cultural 1xbet best casino website Studies: Faculty Projects

Mark Crosby British literary and visual culture of the eighteenth century and Romantic period, history of ideas, William Blake, and digital humanities.

Greg Eiselein
American 1xbet best casino website and culture (before 1900); contemporary theory and the new cultural studies; multicultural American 1xbet best casino website ; religion, theory, and culture.

Carol Franko
Fantasy, science fiction, and utopian 1xbet best casino website .

Tanya González
U.S. Latina/o Studies; American Gothic; U.S. Ethnic American 1xbet best casino website ; Media Studies; Ugly Betty.

Don Hedrick
Movie trailers and movie advertising; theorizing entertainment value in the early modern period; Shakespeare and gender; masculinity studies; horror and violence in film and 1xbet best casino website .

Dan Hoyt
Is working on a new collection of short stories that examines attitudes toward fame and the famous, and he has taught a variety of interdisciplinary classes, such as The 1xbet best casino website of Rock and Roll and a team-taught course on neurological case studies.

Michele Janette
Asian-American 1xbet best casino website , especially Vietnamese-American 1xbet best casino website ; representations of the Vietnam War; film; feminist activism; pedagogies for international students in English-language 1xbet best casino website courses.

Cameron Leader-Picone Contemporary African-American 1xbet best casino website and culture; Race in contemporary America; multiculturalism and discourses of colorblindness, post-racialism. Current project examines the representation of race in 21st century African-American 1xbet best casino website .

A. Abby Knoblauch
Feminist rhetorical theories and pedagogies, composition theories and pedagogies, popular culture and the teaching of writing, and maverick rhetorics. Current projects include rhetorical theories of identification in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and representations of argument in college composition textbooks.

Anne Longmuir
The Victorian novel, especially works of Charlotte Bronte; Contemporary American Fiction and Postmodernism; Scottish 1xbet best casino website ; National identity and the novel.

Anuja Madan
South Asian Studies; Postcolonial Studies, Children's 1xbet best casino website , Comics, Visual Studies, Cultural Studies, Childhood Studies, Gender and Women Studies.

Phillip P. Marzluf
Writing of Midwestern Christian homeschooled students; violence and language in Frantz Fanon's manifestos; the eighteenth-century "anthropology" and rhetoric of Lord Monboddo; contemporary English language identity in Mongolia; and the politics of diversity in higher education.

Wendy Matlock
Medieval 1xbet best casino website , especially Middle English debate poetry; law and 1xbet best casino website ; body in medieval culture; theories of gossip and voyeurism; animal studies.

Philip Nel
Dr. Seuss, Harry Potter, Postmodernism, radical children's 1xbet best casino website , Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss.

Kara Northway
Early modern drama and culture; especially labor and economics, manuscript culture, theater history, and Shakespeare.

Tom Sarmiento
Filipinx American 1xbet best casino website & Culture; Asian American 1xbet best casino website ; Queer 1xbet best casino website & Theory; Feminist Theory; Cultural Studies; Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies; Midwest 1xbet best casino website & Culture; Visual Culture (Television & Film)

Kimball Smith
Medieval and Renaissance 1xbet best casino website ; medieval and early modern cartography; contemporary fiction.

Lisa Tatonetti
Native American 1xbet best casino website .

Karin Westman
The body in modern and contemporary British 1xbet best casino website ; cross-over/dual audience texts for child and adult readers; U.S. and U.K book publication.