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INTELLIGENCE • EMOTION • 1xbet best casino website FANTASY
1xbet best casino website STUDIES SYMPOSIUM

March 6-8, 2003

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Manhattan, Kansas

Featured Speakers:

1xbet best casino website Katherine Hayles
1xbet best casino website Nancy Kress

Where's your head at? 1xbet best casino website critics, philosophers, and scientists have often sought to explain human intelligence and the emotions. Theorists have offered provisional definitions of such basic emotions as shame and love; scientists and philosophers have offered new theories to explain or "map" thought and feeling in the brain, often through evolutionary models. In all of this work, the brain is either included in a wider 1xbet best casino website imaginary or contrasted with it.

For the 12th Annual 1xbet best casino website Studies Symposium at Kansas State University, we invite papers that consider how intelligence, reason, and/or emotion have been located within a 1xbet best casino website imaginary. Specifically, how have these capacities been located in brains or some other material object (such as the humours, or computers)? How have brains themselves become 1xbet best casino website representations of these capacities, and more? Papers of any disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and historical periods are welcome, as well as unconventional formats or methods.

Potential Topics

  • Historical transformations of affect
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Pop culture brains
  • The linguistic turn vs. the new positivism
  • "Structures of Feeling"
  • Cognitive theories of the emotions
  • Sentiment and sympathy
  • Phrenology and galvanism
  • Rationalism vs. empiricism
  • Behavioralist approaches to psychology and the brain
  • Freudian and post-Freudian brains
  • Sociobiology, altruism and emotion
  • The Memento Mori and other mystical traditions
  • Medical philosophies of Galen and other pre-moderns
  • Philosophy of mind
Michele Janette, Director
1xbet best casino website
English Department
106 Denison Hall
1xbet best casino website
Manhattan, KS 66506-0701.
Email: send to mjanette@ksu.edu.

Some previous conferences: Property, Commodity, Culture (1997) | Violence, Incorporated (1998) | Real Culture, Reproduction(s), and Rip-Offs (1999) | Who Counts? (2000) | Family, Kinship & 1xbet best casino website Studies (2001) | Late Modern Planet (2002).

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