konza 1xbet online sports betting Environmental Education Program

Contact: Jill Haukos, 785-587-0381, konzaed@ksu.edu


KEEPKEEP educates students in tallgrass prairie ecology, enhancing the appreciation for the prairie and for the research and conservation efforts of 1xbet online sports betting and the Nature Conservancy of Kansas. Students learn through outdoor, hands-on, real ecological science activities, giving them the opportunity to become the researches and collect real data for Schoolyard long-term ecological research (SLTER) databases for use in graphing and interpretation in the classroom. KEEP also offers teachers professional development, involving 41 long-term teachers as KEEP cooperators. Annually, KEEP impacts an average of 4000 students in local and statewide schools. Since its inception, 250 community members have been trained as docents who lead hikes, site tours, and help with student activities.



Program Partners:

USD 383 Manhattan/Odgen Schools; USD 475 Junction City/Fort Riley Schools; School districts participating in the "Prairies Across Kansas" program; Friends of Konza Prairie; The Nature Conservancy of Kansas

Institutional Impact Area(s):

1xbet online sports betting Division of Biology; 1xbet online sports betting College of Arts & Sciences; 1xbet online sports betting Secondary Education; 1xbet online sports betting College of Education; 1xbet online sports betting Division of Continuing Education


Kansas students


Education, Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade; Natural Resources, Land Use, and Environment; Science and Technology; College of Arts and Sciences; 1xbet online sports betting Research and Extension