&1xbet online games login ; With Philip Nel.Vanderbilt University. November, 2011.

&1xbet online games login ;Art in Harry Potter / Harry Potter in Art.&1xbet online games login ; English Department Colloquia Series. Kansas State University. April, 2011.

&1xbet online games login ;J. K. Rowling’s Library: Harry Potter in Context.&1xbet online games login ; Prophecy 2007: From Hero to Legend. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. August, 2007.

&1xbet online games login ;Canon: Its Context and Completion.&1xbet online games login ; (Panelist.) Prophecy 2007: From Hero to Legend. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. August, 2007.

&1xbet online games login ;Two Roles in One: Best Practices for Teaching GTAs How to Teach.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Deborah Murray. Third Annual K-State Teaching Renewal Retreat. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. Jan 2006.

&1xbet online games login ;When Harry Met Jane: The Legacy of Jane Austen in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter.&1xbet online games login ; English Department Colloquia Series. Kansas State University. April, 2005.

&1xbet online games login ;Blinded by the Light: Teaching and Assessing Information Literacy.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Deborah Murray. Teaching Renewal Retreat. Kansas State University. Rock Springs Center, Junction City, Kansas. Jan 2004.

&1xbet online games login ;What Our Students Know -- and Don't Know -- About the Internet: Implications for Digital Learning.&1xbet online games login ; Co-authored with Naomi Wood. Distance Learning Lecture Series. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. April, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation.]

&1xbet online games login ;Literary and Cultural Contexts for Zadie Smith's White Teeth.&1xbet online games login ; American Ethnic Studies 501, &1xbet online games login ;Leadership in American Ethnic Studies.&1xbet online games login ; Kansas State University. February, 2001.

&1xbet online games login ;A.S. Byatt and '(V.Woolf)': Mapping a Misreading of Modernism.&1xbet online games login ; English Department Colloquia Series. Kansas State University. October 2000.

&1xbet online games login ;The Bloomsbury Group.&1xbet online games login ; English 660A, &1xbet online games login ;Readings in Major Authors: Virginia Woolf.&1xbet online games login ; Kansas State University. October, 2000.

QUOTED IN MEDIA (selected)

Sharma, Anita. &1xbet online games login ;Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: New Book has Fans Going Hog Wild
for Hogwarts.&1xbet online games login ; CTV News. 30 July 2016. Video. <https://www.facebook.com/CTVNewsChannel/videos/1146169942111002/

Goodale, Gloria. &1xbet online games login ;'Hunger Games' is an opportunity to bond for many families.&1xbet online games login ;
The Christian Science Monitor. 16 March 2012. <http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2012/0316/Hunger-Games-is-an-opportunity-to-bond-for-many-families

Puente, Maria. “How has Harry Potter cast such a wide spell?” USA Today 18 Jul. 2007: <http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2007-07-16-potter-phenom_N.htm.

Song, Vivian. “Literary Magic. ” London Free Press 19 Jul. 2007: <http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/Today/ThursdayTicket/2007/07/19/4351048-sun.html. Repr. in various Sun Media papers.

Kraske, Steve. “Harry Potter.” Up to Date, KCUR 89.3 FM, Kansas City, MO. 13 July 2007, 11:25 a.m.-12:00 noon. <http://www.kcur.org/UTDarchive.html. Direct link to audio: <

Adams, Kathy. “Order of the Phoenix.” News-Journal (Wilmington, DE) 11 Jul. 2007: <http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070710/ENTERTAINMENT/70710062.

Fussell, James A. &1xbet online games login ;Now Kansas Has a Harry: Sunflower State scholars get notice for views on Potter phenomenon.&1xbet online games login ; Kansas City Star 9 Aug 2003: F1-F2. <http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascitystar/living/6480116.htm.

