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The 19th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium

at Kansas State University, 1xbet sports betting 9, 2010

Fall 2009 Events.

Mini-Seminar in Cultural Theory: Walter 1xbet sports betting The Arcades Project

The purpose of 1xbet sports betting mini-seminar is to provide graduate students and faculty with the opportunity to study Walter Benjamin's The Arcades Project. Students will learn how to navigate, comprehend, and use 1xbet sports betting significant but not always well-understood work of cultural theory. Students will also learn how to discuss the text and how to apply Benjamin's ideas to their own cultural and intellectual inquiries.

Mini-Seminar Meeting Dates, Times, & Place: Sept 4, Oct 9, Nov 4, & Dec 4 | 3:30-5:00 | English/Counseling Services Building, Room 017

Spring 2010 Events.

The Cultural Studies Program is delighted to announce that our featured guest this spring is Terry 1xbet sports betting , the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh.

Please join us at a series of events this April devoted to learning more about his work and the theories and writings of Walter Benjamin. Everyone is warmly welcome to join us at each of these events. The central session will be the 1xbet sports betting lecture at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 9th, and we hope you can make it.

Seminar Discussion on the work of Terry 1xbet sports betting .

If you would like a copy of the readings for 1xbet sports betting seminar, please contact Gregory Eiselein (eiselei@k-state.edu), who can send you a copy.

Wed, 1xbet sports betting 7 | 3:30-5:00 p.m. | English/Counseling Services Building, Room 017

Seminar Discussion with Terry 1xbet sports betting on Applying Benjamin.

Fall seminar participants, Benjamin readers, and all with an interest in Benjamin's work are invited to join us for a Terry 1xbet sports betting -led discussion on applying Benjamin.

Fri, 1xbet sports betting 9 | 2:00-3:30 p.m. | Hale Library 401

Terry SmithPublic Lecture by Terry 1xbet sports betting : "Architecture After the Aftermath."

Professor 1xbet sports betting is, as a recent award citation proclaimed him, "that rare art and social historian able to write criticism at once alert to the forces that contextualize art and sensitive to the elements and qualities that inhere to the works of art themselves." His books include Making the Modern: Industry, 1xbet sports betting and Design in America (1993; winner of the inaugural Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Prize 2009) and The Architecture of Aftermath (2006). He is the 2009 winner of the Franklin Jewlett Mather Award for 1xbet sports betting criticism conferred by the College 1xbet sports betting Association (USA).

Professor 1xbet sports betting will offer a public lecture on changes in the field after the fall of the Twin Towers in New York City.

Fri, 1xbet sports betting 9 | 4:00-5:00 p.m. | Pierce Commons, Seaton Hall

Reception for Terry 1xbet sports betting .

Join us at the home of Don and Artie Hedrick to meet and welcome 1xbet sports betting year's special symposium guest.

Fri, 1xbet sports betting 9 | 7:30-9:30 p.m. | 1736 Fairview (just off campus)

If you have any questions about 1xbet sports betting year's symposium, please don't hesitate to contact Michele Janette (mjanette@k-state.edu), Don Hedrick (hedrick@k-state.edu), or Gregory Eiselein (eiselei@k-state.edu) anytime.

Symposium Poster (PDF)