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The 3rd AnnualRegional Graduate Student Literature 1xbet best casino website

Department of English, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

March 30, 2013

Registration is open. Please follow the appropriate link to register for the 1xbet best casino website . View the 1xbet best casino website schedule.

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or you may send a check or money order made payable to:Graduate Student Literature 1xbet best casino website c/o Department of English,E/CS 108,Kansas State University,Manhattan, Kansas 66506

Click to view the 1xbet best casino website Schedule

Call for Papers: We are no longer accepting abstracts. There is still space in the seminars. Scroll down for more information.

This interdisciplinary graduate student 1xbet best casino website seeks to explore the protean nature of identity in literary, visual, and cinematic works. We frequently associate the concept of identity with borders. However, in the digital age, borders as definers of identity often seem more fluid than fixed. As Judith Butler reminds us, even “the body is not a ‘being,’ but a variable boundary.” We are interested in these borders and the political, social, and individual forces that draw and redraw them. We welcome submissions that reframe existing and emerging conversations about border and identity. Borders may take many forms—geographical, analog, digital, conceptual, political, or social. Similarly, identity may concern nation, race, ethnicity, region, or other categories. We offer two modes of participation: graduate students may present a paper on a four-person panel or join a seminar. Seminars convene five to ten scholars who meet to discuss their pre-circulated drafts.

PRESENT A PAPER (suggested topics)

  • Nation and Nationality
  • Globalization
  • Transatlantic literature / studies
  • Anglophone literature
  • Travel writing
  • La Frontera / Frontiers
  • Colonial / post-Colonial Studies
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Gender / Identity
  • Queer literature/studies
  • Transgression
  • The non-human
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Genre
  • Periodization
  • Digital humanities
  • Social media
  • Visual arts
  • Music

Students wishing to present a paper should submit a one-page abstract.


Seminar participants circulate short papers before the 1xbet best casino website and meet to discuss them under the guidance of a more senior scholar. Seminar papers may summarize completed work or draft ideas for a new project. For more information about seminar topics and leaders, visit www.ksu.edu/english/gslitcon/seminars.html.

Exploring the Digital Archive

Dr Amanda Gailey, 1xbet best casino website of Nebraska, Lincoln

Adaptations of Early Modern Texts: Tribute and Transcendence

Dr Susan Kendrick, Emporia State 1xbet best casino website

Colorlines/Racelines in Post-Civil Rights African American Literature

Dr Cameron Leader-Picone, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

Transatlantic Authorship, Readership, & Publishing in the 19th Century

Dr Jennifer Phegley, 1xbet best casino website of Missouri, Kansas City

Gender, Sexuality, and Nation in American Indian Literatures

Dr Lisa Tatonetti, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

Students wishing to enroll in a seminar should submit a 250-300 word statement of interest.

NEW DEADLINE to request seminar enrollment: February 14, 2013.

1xbet best casino website fee of will be due March 1.

Please direct all correspondence to

Dr. Christina Hauck, Director of British and American Literature: gs_litcon@ksu.edu.

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