Cohen, Patricia. &1xbet online games login ;The Phenomenology of Harry, or the Critique of Pure Potter.&1xbet online games login ; New York Times 19 July 2003. <http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/19/arts/19POTT.html

Hall, Edie. &1xbet online games login ;Faculty use software to help detect Internet plagiarism in students' work&1xbet online games login ; Kansas State Collegian 16 Apr 2002: 5. <http://kstatecollegian.com/stories/041602/new_nocheaty.shtml

Donahue, Deirdre. &1xbet online games login ;'Potter' inspires academic analysis.&1xbet online games login ; USA Today 16 Nov. 2001: E3 <http://www.usatoday.com/life/enter/books/potter/2001-11-16-analysis.htm.

DISSERTATION &1xbet online games login ;Dramatic Interventions: The Gendering of History's Narrative in Virginia Woolf and Jeanette Winterson.&1xbet online games login ; Director: Mark Wollaeger.

Virginia Woolf and Jeanette Winterson offer a feminist critique of the historiographic conventions of realist fiction. Woolf's interests in history and drama jointly shape the development of the narrative techniques that Winterson, as one of Woolf's literary heirs, self-consciously revises. In her early reviews and biographical writings, Woolf proposes a dialogic historiography which recovers what established histories elide and what drama tends to highlight: a woman's character, body, and voice. The critical perspective that Woolf seeks from the dramatic, Winterson locates in the romance. Their narratives draw upon the literary traditions of romance and of non-Aristotelian drama to advance feminist materialist goals which have been occluded by the established terms of the modernist/postmodernist debate.


Project Director, ACLS Public Engagement Project Grant for “Sustaining Public Humanities at Kansas State University,” 2022-2023. (Not funded.)

Project Director, NEH American Rescue Plan Humanities Organizations Level III Grant for “Sustaining Public Humanities at Kansas State University,” 2021-2022. (Not funded.)

Project Manager, NEH Public Humanities Planning Grant for “Making a Statement: Gordon Parks's Gift of Photographs,” 2020-2021. (Funded.)

Co-Project Director, NEH &1xbet online games login ;Scholarly Editions&1xbet online games login ; Grant for &1xbet online games login ;The American First World War Poetry Digital Archive,&1xbet online games login ; 2016-2018, 2017-2019. (Not funded; reapplying.)

Co-Project Director, NEH &1xbet online games login ;Digital Preservation and Access&1xbet online games login ; Grant for &1xbet online games login ;The Learning Tree: A Gordon Parks Digital Archive,&1xbet online games login ; 2017-2019, 2018-2020. (Not funded; reapplying.)

Co-Project Director, NEH &1xbet online games login ;Digital Projects for the Public&1xbet online games login ; Grant for &1xbet online games login ;The American First World War Poetry Digital Project,&1xbet online games login ; 2015. (Not funded in 2014; re-applying in 2016 for 2017.)

Project Director, Global Campus Course Development Grant for “English 355 ‘1xbet online games login for Children,’” 2022.

Project Director, Distance Learning Grant for “English 417 ‘Written Communication for the Workplace,’” 2016-2017.

Project Director, Distance Learning Grant for &1xbet online games login ;English 100 'Expository Writing 1,'&1xbet online games login ; 2015-2016.

Project Director, Distance Learning Grant for &1xbet online games login ;English 355 'Literature for Children,'&1xbet online games login ; 2009-2010.

University Small Research Grant, Kansas State University, Spring 2007.

Faculty Development Award, Kansas State University, Spring 2006.

Faculty Development Award, Kansas State University, Spring 2005.

University Small Research Grant, Kansas State University, Spring 2004.

University Small Research Grant, Kansas State University, Spring 2003.

University Small Research Grant, Kansas State University, Spring 2002.

Faculty Development Award, Kansas State University, Summer 2001.

Assessment Mini-Grant, &1xbet online games login ;Student Survey of Technology Experiences in the English Classroom,&1xbet online games login ; Office of Assessment and Program Review, Kansas State University. Co-authored with Naomi Wood. Spring, 2001.

Summer Research Grant, College of Charleston, Summer 2000.

