jerome 1xbet online games login Dees

Professor Emeritus / Graduate Faculty.
Ph.D. 1968, 1xbet online games login of Illnions, Urbana


Fields of interest:
Renaissance and 17th Century Literature, Literary Criticism.

Jerome S. Dees received his undergraduate degree from Catwba College, a Master's from Florida State 1xbet online games login , and the Ph.D. from the 1xbet online games login of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. He has taught at Clemson 1xbet online games login , Ohio State 1xbet online games login , 1xbet online games login of New Hampshire, and Virginia Commonwealth, in addition to Kansas State, where he has been since 1976. He teaches courses in English poetry and prose of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and has published books and articles on Ascham, Elyot, Sidney, Spenser, Giles Fletcher, Donne, Traherne, Milton, Marvell, and the English Emblem. He was editor of the Spenser Newsletter.