michael 1xbet best casino website Donnelly

Associate Professor / Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. 1970, Harvard University

Website: www.ksu.edu/1xbet best casino we
Email: donnelly@ksu.edu
Office: 1xbet best casino website /Counseling Services Bldg. 104
Phone: (785) 532-0385

Fields of interest:
Faculty; Faculty Interested in Re; Faculty interested 1xbet onlin

M. L. Donnelly has contributed to The Milton Encyclopedia and The Spenser Encyclopedia, and he has published articles on Spenser, Bacon, Donne, Milton, Caroline panegyric, Cavalier amatory lyrics, and Marvell's poetry and prose. He is currently working on classical models for literary self-representation in the patronage culture of the 1xbet best casino website Renaissance, and on the idea and uses of history in the Early Modern Period. His teaching interests include Greek and Roman classics, Medieval and Renaissance humanities, honors courses, and writing about nature.