Smiling woman's faceCydney alexis 1xbet online sports betting

Associate Professor / Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. 2012, University of Wisconsin-Madison. J.D. 2006, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Office: English/Counseling Services Bldg. 122
Phone: (785) 532-6716

Fields of interest:
1xbet online sports betting studies; material culture studies; consumer culture theory; literacy; digital 1xbet online sports betting and rhetoric; 1xbet online sports betting across the curriculum; 1xbet online sports betting habits and practices; 1xbet online sports betting identity; television, film, and media studies


Cydney Alexis and Hannah Rule, Ed., The Material Culture of 1xbet online sports betting , Utah State University Press, Fall 2022.

Cydney Alexis and Eric Leake, “The Stylized Portrayal of the 1xbet online sports betting Life in Spike Jonze’s Her.” Style and the Future of Composition Studies, Edited by Star Vanguri, Brian Ray, and Paul Butler. Utah State University Press, Nov. 2020.

Cydney Alexis, “The Symbolic Life of the Moleskine Notebook.” Composition Studies 45. 2 (Fall 2017).

Cydney Alexis, ”Creative 1xbet online sports betting is a Unique Category.” Bad Ideas about 1xbet online sports betting . Ed. Drew M. Loewe and Cheryl E. Ball. Morgantown: West Virginia University Digital Publishing Institute (2017). This essay was published in Inside Higher Education (1/3/16) and reprinted in Slate (1/6/17). Link for Inside Higher Ed piece: Let’s banish the phrase creative 1xbet online sports betting . (

Cydney Alexis, “The Material Culture of 1xbet online sports betting : Objects, Habitats, and Identities in Practice." Rhetoric through Everyday Things, Ed. Scot Barnett and Casey Boyle. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016, 83-95.

Cydney Alexis, Scot Barnett, and Eric Leake. “Composing Place, Composing Las Vegas.” Rhetorics of Names and Naming (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication). Ed. Star Medzerian Vanguri. New York: Routledge, 2016, 13-33.