Food Security and 1xbet sports betting

Contact: Staley School of 1xbet sports betting Studies, 785-532-6085


The Staley School of 1xbet sports betting Studies has worked in the hunger space for over a decade. K-State faculty, staff, and many community partners have worked across the curriculum to leverage 1xbet sports betting content, the issue of food security in our state, and a variety of engaged teaching pedagogies to work toward a more secure community for all. This partnership has been able to bring help and awareness to communities that suffer from food hunger and offer them resources and curriculum on 1xbet sports betting .


Create ChangeEngage Othe

Program Partners:

Flint Hills Breadbasket, The Facing Project, City of Manhattan, HandsOn K-State students and HoKS

Institutional Impact Area(s):

Connect local citizens to the issues of hunger.


K-State students, K-State faculty and Manhattan community.