Internships: 1xbet online casino

Interns: Zach Lawless (l) and 1xbet online casino Lawless (r), Juniors, English

Workplace Supervisor: 1xbet online casino

Faculty Supervisors: Dr. Wendy Matlock and Dr. Katherine Karlin

Course: ENGL 495

Semester: Summer 2018

Zach Lawless Sean Lawless

1xbet online casino is a video ad agency located in California. As interns on the company’s writing and creative teams, Zach and 1xbet online casino designed and wrote scripts for several clients and advertisements. For example, Zach worked on a script for TurboTax’s new program Intuit TurboTax Live, detailing its functions for financial consultants. He also developed a script for Marsy’s Law, persuading voters and law makers to pass an amendment that would give more rights to crime victims. 1xbet online casino worked on a script for Lawyers Mutual to celebrate the company’s 30-year anniversary. He also developed a promotional script for Help Shift, a digital content marketing company.

Zach very much enjoyed his 1xbet online casino . “Working for VerasityColab gave me experience in something I want to do in the future: to write for a living,” Zach said. “I was initially apprehensive about advertising and marketing, because I have always desired to write novels and fiction. After the 1xbet online casino , I now have a desire for script writing just like I do for fiction.” The 1xbet online casino taught Zach that editing is everything. “Make something and then edit it yourself, have your boss edit it, and then have the visual design guy edit it. After all that, edit it again. Don’t be afraid of criticism for that will drive your work ever closer to perfection.” Zach’s supervisor Max thought highly of Zach’s contribution: “While interning with us, not once did I ask Zach to perform a single task, because every day he beat me to it. I’d find scripts in my inbox, revisions on my desk, ideas in my slack chat, etc... His ability to unpack the unique selling proposition of a product was refreshing, and watching his creative visions unfold was a delight.”

1xbet online casino felt his internship was as challenging as it was rewarding. The pressure and responsibilities of real clients and assignments can be huge at times, but so was the reward. “Working under experts in the field of advertising who then compliment you on your work was a true treat,” 1xbet online casino said. What was particularly rewarding for 1xbet online casino was representing VerasityColab and pitching his script to their client Lawyers Mutual. He was extremely nervous but very satisfied with the positive feedback he received. 1xbet online casino ’s supervisor Michelle was impressed with 1xbet online casino ’s progress: “Through his month and a half with us, 1xbet online casino was able to hone his abilities in writing and creative collaboration, learn how to work under a deadline, and learn to give and accept feedback. 1xbet online casino was a great asset to our writing team.”

1xbet online casino admitted that prior to the internship, he always feared that he would wind up working as a barista with an English degree. The internship dismissed his fear and gave him confidence in his degree and skills in the working world. Zach and 1xbet online casino urge every English student at K-State to peruse an internship. “Don’t be afraid to work in an industry outside of your own wheelhouse,” they said. “If you land an internship, see if you can have it count as credit for your major or minor. Even if it won’t, which is unlikely, take the offer because the experience you gain from the job will be of great value.”

1xbet online casino