Tim dayton 1xbet online games login

Professor Emeritus / Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. 1990, Duke 1xbet online games login .

Email: tadayton@ksu.edu
Office: 1xbet online games login /Counseling Services Bldg. 110
Phone: (785) 532-6716

Fields of interest:
20th Century American Literature; Cultural Studies; Critical Theory.

Read the official retirement citation in recognition of Tim Dayton's contributions to the department, the college, and the 1xbet online games login .

Tim Dayton specializes in 20th century American literature and Marxist literary and cultural theory. He has recently published on crime novelist Jim Thompson, German Marxist theorists Ernst Bloch and Walter Benjamin, and American poet Muriel Rukeyser. He has recently completed a book-length manuscript on Muriel Rukeyser's long poem The Book of the Dead, and currently is working on American literature and culture in relation to the First World War.