1xbet online casino Awards


Kansas State University Excellence in 1xbet online games l

Established in 2011 by the Office of Provost, the Kansas State University Excellence in 1xbet online casino awards are given to highlight excellence in engaged scholarship (via research, teaching, and/or outreach). These awards recognize initiatives that demonstrate innovative and/or sustained efforts in university/community 1xbet online casino positively impacting both university and community partners.


American Association for the Advancement of Science Early Career Award for Public 1xbet online casino with Science

Awarded by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), this award recognizes early-career scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public 1xbet online casino with science activities. Deadline October. See more.

Américo Parades Prize

Each year, the AFS Committee on Cultural Diversity, Chicana/Chicano Section, and Folklore Latino, Latinoamericano, y Caribeno Section join with the AFS Executive Board to give this prize of 0, which recognizes excellence in integrating scholarship and 1xbet online casino with the people and communities one studies, or in teaching and encouraging scholars and practitioners to work in their own cultures or communities. See more.

Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of 1xbet online casino for Early Career Faculty

Sponsored by the New England Resource Center for Higher Education, this award recognizes early career faculty who connects him or her teaching, research, and service to community 1xbet online casino . Deadline May. See more.

International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community 1xbet online casino Distinguished Research Award

Awarded by the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community 1xbet online casino (IARSLCE), this award recognizes outstanding career contributions to scholarship on service-learning and community 1xbet online casino . This award recognizes researchers who have distinguished records of research and scholarly contributions. The award recognizes a researcher's sustained commitment to research in this area over time. Deadline May. See more.

International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community 1xbet online casino Early Career Research Award (PDF)

Awarded by the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community 1xbet online casino (IARSLCE), this award recognizes early career contributions to scholarship on service-learning and community 1xbet online casino . This award recognizes researchers who have distinguished records of research and scholarly contributions early in their careers (individuals who have received a terminal degree in their discipline or profession within the past seven years). Deadline May.

NSB Public Service Award

The National Science Board is pleased to accept nominations for the Public Service Award, which honors individuals and groups that have made substantial contributions to increasing public understanding of science and engineering in the United States. These contributions may be in a wide variety of areas that have the potential of contributing to public understanding of and appreciation for science and engineering – including mass media, education and/or training programs, and entertainment. See more.

Solon T. Kimball Award for Public and Applied Anthropology

The Kimball Award offers an opportunity to honor exemplary anthropologists for outstanding recent achievements that have contributed to the development of anthropology as an applied science and have had important impacts on public policy. The range of eligible nominees is unusually broad: the Kimball Award can be given to individuals or to a team (including collaborators outside of anthropology) and is not restricted by nationality, anthropological specialization, or type of employment. The anthropological contribution may be theoretical or methodological. The impact on public policy may be in any area, domestic or international, for example biodiversity, climate change, energy, international relations, medicine, public health, language conservation, education, criminal justice, development, or cultural heritage. Nominations recognizing disciplinary path-breakers who are shaping and strengthening the discipline of anthropology, and which honor those who might otherwise be overlooked, are especially encouraged. See more.

Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award

Sponsored by Campus Compact, this award recognizes one senior faculty member for exemplary engaged scholarship, including leadership in advancing students' civic learning, conducting community-based research, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to service-learning and civic 1xbet online casino , and other means of enhancing higher education's contributions to the public good. Deadline April. See more.

UPCEA 1xbet online casino Award

The UPCEA 1xbet online casino Award recognizes an outstanding mutually-beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources between a member institution and one or more external constituents such as local communities, corporations, government organizations, or associations. The recognized partnership will demonstrate a knowledge partnership that has resulted in a measurable and sustainable shared impact in areas such as economic development, community development, workforce training, or capacity building. See more.

WK Kellogg Foundation Community 1xbet online casino Scholarship Award and the C. Peter Magrath Community 1xbet online casino Scholarship Award (PDF)

The WK Kellogg Foundation Community 1xbet online casino Scholarship Awards are given to the winner of each of four regional competitions and are presented annually each fall during the 1xbet online casino Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference. Prior to the ESC Annual Conference, the winners of each of the four regions are selected by a panel of university 1xbet online casino scholars appointed by the ESC Board of Directors and the APLU Council on 1xbet online casino and Outreach Executive Committee. In addition, the panel may select one additional application per region that is identified as an exemplary application for special recognition at the ESC Annual Conference. Each winner of a region receives the WK Kellogg Foundation Community 1xbet online casino Scholarship Award and competes for the C. Peter Magrath Community 1xbet online casino Scholarship Award. See more.


MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship

Sponsored by the Talloires Network and the MacJannet Foundation, this award recognizes exceptional student community 1xbet online casino initiatives at Talloires Network member universities and contributions financially to their ongoing public service efforts. Deadline January. See more.