1xbet online games login Service Teams (IST)

Contact: 785-532-0672; intlteam@ksu.edu


istThe IST program works with international communities to identify a need and develop a 10 week summer long service-learning project to help meet the community need. The projects are completed by an interdisciplinary team of 1xbet online games login students. The students work to engage in community outreach, civic leadership and cross-cultural communication skills while developing their capacity to serve as a team, understand the ethical implications of international community development and engage in a transformational leadership through service experience.



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Program Partners:

Children and Youth Empowerment Center (CYEC) Nyeri, Kenya; Project Rescue Amazon Youth (PRAY) Jacunda, Brazil; Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), Puebla, Mexico; Penn State University; Universidad Popular Autonma del Estado de Puebla Service Learning Program

Institutional Impact Area(s):

1xbet online games login School of Leadership Studies; HandsOn Kansas State


1xbet online games login students, International communities


Cultural Institutions and Programs; School of Leadership Studies