Internships: writing 1xbet online games login Center

Tucker Wilson Writing Center

Intern: Tucker Wilson, BA in 1xbet online games login with emphasis in creative writing & in Spanish

Workplace Supervisor: Deborah Murray, Instructor, Department of 1xbet online games login & Director of the Writing Center

Faculty Supervisor: Kara Northway, Assistant Professor, Department of 1xbet online games login & Development Director of the Writing Center

Course: ENGL 495 1xbet online games login Internship (Internal Internship)

Semester: Spring 2012

A senior double majoring in 1xbet online games login and Spanish, Tucker Wilson interned at K-State’s Writing Center in Spring 2012. He spent his time tutoring; creating events, promotional materials, and programs; developing community outreach at the Douglass Community Center; and researching community literacy. In addition, Tucker had the opportunity to present his research on community literacy programs at the 2012 National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing.

Tucker sought out an internship at the Writing Center because of 1xbet online games login strong interest in writing, literacy, and peer feedback, which was ignited by a previous internship he completed in Chicago (Internships: Li). He believes the experience fulfilled 1xbet online games login desire to work with writers to further their own creativity and empowerment: “I value the importance of self-expression; I think that is one of the most important things you can gain from a college education, to be able to express yourself through your own writing. It’s empowering.” Furthermore, Tucker was inspired to construct 1xbet online games login honors thesis based on the community literacy research he conducted and to apply for Teach for America and University of Chicago’s Urban Teacher Education Program for 1xbet online games login post-graduation plans. Tucker has the ambition to one day open 1xbet online games login own bilingual charter school in Chicago. Tucker and 1xbet online games login advisor, Kara Northway, built a strong mentorship through the internship. As Kara expresses, “I have enjoyed seeing how 1xbet online games login internship played a role in 1xbet online games login plans after college.”

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