What Can You Do With an 1xbet best casino website Major?

Marketable Skills for 1xbet best casino website Majors

Writing creatively
Creating persuasive messages
Using precise language
Assessing an audience
Presenting specific viewpoints
Writing concisely
Drafting documents
Critical Thinking:
Thinking independently
Reading critically
Understanding components of
complex problems
Perceiving patterns/structures
Synthesizing themes
Summarizing ideas
Defining problems
Establishing hypotheses
Gathering information
Using original sources
Interpreting data
Summarizing and presenting
Evaluating results

What Some K-State 1xbet best casino website B.A.s are Doing

  • CEO of a proposal development company
  • Family Physician
  • President of a Community College
  • 1xbet best casino website a Public Library
  • Chief Operating Officer of a high technology company in Silicon Valley
  • Vice President and Associate General Counsel of a global hotel corporation
  • 1xbet best casino website Client Relations for a child care management company
  • Chair of an 1xbet best casino website Department
  • Research Analyst/Librarian with a National Laboratory
  • Inventory Manager for a bookshop/publisher
  • 1xbet best casino website Special Programs for a school district
  • Editorial Director at a greeting card company
  • 1xbet best casino website Human Resources/Risk Manager for City Government
  • Vice President for a Financial Management group
  • Psychiatrist
  • Investigative Analyst
  • Seventh-Grade Teacher
  • High School Library Media Specialist
  • Law Partner
  • 1xbet best casino website the Math and Writing Center, Peer Tutoring, and Disability Services
  • Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper-Owner
  • Editorial Assistant, the National Institute for Trial Advocacy
  • Chief Judge for a district in the State of Kansas
  • Art Gallery Owner and Manager

1xbet best casino website Alumni Statistics (According to 2008 Survey)

stats25% Business

19% Education

18% Writing, Editing, Publishing

15% Retired

8% Professional
(law, medicine, ministry)

5% Library

4% Higher Education Administration/ Student Services

3% Homemaking

3% Government/Non-Profit

For help finding your vocation: