1xbet online games login Technology Farms (KCARE)


Daniel Devlin

Phone: (785) 532-0393

Email: ddevlin@ksu.edu

Purpose of the Collaboration:

Kansas 1xbet online games login Technology Farms implement modern irrigation technology and other traditional irrigation techniques to improve 1xbet online games login conservation and to expand conversations about safeguarding future 1xbet online games login resources for Kansas. These public-private partnerships are not research plots but working farms where producers and landowners apply irrigation technologies on a field scale with 1xbet online games login conservation as their goal. Kansas State University’s irrigation researchers and extension specialists are trusted partners in this endeavor, working with dozens of private companies, grower associations, farmer cooperatives, and various state agencies. 1xbet online games login technology farms are funded by the Kansas 1xbet online games login Office as part of the state’s Long-Term Vision for the Future of 1xbet online games login Supply. Currently, there are 15 1xbet online games login technology farms sprinkled across the state, with K-State acting as a partner for the majority of them: many of these farms are located in western Kansas, where the Ogallala Aquifer’s decline is compelling farmers to rethink how they use 1xbet online games login in that part of the state. 1xbet online games login is an essential resource in all parts of Kansas and, as a result, additional farms in Ford, Sedgwick, Wichita and Harvey counties have joined the network. The program continues to grow as more interested farmers apply for inclusion.

Length of Partnership:

3 years

Community Partners:

Kansas 1xbet online games login Office, various state agencies

Community Impact:

As a trusted partner, K-State offers great expertise to these farmers and landowners who are interested in implementing new systems such as mobile drip irrigation, soil moisture probes or irrigation scheduling systems. As leaders in irrigation research with decades of experience, K-State faculty and extension specialists advise farmers and work with them hand-in-hand; this can include demonstrating new technologies and implementing irrigation systems to communicating with producers one-on-one or through field days. The 1xbet online games login conservation efforts of these partnerships have been positive. According to the 2018 1xbet online games login Technology Farm Report published by the Kansas 1xbet online games login Office, participating corn producers reported a harvest of 203 – 246 bushels per acre; these same farmers irrigated their fields with anything from six acre-inches/acre to 17.5 acre-inches/acre; the average 1xbet online games login use on a 1xbet online games login technology farm was 12.8 acre-inches/acre. The ongoing success of this program serves as an effective testimonial for the future of 1xbet online games login conservation across the state. K-State’s expertise and involvement has helped make the program a success, and 1xbet online games login technology farm landowners and producers are able to send a clear message to their neighbors and communities: significant 1xbet online games login conservation while maintaining good crop yields can be done, because it has been done.

Institutional Partners:

K-State Research and Extension (SW Research Extension Center), Agronomy, Ag Economics, Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Institutional Impact:

Through close community relationships and partnership with the Kansas 1xbet online games login Office, extension professionals are able to co-develop 1xbet online games login Technology Field Days throughout the state of Kansas. The events are an opportunity for K-State to showcase its practical research and interact with irrigation equipment manufacturers and representatives.