Summer Research Grant, Department of English, College of Charleston, Summer 1999.

Dissertation Enhancement Grant, Vanderbilt University, Spring 1996, for original manuscript research at the Berg Collection, New York Public Library.

University Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University, 1992-1996.

University Fellowship, Vanderbilt University, 1991-1992.


Presidential Award for Outstanding Department Head, Kansas State University, 2017. (Nominated by the College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017.)

Children's Literature Association 2014 Honor Award for &1xbet online games login ;Beyond Periodization: Children's Literature, Genre, and Remediating Literary History,&1xbet online games login ; published in Children's 1xbet online games login Association Quarterly 38.4 (2013): 464-469.

S.A.G.E. Graduate Faculty Distinguished Service Award, Kansas State University, Spring 2006, Spring 2016, Spring 2021.

S.A.G.E. Graduate Faculty Distinguished Teaching Award, Kansas State University, Spring 2003, Spring 2007, Spring 2011.

William L. Stamey Teaching Award for undergraduate teaching, Spring 2006.

Ph.D. Qualifying Exams, passed with Honors, October 1994.

Mary Lyons Prize for Writing, Wellesley College, for &1xbet online games login ;The Decadence of Oscar Wilde and The Yellow Book: Criticized and Changed by the Public,&1xbet online games login ; 1991.


Twentieth-century British 1xbet online games login , contemporary British 1xbet online games login , British and American Modernism, women's studies, gender studies, children’s and young adult literatures, history of the novel, drama, poetry, composition, and digital humanities.


At Kansas State University:
English 200 Expository Writing 2 (Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002)
English 252/310 Introduction to Literary 1xbet online games login (Fall 2000, Spring 2003, Spring 2004)
English 345 Drama (Summer 2002, Spring 2005, Spring 2007)
English 355 1xbet online games login for Children (Summer 2001)
English 362 British Survey II (1660-present) (Fall 2001, Fall 2004, Fall 2006)
English 440 Harry Potter's Library: J. K. Rowling, Texts and Contexts (Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2009, Spring 2016)
English 525 Women in 1xbet online games login (Spring 2001, Spring 2002, Spring 2004, Spring 2006, Spring 2009, Spring 2012)
English 635 The Bloomsbury Group (Spring 2003, Spring 2005)
English 635 Downton Abbey in Context (Spring 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2020)
English 635/670 London in Contemporary British 1xbet online games login (Spring 2006 , Fall 2008, Fall 2011, Spring 2017, Spring 2019, Spring 2021)
English 660/698 Jane Austen and Her Legacy (Spring 2011, Spring 2013, Spring 2015)
English 695/698 Hamilton in Context (Spring 2018, Fall 2019)
English 670 Harry Potter in Context (Fall 2012, Fall 2014, Fall 2018)
English 730/635 Contemporary British 1xbet online games login (Fall 2002, Fall 2004, Fall 2009, Fall 2013, Spring 2023)
English 745/698 Fandom and Fan 1xbet online games login (Spring 2022, Spring 2024)
English 801 Introduction to Graduate 1xbet online games login in English (Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
English 805 Practicum for Expository Writing (Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004)
English 825 Seminar: The Body and Contemporary British Fiction&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 2003); Seminar: Harry Potter and Literary History (Fall 2010, Fall 2016)
At the College of Charleston:
English 101 &1xbet online games login ;Composition and Literature&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1998, Fall 1999)
English 102 &1xbet online games login ;Composition and Literature&1xbet online games login ; (Spring 1999, Spring 2000)
English 202 &1xbet online games login ;Major British Writers II (1785-present)&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2000)
English 336 &1xbet online games login ;Women Writers&1xbet online games login ; (Spring 2000; cross-listed with Women's 1xbet online games login )
English 395 Special Topic: &1xbet online games login ;Contemporary British Fiction: The Body&1xbet online games login ; (Spring 1999; cross-listed with Women's Studies)
English 395 Special Topic: &1xbet online games login ;Contemporary British Literature&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1999)
English 395 Special Topic: &1xbet online games login ;The Bloomsbury Group&1xbet online games login ; (Summer 2000)
Women's Studies 200 &1xbet online games login ;Introduction to Women's Studies&1xbet online games login ; (Summer 1999)
At Vanderbilt University:
English 100W &1xbet online games login ;Rhetoric and Composition&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1994, Fall 1996)
English 104W &1xbet online games login ;Prose Fiction&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1992, Spring 1993, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1997)
English 105W &1xbet online games login ;Drama&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1993, Spring 1994, Spring 1995)
English 112W &1xbet online games login ;Introduction to Poetry&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Spring 1998)
Women's Studies 150/ Humanities 156 &1xbet online games login ;Images of Women&1xbet online games login ; (Fall 1997, Spring 1998)


Master’s Project on Sarah J. Maas’s series A Court of Thorns and Roses with Sara Partin ‘23 (Fall 2021-Spring 2023)

Master’s Project on age in Avatar: The Last Airbender with Morgan Shiver ‘22 (Fall 2020-Spring 2022)

Master’s Project on wanderlust in The Wind in the Willows with Katherine Dubke ‘21 (Fall 2019-Spring 2021)

Master’s Project on hybridity in Rowling’s Harry Potter series with Molly Burt ‘20 (Fall 2018-Spring 2020)

Master’s Project on the imagination and trauma in children’s 1xbet online games login with Mikayla Sharpless ‘20 (Fall 2018-Spring 2020)

Master’s Project on the gothic in Rowling’s Harry Potter series with Gaby De Anda ‘19 (Fall 2017-Spring 2019)

Master’s Project on Kristin Cashore’s Graceling trilogy with Corinne Matthews '17 (Fall 2015-Spring 2017)

Master’s Project on children’s play in the novels of Woolf and Bowen with Christopher Comer '17 (Fall 2015-Spring 2017)

Master's Project on the poetry of Fleur Adcock with Megan Birdsey '15 (Fall 2014-Fall 2015)

Master's Project on the family story and Rowling's Harry Potter series with Ashley Christ '15 (Fall 2014-Summer 2015)

Master's Project on the domestic in Bronte's Villette with Rachel Ohmes '14 (Fall 2012-Spring 2014)

Master's Project on reader responses to Heathcliff in Bronte's Wuthering Heights with Kaylea Pallister ‘14 (Fall 2012-Spring 2014)

Master's Project on historiography in Rowling's Harry Potter series with Alex Stinson '14 (Fall 2012-Spring 2014)

Master's Project on Dahl’s Matilda as girls’ school story with Meredith Flory '13 (Fall 2011-Spring 2013)

Master's Project on death in Rowling’s Harry Potter series with Orlando Dos Reis '13 (Fall 2011-Spring 2013)

Master's Project on narrative point of view in Georgette Heyer’s Regency Romances with Hannah (Netta) Learned Baker '13 (Fall 2011-Spring 2013)

Master's Project on gender, sexuality, and race in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando with Christy Pottroff ‘11 (Fall 2010-Spring 2011)

Master's Project on feminism in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series with Laura Roderick '10 (Fall 2009-Spring 2010)

Master's Project on adaptations of Austen in popular vampire 1xbet online games login with Diedre Mapes '10 (Fall 2009-Spring 2010)

Master's Project on maternal ethics in A.S. Byatt's Babel Tower with Leah Wisroth '09 (Fall 2008-Spring 2009)

Master's Project on fan responses to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series with Rachel Parkin '09 (Fall 2008-Spring 2009)

Master's Project on masculinity in Pat Barker's Regeneration Trilogy with Heather Hernadez '09 (Fall 2008-Spring 2009)

Master's Project on the Brontes and Religion with Natalie Chandler Elder '08 (Fall 2007-Spring 2008)

Master's Project on Noel Coward and Harold Pinter with Jack Ayres '07 (Fall 2006-Spring 2007)

