1xbet online games login : Public Library

Picture of InternIntern: 1xbet online games login Kopp, Senior, English

Workplace Supervisor: Traci Juhala, Bismark Public Library

Faculty Supervisor: Joe Sutliff Sanders, Associate Professor, 1xbet online games login

Course: ENGL 495 1xbet online games login Internship (External)

Semester: Summer 2015

1xbet online games login completed her internship in her hometown Bismarck, ND with the Bismarck Public Library in summer 2015. 1xbet online games login found the internship by emailing the ten or so university and public libraries in the Bismarck area and asking if they had any positions available or needed help and assistance in any areas. The Bismarck Public Library responded, interviewed 1xbet online games login , and hired her to work in the Youth Services division. In her position, 1xbet online games login worked as a Children’s Reference Desk librarian, working on advising readers, designing brochures, and helping out different programs. 1xbet online games login also headed the Teen division, designing, developing, promoting, and running programs such as a scavenger hunt, Jeopardy games, and a videogame tournament. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun.

1xbet online games login said the experience confirmed her desire to work as a librarian. It allowed her to participate in behind-the-scenes work that she wouldn’t be able to get from class work. The internship was not without learning curves, but it made 1xbet online games login more confident in asking questions and seeking help in order to succeed. She is currently applying for graduate school in library sciences.

1xbet online games login cannot say enough about the supervisor and colleagues she worked with during the internship, especially her direct supervisor Traci and the Children’s Programmer Jana. They “opened up their arms to me… treated me as if I belonged there… did so much to help me with my future… went above and beyond to help me succeed.” Both Traci and Jana are invaluable professional resources for 1xbet online games login as she works toward her librarian career. This feeling of appreciation is certainly mutual. As Traci said, "We were thrilled to have 1xbet online games login intern with us this summer. She was a tremendous help, and she brought new, fresh ideas to the mix. Because we were in a holding pattern for hiring Teen Services staff, we were peering ahead to the summer months with some trepidation. We truly don't know how we would have offered a full slate of youth programming without her.”

1xbet online games login emphasized that although internships may not be required of English students, they are tremendously important to help students explore, understand, and narrow down their career choices. As 1xbet online games login said, the idea of graduating college and trying to become a professional yet with essentially very little professional experience is scary. But rather than hiding behind this fear, 1xbet online games login suggested that students be empowered by it and take initiative to address the fear and gain the experience they need. In her words, we “have nothing to lose.”

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