A. Abby KnoblauchA. abby 1xbet online games login Knoblauch

Associate Professor and Director, Expository Writing Program / Graduate Faculty

Ph.D. 2008, University of New Hampshire

Email: abbyk@ksu.edu
Office: English/Counseling Services Bldg. 124

Fields of interest:
1xbet online games login and Rhetoric, Embodied Rhetorics, Fat Rhetorics, Technical and Professional Writing, and Women's Studies/Feminism/Gender/Sexuality.

Abby Knoblauch is a 1xbet online games login and rhetoric scholar and the director of the Expository Writing Program. Her work work focuses on embodied rhetorics, fat rhetorics and pedagogies, linguistic diversity and equality, teacher development, and writing pedagogies. Her most recent work is the co-edited collection Bodies of Knowledge: Embodied Rhetorics in Theory and Practice (Utah State UP, 2022). Her work has also been published in venues such as College 1xbet online games login and Communication, 1xbet online games login Studies, and Slayage, and in a number of collections.

While she enjoys research, teaching is her real love, and she’s been honored to win teaching awards at the department and college level. She regularly teaches undergraduate courses on workplace writing and on writing about writing, and graduate courses on rhetorical theories and histories, Students’ Right to Their Own Language, and 1xbet online games login histories and pedagogies.



Knoblauch, Abby and Marie Moeller, eds. Bodies of Knowledge: Embodied Rhetorics in Theory and Practice. Utah State University Press, 2022.

Bramblett, Anne and Abby Knoblauch. What to Expect When You’re Expected to Teach: The Anxious Craft of Teaching 1xbet online games login . Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2002.

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapters

“Do I Look Fat in This Essay?” Re-Inventing Rhetoric Scholarship: 50 Years of the Rhetoric Society of American Special Edition, edited by Roxanne Mountford, Dave Tell, and David Blakesley. Parlor Press, 2020, pp. 146-153.

"In Theory and Practice: Constructing an Embodied Feminist Rhetorical Pedagogy." Retellings: Opportunities for Feminist Research in Rhetoric and 1xbet online games login Studies, edited by Jessica Enoch and Jordynn Jack, Parlor Press, 2019, pp. 246-261.

“Bodies of Knowledge: Definitions, Delineations, and Implications of Embodied Writing in the Academy.” 1xbet online games login Studies, vol. 40, no. 2, Fall 2012, pp. 50-65.

"Disrupting Disruption: Invitational Pedagogy and Issues of Authority in the College Writing Classroom." Disrupting Pedagogies and Teaching the Knowledge Society: Countering Conservative Norms with Creative Approaches, edited by Julie Falkner, IGI Global Publishers, 2012, pp. 122-35.

"A Textbook Argument: Definitions of Argument in Leading 1xbet online games login Textbooks." College 1xbet online games login and Communication, vol. 63, no. 2, 2011, pp. 244-268.

"From Burke to Buffy and Back Again: Intersections of Rhetoric, Magic, and Identification in Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Slayage: The Journal of the Whedon Studies Association, vol. 8, no. 1, 2010, n. pag. Web.

Knoblauch, Abby, and Paul Kei Matsuda. "First-Year 1xbet online games login in Twentieth-Century U.S. Higher Education: A Historical Overview." Teaching Academic Writing, edited by Patricia Friedrich, Continuum Press, 2008. pp. 3-25.