Master's Project on psychology and the self in Frankenstein with Emily Mattingly '07 (Fall 2006-Spring 2007)

Master's Project on the abject in Harry Potter with Brandy Isaacs '07 (Fall 2006-Spring 2007)

Master's Project on clothing and identity Monica Ali's Brick Lane with Sarah Townsend '06 (Fall 2005-Spring 2006)

Master's Project on education in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series with Jay Stringfield '06 (Fall 2005-Spring 2006)

Master's Project on time and the body in Jeanette Winterson's Sexing the Cherry with Sophia Muthraj '06 (Fall 2005-Spring 2006)

Master's Thesis on romance novels with Mindy Trenary '05 (Fall 2004-Spring 2005)

Master's Project on Salman Rushdie and Martin Amis with Hugh O'Connell '04 (Fall 2003-Spring 2004)

Master's Project on Iris Murdoch with Amy Hoskinson '04 (Fall 2003-Spring 2004)

Master's Project on teen fashion magazines with Erin Fritch '04 (Fall 2003-Spring 2004)

Master's Project on Jeanette Winterson with Cindy Debes '02 (Fall 2002-Spring 2003)

Honors Bachelor Essay on H.D. with Amanda Geoghan '99 (Spring 1998-Fall1999)

Honors Bachelor Essay on the poetry of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes with Lee Robinson '99 (Spring 1998- Fall 1999)

Honors Bachelor Essay on Samuel Beckett with Paul Calvert '00 (Spring 2000)

Independent Study on Contemporary British and American Fiction with Lee Norment '01 (Spring 2000)

Independent Study on Aldous Huxley with M. Isabel Gardett '00 (Spring 2000)


HERS Wellesley Institute for Women in Higher Education, 2014-2015.

Senior Faculty Fellow, Peer Review of Teaching, Kansas State University. 2004-2005.

Participant, Peer Review of Teaching, Kansas State University. Funded by the PEW Charitable Trust. 2002-2003.


Department Head, Department of English, Kansas State University, 2007-present.

  • Oversee all academic and professional activities in the English Department and serve as the main liaison between the department and the Dean’s Office and between the department and other university units.
    • Department includes 32 tenure lines, 25 additional full-time and part-time instructors, 150 undergraduate majors and minors, 45 graduate students (34 of whom are Graduate Teaching Assistants), two classified staff and a rotating group of student employees, and a budget of ,800,000 to support instruction of approximately 500 class sections per year.
  • Serve as the department's faculty developer
    • Responsibilities include recruiting, hiring, mentoring, and evaluating a diverse faculty; fostering the intellectual pursuits of the department; and consulting with representatives of the department's tracks.
  • Serve as the department's manager
    • Responsibilities include preparing budgets, maintaining department records, assigning duties to faculty members, supervising classified and student personnel, responding to student- and faculty-initiated complaints and concerns, overseeing finances, facilities and equipment, and helping to procure resources, space, and technology.
  • Serve as the department's leader
    • Responsibilities include providing long-term direction and vision for the department, including its diversity efforts; overseeing curriculum development and the assessment of the department; planning or conducting faculty meetings; providing external leadership, and overseeing the department's diversity initiatives.
  • Serve as the department's legal officer
    • Responsibilities include keeping the department in compliance with university rules and federal and state law.
  • Serve as the department's fundraiser
    • Responsibilities include working with the College's Foundation Officers to obtain support for the department.
  • Serve as a scholar
    • Responsibilities include teaching and staying abreast of issues in the discipline of English.


For the Department:

Coordinator, Instructional Technology, Kansas State University, 2000-2007

  • Coordinate and advise faculty on integrating technology into teaching.
  • Oversee department's student technology support staff (two-three students) and department's technology inventory.
  • Maintain schedule for the department's computer classrooms, in consultation with the Assistant Head of the department.
  • Act as liaison between department and representatives from academic and administrative units at K-State.
  • Research and secure sources of funding for technology initiatives, including dedicated technology classrooms and teaching resources.

