1xbet online casino , Kinship, & Cultural Studies

10th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium
March 8-10, 2001
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS


PROGRAM DRAFT (Click here)

Deadline: October 20, 2000

1xbet online casinoThe Topic:
How do we understand the 1xbet online casino as we enter a new century? How have kinship and affiliation responded to social and political pressures over time? This topic is designed to elicit conversations about the past, present and future of the 1xbet online casino , its boundaries and its possibilities.

Plenary Speakers:
STEPHANIE COONTZ, author of The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap and The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms with America's Changing Families

CARTER REVARD, poet and author of Ponca War Dancers and 1xbet online casino Values, Tribal Affairs

The Conference:
Kansas State University Program in Cultural Studies invites paper or panel proposals for its annual symposium, the longest continuing cultural studies conference in the nation. All disciplinary perspectives, historical topics and periods, and subjects artistic and nonartistic, are welcome. We encourage interdisciplinary work and innovative formats.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Representations of the nuclear or extended 1xbet online casino , 1xbet online casino law, heteronormativity and the 1xbet online casino , gender roles, gay and lesbian kinship, gay marriage and adoption, adoptive and biological kinship, law and love, reproductive technologies, science and the 1xbet online casino , childlessness, custody & parental "right," grandparents, poverty and 1xbet online casino violence, 1xbet online casino pets, children's rights, "blended" families, "wicked" step-parents and teen rebellion, gay and lesbian teens, cross-cultural families, exile, inter-country adoption, child abandonment, orphans, 1xbet online casino photos, 1xbet online casino reunions, "black sheep," religion, economics of the 1xbet online casino , 1xbet online casino in the media & cultural texts, 1xbet online casino rituals and holidays, 1xbet online casino in history, 1xbet online casino in the new millennium, "1xbet online casino values," il/legitimacy & "bastardy," the rhetoric of 1xbet online casino .

Abstracts for papers or panels:

Proposals should be limited to one page, single-spaced abstracts, which should be sent to:
Jill R. Deans
Department of English
Denison Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
FAX: 785-532-2192

Program in Cultural Studies Homepage | Department of English

This page was last updated on Friday, November 21, 2003.