the famous rabbit-duck pictureGregory Eiselein

ENGL 340 1xbet online games login | Gregory Eiselein | Fall 2005

ENGL 340 1xbet online games login

Photograph of Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes
This course is an introduction to the reading and critical examination of 1xbet online games login . The primary purpose of the course is to familiarize you with various ways to read, evaluate, analyze, and take pleasure in 1xbet online games login . Along the way, you will have the opportunity to read some great poets; to study a few poetic traditions; to talk about ideas and experiences that tend to elude ordinary modes of expression; and to learn how to study language in a careful, patient, devoted manner. Our primary textbooks will be The Norton Anthology of 1xbet online games login , 5th Edition and Susan Hahn's Confession. The writing in our course will consist of a paper on poetic form, an appreciation paper, and several shorter writing assignments. Many of the shorter assignments will be in-class exercises. You should expect approximately an assignment a week. I will also ask you to prepare a class presentation, attend a 1xbet online games login reading, and participate in a listserv discussion for the class. There will be two exams, a midterm and a final.

Course Materials

The syllabus, schedule, and major assignment sheets are available here as PDFs.

Online Resources

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This page was updated on 2 December 2005. Other pages on this site may have been updated more recently.
These pages are copyright © 1995-2005 Gregory Eiselein.