David smit 1xbet online games login

SmitProfessor Emeritus / Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. 1984, University of Iowa

Email: dws@ksu.edu

Fields of interest:
faculty 1xbet online casino Interested; faculty 1xbet onlin;Faculty Inter; Faculty Interested in 1xb; Faculty Interested in 20th and 21st Century

David Smit (Ph.D. University of Iowa, 1984) teaches courses in writing, modern drama, and Henry James; film adaptation; post World War II literature and culture. He has published articles on James's late style, portfolio evaluation, 1xbet online games login theory, and rhetorical theory in such journals as Style, JAC: the Journal of Advanced 1xbet online games login , Rhetoric Review, and Rhetoric Society Quarterly. In addition, he has published three books: The Language of a Master: Theories of Style and the Late Writing of Henry James (1988), The End of 1xbet online games login Studies (2004), and Ingrid Bergman: The Life, Career and Public Image (2012). He is currently writing about the New Sensibility in the early 1960s.