Internships: editing 1xbet sports betting

Sarah Hancock and Elizabeth Symm

Intern: 1xbet sports betting Symm, MA in English with emphasis in children’s literature

Workplace Supervisor: Sarah Hancock, Editor, Department of Communication and Agricultural Education, Kansas State University

Faculty Supervisor: Anne Phillips, Associate Professor, English

Course: ENGL 797 Professional Writing 1xbet sports betting (External)

Semester: Fall 2012

Elizabeth Symm, a second-year Master's student in English, completed an 1xbet sports betting under Sarah Hancock in the Department of Communication and Agricultural Education in the Fall of 2012. Her supervisor, Sarah Hancock, edits and compiles research reports for the Agriculture Experiment Station (AES). In addition, Sarah provides a scholarly editing service. Elizabeth knew she wanted an 1xbet sports betting in editing and, with the help of her Major Professor, drew up a list of potential contacts. With Sarah, she found the 1xbet sports betting she truly wanted. For 1xbet sports betting seekers, Elizabeth advises, “Be determined. If you know something that you want to intern in, go out there and see what’s available. If you’re not finding things, go to your advisor and get some ideas for where to look, because there are definitely opportunities.”

During her nine hour per week 1xbet sports betting , Elizabeth worked on various manuscripts or reports that Sarah directed to her. Not having previous experience in editing, Elizabeth learned the ins and outs of editing and how a publication is put together from beginning to finish. The 1xbet sports betting gave her confidence in her search for a job post-graduation. For Sarah, the supervising opportunity was a pleasure; she was able to teach Elizabeth and track her growth. “We are making an investment in a student who is bright, who has a lot of ability, who wants to have a career and get some experience, and take a step toward getting a good job.” It was fulfilling for Sarah to utilize her job by providing students, like 1xbet sports betting , the opportunity to cross disciplines and work with some of K-State’s best researchers.

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