Technology Committee, Kansas State University. 2000-present. Chair, 2003-2007.

  • Organize, moderate, and present at technology workshops and lead tutorials for department faculty on a variety of topics.
  • Oversee re-design of department website.

Secretary, English Department Relocation Committee, Kansas State University, 2001-2004; 2006-2008.

  • Maintain all correspondence related to the renovation of the department's new location and renovation of current location.
  • Oversee the relocation of the department to its new building and to temporary location during renovation.

Development Committee, Kansas StateUniversity, 2004-present.

Graduate Advisory Committee (G.A.C.), Kansas State University, 2002-2006.

English/Engineering Liaison Committee, Kansas State University, 2002-present.

Upper Division Writing Committee, KansasState University, 2005-present.

ExpositoryWriting Committee, Kansas State University, 2002-2004.

Hiring Committee, Kansas State University, 2002-present.

Literary 1xbet online games login Committee, Kansas State University. 2000-present.

Children’s 1xbet online games login Track Committee, Kansas State University, 2006-present. Founding
member of Track.

Newsletter Committee, Kansas State University, 2006-present.

Chair, Technology Committee, College of Charleston, 1999-2000.

  • Organized, moderated, and presented at technology workshops for department faculty and instructors on online discussions and web resources.
  • Researched funding for and oversaw development of new dedicated computer lab classroom for department.

Faculty Work Load Reduction, College of Charleston, Spring 2000.

Library Committee, College of Charleston, 1999-2000.

Senior Symposium Committee, College of Charleston, 1998-99.

English Department Secretary, College of Charleston, 1998-99.

Teaching Colloquium for English 105W &1xbet online games login ;Drama: Forms and Techniques,&1xbet online games login ; Vanderbilt University, Spring 1998.

Teaching Colloquium for English 104W &1xbet online games login ;Prose Fiction: Forms and Techniques,&1xbet online games login ; Vanderbilt University, Spring 1996 and Spring 1997.

Graduate Student Representative to the Graduate Committee, Vanderbilt University, 1995-1996.

For the College and University:

K-State First Book (KSFB) / K-State Book Network (KSBN), Chair, PR/Events Committee. 2009-present.

K-State First Book (KSFB) / K-State Book Network (KSBN) Steering Committee, 2017-present.

K-State First Communications Committee, 2011-2016.

Advisory Board, Center for Entrepreneurship, 2010-present.

Search Committee, Chair, Director, School of Media and Communication, 2023-2024.

Search Committee, Chair, Interim Director, School of Media and Communication, 2023

Search Committee, Chair, Department Head of Art, 2022.

Search Committee, Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences, 2022.

Search Committee, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences, 2022.

Search Committee, Dean of the Libraries, 2021.

Search Committee, Chair, Interim Director for Communication 1xbet online games login , 2016-2017.

Search Committee, Chair, Director of the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, 2015-2016.

Search Committee, Chair, Interim Director of the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, 2014-2015.

Search Committee, Chair, Technical Writer, Office of Research, 2014-2015.

Search Committee, Chair, Director of American Ethnic 1xbet online games login , 2012-2013.

Search Committee, Vice President for Research, 2015-2016.

Search Committee, Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences, 2011.

President’s Task Force on Research Infrastructure, Office of the President, 2010.

Search Committee, Dean of Arts and Sciences, 2010-2011.

Search Committee, CIO/VP for Information Technology Services, 2009-2010.

Search Committee, Chair, Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences, 2009.

Provost’s Task Force on Faculty Workload, Office of the Provost, 2009.

English Program Team, SHEP/World Bank Projects for Kabul University and Balkh University, Afghanistan, 2007-present.

Faculty Advisor, Children's and Adolescent 1xbet online games login Community, 2007-present.

Faculty Advisor, K-State Harry Potter Alliance, 2010-present.

