language 1xbet best casino website and Culture with Community: Conversation, Bilingual Leadership, and Translation through Service-Learning

Contact: lakanost@1xbet best casino website edu


"I am committed to service-learning as a high impact teaching practice that forms positive relationships between universities and communities. I have taught SPAN 420, Spanish Conversation, as a service-learning course at Kansas State University for ten semesters. I do this because student progress and reflections have me convinced that by using their language skills in mutually beneficial community interactions, students make greater gains in confidence and motivation than they do in a conventional classroom."

-Dr. Laura Kanost, Associate Professor of Spanish.

Program Partners:

Manhattan Public Library, Boys and Girls Club, Crisis Center, Flint Hills Adopt-A-Family, Santa Eulalia School, Santa Eulalia Nutrition Center and Manhattan High School

Institutional Impact Area(s):

Engage 1xbet best casino website students in service learning opportunities and Spanish language education.


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