Watershed restoration 1xbet best casino website and Protection Strategies (WRAPS)


Robert M Wilson

rmwilson@1xbet best casino website edu



wrapsWRAPS is a planning process to identify all the water quality protection and restoration needs of a watershed. The overall goals are to restore and protect the health of water and other natural resources in a watershed; better coordinate local, state, and federal restoration and protection efforts; and to more efficiently target technical and financial assistance programs within watersheds. WRAPS works to get local leaders and the general public involved in finding practical solutions to local water quality problems by convening meetings on watershed water quality protection issues and writing newsletters and newspaper columns on watershed quality protection issues. WRAPS is also involved in touring local point-source and nonpoint source problem areas and monitoring water quality in local rivers, streams, and lakes.



Program Partners:

US Environmental Protection Agency (Region 7); Kansas Department of Health and Environment; Kansas Water Office, State Conservation Commission; Kansas County conservation districts, and local Kansas environmental protection programs

Institutional Impact Area(s):

WaterLink, Citizen Science, 1xbet best casino website Dept. of Agronomy; Kansas PRIDE; 1xbet best casino website Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering; 1xbet best casino website Office of Local Government; 1xbet best casino website Dept. of Agricultural Economics


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Natural Resources, Land Use, and Environment; College of Agriculture; College of Engineering;