Search Committee, Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University,

Equity and Access Project Partnership Summer Institute. PDS Partnership, College of Education, Kansas State University, 2005-2009.

Information Technology Communications Committee, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology, Kansas State University, 2004-2008.

Information Literacy Task Force, Hale Library, Kansas State University, 2004-2007.

University Library Committee, Kansas State University, 2006-2009, 2010-present.

Search Committee, Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University, 2003-2004.

Secretary, Faculty Welfare Committee, College of Charleston, 1999-2000.

Steering Committee, Program of Women's 1xbet online games login , College of Charleston, 1998-2000.

Curriculum Sub-Committee, Program of Women's 1xbet online games login , College of Charleston, 1998-2000.

General Advising for Undergraduates, College of Charleston, 1998-1999.

For the Profession:

Board of Directors, Children’s 1xbet online games login Association. Elected position; 3-year term (2021-2024).

MLA Forum on Children’s and Young Adult 1xbet online games login Executive Committee. Elected position; 5-year term (2019-2024).

Seminar Leader, Graduate Curricula and Careers Pre-Seminar Workshop. MAPS Leadership Institute, in collaboration with MLA and ADE/ALD. Online. 21 June 2023.

Seminar Leader, New Chairs Pre-Seminar Workshop. 1xbet online games login of Departments of English (ADE) Summer Seminar. Scottsdale, AZ. June, 2016.

Seminar Leader, New Chairs Pre-Seminar Workshop. 1xbet online games login of Departments of English (ADE) Summer Seminar. Kansas City, MO. June, 2015.

Seminar Leader, New Chairs Pre-Seminar Workshop. 1xbet online games login of Departments of English (ADE) Summer Seminar. Galveston, TX. June, 2014.

Seminar Leader, New Chairs Pre-Seminar Workshop. 1xbet online games login of Departments of English (ADE) Summer Seminar. Charlotte, NC. June, 2013.

Seminar Leader, New Chairs Pre-Seminar Workshop. 1xbet online games login of Departments of English (ADE) Summer Seminar. Boulder, CO. June, 2012.

Member, Executive Committee, Associated Departments of English (ADE). Modern Language 1xbet online games login , 2011-2014.


Computer-Assisted Writing Instruction, 1996-present.

Research, University of Sussex, Monks House Papers, Spring 1996.

Research, Berg Collection, New York Public Library, Spring 1996.

Research Assistant, Professor Mark Wollaeger, Vanderbilt University, 1995-1996.

Research Assistant, Professor Mark Schoenfield, Vanderbilt University, Summer 1995.

Grader, SAT-II Essay Placement Exam for incoming students, trained by Educational Testing Services, Summer 1995-1997.

LANGUAGES Fluent in French; reading knowledge of German.


Member, International Virginia Woolf Society.

Member, Society for the Study of Narrative 1xbet online games login .

Member, Children's 1xbet online games login Association.

Member, International Research Society for Children’s 1xbet online games login .

Member, Modernist Studies 1xbet online games login .

Member, Society for the Study of Critical Exchange.

Member, 1xbet online games login for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Member, South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Program Secretary (1999-2000), Program Chair (2000-2001), &1xbet online games login ;Literary Criticism Discussion Circle.&1xbet online games login ; Program Secretary (2002-2003), Program Chair (2003-2004), &1xbet online games login ;English V (Modern British).&1xbet online games login ;

Member, Modern Language 1xbet online games login .

Co-founder and member, Finnegans Wake Reading Group, Vanderbilt University.

Member, 18th Century Players, Vanderbilt University.


Gregory Eiselein, Professor of English, Kansas StateUniversity

Naomi Wood, Associate Professor of English, Kansas State University.

Joe Kelly, Professor of English, College of Charleston.

Margaret A. Doody, Professor of Comparative 1xbet online games login , University of Notre Dame.

Jay Clayton, Professor of English, Vanderbilt University.

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Department of English | Kansas State University
Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated August 2023