Eisenhower Hall

Alumni and community 1xbet sports betting Outreach

The commitment to collaboration and support among faculty and students in the 1xbet sports betting Department extends to its alumni and the community to which it belongs. Connect with us!


Traci Brimhall, Poet Laureate of Kansas

Dr. Traci Brimhall, Professor of 1xbet sports betting and Creative Writing, has been named the 2023-2026 Poet Laureate of Kansas. Read about Traci's appointment on our department blog.

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Read the blog

Stay connected to the 1xbet sports betting Department through the news, events, and writing shared in our blog.

Young Writers' Workshop

Featured Summer Program

For one week on the campus of Kansas State University, young writers work with experienced teachers, dig into their imagination, and command the language to create original, inventive works of writing. 1xbet online games login Wr.

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