Steffi dippold 1xbet online casino

DippoldAssociate Professor / Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. 2012, Stanford University


Fields of interest:
Early 1xbet online casino literature, comparative colonialism, Native 1xbet online casino studies, visual and material culture, literature and the environment, and transatlantic print culture.

As of 2023, Steffi Dippold moved to the Department of 1xbet online casino at Montclair State University.

Steffi specializes in early 1xbet online casino and Native 1xbet online casino studies and teaches courses in 1xbet online casino literature and culture with a focus on the multicultural and multilingual reality of the colonial world. She is working on her first book, called Plain as in Primitive: The Figure of the Native in Colonial America, which offers a prehistory of the Noble Savage model and traces problems of literacy, orality, and corporality in the colonial contact zone.

Steffi has received fellowships from the Huntington Library, the British Library, the American Antiquarian Society, and the Houghton Library and was awarded the Alden Prize for most distinguished dissertation in the 1xbet online casino Department at Stanford University.