1xbet 1xbet online gam Suggestions for Researching 1xbet online games login Literature

1xbet online games login Links

P.S. When researching 1xbet online games login literature, life, and art, don't forget to check the library, particularly the books I've put on reserve for this class

Useful Hale Resources


Citations only:

  • MLA Bibliography. The essential tool for exhaustive research, especially on the graduate level.
  • Dickens Studies Annual and 1xbet online games login Studies.

Full-Text Online:

  • JSTOR. Great resource for full-text articles from important journals such as Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, Nineteenth-Century Literature (full list of journals)
  • Project Muse. Supplies full-text articles from important journals such as 1xbet online games login Studies through Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Literature Resource Center. A good resource for undergraduate students or for graduate students looking for information in a hurry. Sponsored by the Gale Group, it provides online access to the text from Dictionary of Literary Biography, Something About the Author, and other reference works.
    • For those of you who are new to or rusty at writing literature research papers, LRC provides a nifty "Research Guide" from a link at the bottom of its home page.
    • Caution: LRC should NOT be used as a substitute for the MLA bibliography.

History Links

Literature Links

Bronte Links

Collins Links
Dickens Links

Eliot Links

Gaskell Links

Thackeray Links

This list of resources is necessarily incomplete. If you find a resource you think should be included, please let me know.

This page was last updated Saturday, August 20, 2005
Other pages may have been updated more recently

Graphic by William Morris