Internship: Social media 1xbet online games login

Intern: Adrianna Gordey, Senior, 1xbet online games login

Workplace: K-State’s Young Writers’ 1xbet online games login

Faculty Supervisor: Traci Brimhall

Course: ENGL 495

Semester: Summer 2018

Adrianna Gordey

Young Writers’ 1xbet online games login is an annual event sponsored by the English Department at K-State. For a week, a group of middle school students travel to K-State and gain experience in multiple types of creative writing in a collaborative, supportive environment. As the program assistant for the 1xbet online games login , Adrianna completed multiple tasks. Prior to the 1xbet online games login , Adrianna worked with the young writers to make sure they are well provided for and comfortable in their stay. During the 1xbet online games login week, she handled the 1xbet online games login ’s social media outlets; authored daily blog posts; and corresponded with the head of the English Department, the 1xbet online games login director, 1xbet online games login teachers, visiting writers, participants, and participants’ parents. Post-1xbet online games login , Adrianna presented the success of the 1xbet online games login in a statistics-and-graphics-filled poster.

According to the 1xbet online games login director Dr. Katy Karlin, “Adrianna was indispensable to the smooth running of the 1xbet online games login , and she was involved on many different levels. Most critically, the graphics and text she posted daily on our social media account were an important way to reach parents and supporters, whose understanding of the activities is crucial to our success.”

In Adrianna’s words, “the internship experience was awesome! I got to work closely not only with 1xbet online games login department faculty and students, but kids interested in creative writing. Seeing them exposed to different media and forms of literature—short stories, poetry, storytelling aloud—made me remember why it’s so important to continue using one’s imagination to investigate reality through the written word.”

As with every opportunity, there were also challenges. During the 1xbet online games login , a lot of different tasks had to be managed on a day-to-day basis: catering, social media accounts, paperwork. Each day brought something new that required Adrianna to improvise and problem solve. “There’s no way to schedule this type of program minute to minute,” Adrianna said. “But that’s also where most of the learning and fun came into play!”

Through the internship, Adrianna learned the importance of “teamwork, communication, creativity, and flexibility.” Working with accomplished faculty, visiting writers, and fellow students allowed her to grow professionally; at the same time, engaging with the young writers encouraged her to continue writing creatively and spread her “love for words.”

When asked if she has any advice for fellow 1xbet online games login students about internships, Adrianna said “Apply, apply, apply! You never know what opportunities you can be a part of if you don’t apply for them. Plus, going outside of your comfort zone to experience something new is, while scary, extremely worth the personal and professional growth you will achieve!”

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