don 1xbet online games login Hedrick

Professor Emeritus / Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. 1974, Cornell 1xbet online games login

Office: English/Counseling Services Bldg. 113
Phone: (785) 532-2160

Fields of interest:
Shakespeare; Drama; Cultural Studies; Critical Theory; Women's Studies; Film; Literature and the Environment.

Read the official retirement citation in recognition of Don Hedrick's contributions to the department, the college, and the 1xbet online games login .

Don Hedrick, Professor of English, is the departmental Shakespearean, and has published in Shakespeare and Renaissance studies, and teaches courses in film, popular culture, language, cultural studies, horror and violence, and gender. He has recently published Shakespeare Without Class: Misappropriations of Cultural Capital with Bryan Reynolds (St. Martins Press, 2000). He was founding director of the department's Program in Cultural Studies; has been a visiting professor at Cornell 1xbet online games login , Colgate 1xbet online games login , and Amherst College; was a recent Fulbright Scholar at Charles 1xbet online games login in Prague; and has directed student tours to London and Prague.