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Regional Graduate Student 1xbet online games login Conference

Department of English,Kansas State University

Saturday, April 14, 2012

For our second annual Regional Graduate Students 1xbet online games login Conference we explore representations of others and otherness, as well as what the study of 1xbet online games login should include and what defines our discipline.

Most activities of the 2nd Annual Graduate Student 1xbet online games login Conference are free and open to the public. (The seminars and meals are restricted to conference participants.)

If you plan to attend one or more of the panels, please complete the following registration survey. This will let us prepare a name badge for you and also help us to keep track of how many people participate in the conference.

Register for the Conference(if attending but not presenting)

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Call for Papers For our second annual Regional Graduate Students 1xbet online games login Conference we will explore representations of others and otherness, as well as what the study of 1xbet online games login should include and what defines our discipline. The conference welcomes papers on a broad range of texts from diverse historical periods, cultures, and theoretical perspectives. We especially welcome scholars whose work challenges the nature of literary studies, those working on unconventional forms, and those approaching 1xbet online games login from other disciplines.

Who may participate: graduate students in English or other disciplines whose work includes a substantial 1xbet online games login component and who are enrolled at any college or university in Kansas or the surrounding states.

Two ways to participate:
Present a Paper

Suggested Topics
Race & Ethnicity
Native American 1xbet online games login
Children’s 1xbet online games login
Travel Writing & Literary Tourism
Digital Humanities
Genre Writing
Rhetoric & Propaganda
Sex / uality
Students wishing to present a paper should submit a 250 word abstract, including the title of the proposed paper, presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, mailing address, and phone number.

Participate in a Seminar

Topics & Leaders
Technologies of Perception
Dr. Kathryn Conrad, University of Kansas

The Transnational Turn in English Studies
Dr. Rebecca Dingo, University of Missouri

1xbet online games login and Commodity Culture
Dr. Sean Grass, Texas Tech University

Students wishing to join a seminar should submit a brief statement of interest (250 words). For more information about the seminars click this link:


DEADLINE to submit an abstract / request seminar enrollment: DECEMBER 14, 2011

Notification will occur on or before December 21, 2010

Conference fee of will be due January 15.

Please direct all correspondence to
Dr. Christina Hauck, Director of British and American 1xbet online games login : gs_litcon@ksu.edu