1xbet online casino , Kinship & Cultural Studies
10th Annual 1xbet online casino Studies Symposium
March 8-10, 2001
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Program Draft

Thursday, March 8, 2001

2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Session I: Father Knows Best?
Denis Jonnes, Kyushu U (Japan), "The Parent Apparent: 'De-Parentification' in American Postwar Representations of 1xbet online casino "
Jim Gramlich, U of IL at Chicago, "MYTH-ter Mom? Some Polemical Observations on Contemporary American Fatherhood"
Robin Edward Gearing, The Research Institute, Oshawa, ONT, "Fathering in Today?s 1xbet online casino : A Rudderless Role in a Modern Sea of Changing Social Norms, Cultural Expectations, and Internal Incongruities"
Holly Burmeister, KSU, "Macho Mamas: The Conservative 1xbet online casino Expressions of Male Pregnancy"

Session II: Tune in to TV Families
Salvador Oropesa, KSU "The New Fin De Siecle 1xbet online casino from Spain: The Garcia Morenos from the Manolito Gafotas Series by Elivira Lindo"
Edmund Caldwell, Tufts U, "Imperial Ambivalence: 1xbet online casino and Empire in Upstairs, Downstairs and I, Claudius"
Sue Barker, Northwestern U, "Homebodies and Traumatized Bodies: The Simpsons, South Park and 1xbet online casino "

3:45 - 5:00pm

Session III: Same-Sex Marriage Across the Ages
Peter Pellegrin, Cloud County CC, "The Medieval Chaste Marriage and Same Sex Unions"
MariAnne MacGregor, George Mason U, "The 'Marrying Kind': Debating Same-Sex Marriage"
Dorothy Miller, Wichita SU, "Reflections on Getting Married: The Shifting Sands of 1xbet online casino Meaning for Gays and Lesbians"

Session IV: 1xbet online casino Caught on Film
Ralph Berets, U of MO, KC, "Changing Representations of the American 1xbet online casino as Reflected in the Film Pleasantville and Its Cinematic and Television Antecedents"
Yeon-Soo Kim, Rutgers U,"1xbet online casino Album as a Site for Politics of Identity: Marta Balletbo-Coll?s Costa Brava (1xbet online casino Album)"
Stacy Thompson, U of IL, Urbana-Champaign, "'My 1xbet online casino ?s Just a Little Weird': Punks, Families, and Homes"

Dinner break

7:30 p.m.

Plenary Speaker: SU, The Little Theatre
Carter Revard will read from his poetry and a recent memoir, Winning the Dust Bowl

Reception to follow at the Ramada

Friday, March 9, 2001

9:00-10:15 a.m.

Session V: Biography...Tell All
Dave Smit, KSU, "The Decline of the James 1xbet online casino : Biography as a Function of Cultural Values"
Sam Garchik, KSU, "'From Our Home to Your Home': Virginia Docking Rice and the Politics of Personality"
Thomas Argiro, KSU, "'As Though We Were Related': Faulkner?s Black-Italian Chiasmus"

Session VI: Home Economics
Marion Gray, KSU, "'When the 1xbet online casino Was Not a ?1xbet online casino ': The Household in Early Modern Germany"
Sue Zschoche, KSU, "The De-Gendered Home: The Home Economics Conception of Familial Roles"
Irina Frolova, Tver State U (Russia), "Models for 1xbet online casino Relations in Modern Russia"

10:30 - 11:45 a.m.

Session VII: Expressing the African American 1xbet online casino
Anne Carroll, Wichita SU, "Race and the McBrides: 1xbet online casino and Identity in The Color of Water"
Wanda Ebright, KSU "1xbet online casino and Cultural Values and Their Effect of Success in Dance"
Lynda Dickson, U of CO, Colorado Springs, "African American Relationships in Transition: A Model for the Future?"

Session VIII: Contemporary 1xbet online casino "Dramas"
Beth Rips, U of NE, "'Is This the Little Girl I Carried? Is This the Little Boy at Play?' Jewish Mothers: Uncommon Children"
Kate Begnal, Utah SU, "Broken, Found, or Chosen Families in Contemporary Fiction"
Judith Spector, IUPU, Columbus, "Understanding the 1xbet online casino as Global Paradigm as We Enter the New Century: An Interpretation of Anne Tyler?s A Patchwork Planet"

Lunch break

1:00 - 2:15 p.m.

