Summer Undergraduate Research program 1xbet online games login

SUROP in the English Department

Participation in the English Department's SUROP experience offers undergraduate students in the humanities an exciting opportunity to work closely with an active and publishing scholar at one of the region's premiere research institution.

Once accepted as a SUROP participant, students are paired with department faculty members who will actively engage the student in current research projects. Students learn a variety of advanced research skills and have the opportunity to work on book, essay, and edited collection projects as they evolve. Thus, students do hands-on work in archives, in a variety of electronic databases, and in print collections. Additionally, SUROP scholars are encouraged to take specialized classes at Hale library, which will introduce them to the most cutting edge tools and skills employed by scholars in the field today. Most importantly, throughout this research process, students receive one-on-one mentoring from a member of K-State's award-winning faculty.

The experience offers students excellent preparation for graduate studies and research in the humanities. The Department is committed to diversity and welcomes SUROP applications from members of under-represented groups.

2020 Participating Faculty

In the summer of 2020, the Department of English particularly welcomes SUROP applications from students with an interest in travel writing, transcription of archival manuscripts, the family in history and culture, and intersections of literature and medicine.

Potential mentors and participating faculty for the summer of 2020 include:

To apply, visit the Graduate School's web page about the Summer Undergraduate Research Program and click on "Application Procedure." Deadline for Summer 2020: February 1, 2020.

History of the English Department's SUROP Experience

SUROPThe Department of English has been an active participant in SUROP since 2002. We've typically take a team approach to the mentoring of SUROP students, assigning a student a primary mentor while also allowing the student an opportunity to work with two other members of the faculty. Our recent teams included the following professors:


Kaiya Thompson (Spelman College)
1xbet online games login : American Ethnic literature and culture
Lead Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Katy Karlin, Mary Kohn, and Anuja Madan


Rachel Moore (Spelman College)
1xbet online games login : American Ethnic literature and culture
Lead Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Cydney Alexis, Katy Karlin, and Tom Sarmiento


Jalen Thompson (University of Montevallo)
1xbet online games login : American Ethnic literature and culture
Lead Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Tanya Gonzalez, Katy Karlin, and Cameron Leader-Picone


Alejandra Valadez (Northern Arizona University)
1xbet online games login : American Ethnic literature and culture
Lead Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Tanya Gonzalez, Cameron Leader-Picone, and Lisa Tatonetti


Elyse Stadlmayr (Chapman University)
1xbet online games login : American literature and culture
Lead Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Katy Karlin, Jim Machor, and Lisa Tatonetti


Alexander Hubbard (Wofford University)
1xbet online games login : American literature and Irish literature in history
Lead Mentor: Tim Dayton
Co-Mentor: Donna Potts


Jessica Reyes (Kansas State University)
1xbet online games login : American literature
Lead Mentor: Tim Dayton
Co-Mentor: Tanya González and Phil Nel


Maria Calhoun (Sterling College)
1xbet online games login : Latino Children's Literature
Lead Mentor: Tanya González
Co-Mentors: Elizabeth Dodd and Lisa Tatonetti


Alyssa Dawson (Sterling College)
1xbet online games login : Women's Writings from the 18th to 21st Centuries
Lead Mentor: Bonnie Nelson
Co-Mentors: Tanya González and Anne Longmuir


Melissa Rupp (The University of Iowa)
1xbet online games login : 18th-Century English Literature
Lead Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Bonnie Nelson and Michael Donnelly


Talicia Y. Jones (Truman State University)
1xbet online games login : African American & Asian American Literature
Lead Mentor: Michele Janette
Co-Mentors: Karin Westman and Bonnie Nelson


Annie Nicole Speights (Florida A&M University)
1xbet online games login : Ingrid Begrman, Zadie Smith, & Ursula K. LeGuin
Mentor: Karin Westman
Co-Mentors: Dave Smit and Naomi Wood