Session IX: Upsetting Marriage
Katherine Holden, U of W England (UK), "'Nature takes no notice of morality': Singleness and 'Married Love' in 1920s and 30s Britain"
Jennifer Henderson, KSU, "Modernity and Polygamy in Contemporary Mormonism"
Valerie Lehr, St. Lawrence U, "'1xbet online casino Values': Social Conservative Power in Diverse Rhetorics"

Session X: The Naughty Victorian 1xbet online casino
Marisa Proctor, KSU, "Raising Pip 'by hand': Siblings and Sadomasochistic Desire in Great Expectations"
Robyn Wood, KSU, "'You?re a Naughty Girl': Tom?s Rejection of Maggie in George Eliot?s The Mill on the Floss"
Leonore, Davidoff, U of Essex(UK), "'A Like Unlike': Brother-Sister Incest in 19th Century England"

2:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Session XI: Mothering Against Motherhood, A.R.M.
Andrea O?Reilly, York U, "Maternal Outlaws: Feminist Thought on Mothering Against Motherhood"
Mae Henderson, U of Washington, "Non-Mothering Mothers: An Examination of Women?s Experience Within a Social Construct"
Petra Bueskens, Australia,"Mothers Who Leave Motherhood"
Marion Gold, Canada, "Mothering after Motherhood"

4:15 - 5:30 p.m.

Session XII: Experiencing 1xbet online casino , Creative Projects I
Tim Bascom, KSU, "The Chameleon?s Eyes: A Missionary Child Comes of Age in Africa"
Sandra Chu, KSU, "The Lost Father: Invention and Reinvention of 1xbet online casino , Self, Culture in an Asian American Home"
Nancy Salzer, Brandeis U, "The Mother Tapes: Reflections on Single-Motherhood"

Dinner break

7:30 p.m.

Plenary Speaker: SU, The Little Theatre
Stephanie Coontz will recent from her latest book-in-progress

Reception to follow at the nearby home of Jill Deans

Saturday, March 10, 2001

9:00 - 10:15 a.m.

Session XIII: Figuring the Child
Nancy Rost Goulden and Susan Stanfield, KSU, "1xbet online casino and Community Influences on Plucky Girls in Classic Girls Literature: How Did the Plucky Girls Become Plucky?"
Joan Menefee, U of MN, "Keeping the Child in England: The Changing Figure of the Child in Frances Hodgson Burnett?s Fiction"
Anne Shea, UC, Berkeley, "When the Child is No Longer and Child: Uneven Developments in the Discourse of Childhood"

Session XIV: ...The Woe that is Marriage (Bonnie Nelson, KSU, chair)
Loren Blinde, KSU, "Medea: The Ultimate Ex-Girlfriend"
Frida Crotts, KSU, "Unequal Treatment of Inequality in As You Like It or Is Being a Victim of Social Oppression Something Reserved for Men Only?"
Anna Lott, U of N. Alabama, "Elizabeth Inchbald?s Revelations: Divorce, Separation, Surprise"

10:30 - 11:45 a.m.

Session XV: Nature vs. Nuture (Jill R. Deans, KSU, Chair)
Carol J. Singley, Rutgers U, Camden, "The Limits of Nurture in Louisa May Alcott?s 1xbet online casino Fiction"
Marianne Novy, U of Pittsburgh, "Nurture, Genetics, and Non-Traditional Families in Kingsolver?s 1xbet online casino Novels"
Megan McGurk, KSU, "Birthing the Narrative in Faulkner and Erdrich"

Session XVI: 1xbet online casino ?Values? and Exchange
Megan Doolittle, Open U (UK), "Keeping it in the 1xbet online casino : An Exploration of Material and Social Inheritances in Victorian Families"
Mary VanLeeuwen, KSU, "Feudal Superwomen? A Contradiction in Terms, and a Call for the Socialization of the Familial Institution"
Young-ok-Young, KSU, "The Effects of Equity and Exchange Orientation on Maintaining Couple Relationships across National Cutures"

Lunch Break

1:00 - 2:15 p.m.

Session XVII: Law and Order
Janet Fink, Open U (UK), "Breaking the Ties of Blood and Kin: The Early Years of 1xbet online casino Legislation in England."
Karen Balcolm, McMaster U, "Religious Dynamics in the 1xbet online casino Marketplace: Catholicism, Judaism and Cross-Border Adoptions between Canada and the United States, 1945- 1955."
Mark Kaufman, Washburn U, "Recent Trends in Stepfamily Law: A View from 1xbet online casino Studies"

2:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Session XVIII: Creative Adoption and 1xbet online casino Play
Patricia Behrendt, U of NE, Lincoln, "Themes of Abandonment and Play of Internationally Adopted Children: Exploring and Enhancing the Play Life of Children Through Drama and Creative Dramatics"
Patricia Anne Masters, George Mason U, "Reaffirming and Extending 1xbet online casino Ties within the 'Play Community'"
Ralph James Savarese, U of FL, "Denaturalizing Families: The Politics of 1xbet online casino in an Age of Privatization"
Cia Verschelden, KSU, "Open 1xbet online casino "

4:15 - 5:30 p.m.

Session XIX: Products of Divorce, Creative Projects II
Shelle Barton, KSU, "Genuine Ozark Cave Fish"
Sheyene Foster Heller, KSU, "Rope a Dope"
Jennifer Henderson, KSU, "Dementia Familia"
Jason Saphara, KSU, poems and "Genealogy"

Dinner Break

7:30 - ?

Symposium Party

Program in 1xbet online casino Studies Homepage | Department of English
Last updated 02/08/01