City of 1xbet online games login Partnership


Rebecca Robinson

Phone: 785-532-3955


Purpose of the Collaboration:

Kansas State University has a multiple, intertwined university/community efforts designed to build economic prosperity in the 1xbet online games login including Knowledge-Based Economic Development (KBED), the North Campus Corridor (NCC), and 1xbet online games login Reimagined.

KBED: KBED is a unique partnership between 1xbet online games login , university-related entities and the area’s leading economic development agencies. It is one of the first truly integrated university/community economic development initiatives to focus on the attraction of, as well as the creation of, small knowledge-based businesses. The KBED partners have established, and actively support, a thriving entrepreneurial environment to attract, grow, and retain knowledge-based businesses to create wealth and other benefits for the region and the partners. This environment includes access to world-class research, a talented workforce, cutting-edge facilities, and capital through all stages of the business lifecycle. The KBED Partners include: the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, the City of Manhattan, 1xbet online games login , 1xbet online games login Research Foundation, KSU Foundation, 1xbet online games login Institute for Commercialization, North Central Regional Planning Commission, and Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation.

NCC: In an effort to create the kind of campus spaces in which 1xbet online games login can partner with established public and private sector partners while having a physical nexus to campus, collaborations can be expanded, 1xbet online games login and the Manhattan community are creating the North Campus Corridor, a 4-mile stretch of streets that make up the north edge of the Kansas State University campus. This will be a place that will be fitting of the university’s global leadership and reside on the campus north edge alongside both College of Agriculture and College of Veterinary Medicine research facilities and research land as well as the future National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF). The corridor serves as the physical nexus of a plan that establishes Kansas, the region, and the university as the destination for the world’s established food and animal health companies, global food systems-related research, and educational talent. The City of Manhattan, Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, 1xbet online games login , KSU Foundation, 1xbet online games login Institute for Commercialization, and 1xbet online games login Athletics have partnered to develop plans and financing strategies to make the corridor visions a reality.

1xbet online games login Reimagined: The 1xbet online games login Reimagined Initiative is a tri-county community and economic development planning and implementation effort to build a sustainable path to regional growth and prosperity. Community groups from Geary, Pottawatomie and Riley counties are forming to develop and implement regional strategies focused on Talent Attraction and Retention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Quality of Place, Built Environment and Advocacy.

Length of Partnership:

11 years (KBED); 7 years (NCC); 3 years (1xbet online games login Reimagined)

KBED: Since its inception in 2008, 514 jobs have been created in the 1xbet online games login (with 771 projected) with average salaries of ,539, representing an economic impact of over million and a projected economic impact of million and capital investments of over million.

NCC: The public infrastructure investments in the corridor will create a vibrant neighborhood for the public. The area described is currently a high vehicular traffic thoroughfare for the community, but also has large sidewalks that are heavily used for pedestrians as running or biking trails. The streetscape, however, is unattractive, dilapidated and dangerous to cross because of the high vehicular traffic, especially on 1xbet online games login Athletics game days. The vision for the corridor is to enhance the pedestrian experience via the addition of streetscape and landscape (trees, knee walls and gateways/entry features), as well as enhance the safety features for pedestrians (crosswalks, medians, bus drop-offs).

1xbet online games login Reimagined: The Community and Economic Development Strategy will bring the community together behind a consensus vision for a thriving, sustainable, and equitable future for the Central Flint Hills 1xbet online games login . Extensive quantitative research will be paired with comprehensive outreach to regional leaders and constituencies to inform the development of an action plan designed to be effectively implemented by the Chamber of Commerce and its partners across the public and private sectors.

1xbet online games login Partners:

KBED: North Central Regional Planning Commission, City of Manhattan, Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, and Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation. NCC: City of Manhattan. 1xbet online games login Reimagined: Many public and private stakeholders from Pottawatomie County/Geary County and Riley County/Manhattan.

1xbet online games login Impact:

KBED: Since its inception in 2008, 514 jobs have been created in the 1xbet online games login (with 771 projected) with average salaries of ,539, representing an economic impact of over million and a projected economic impact of million and capital investments of over million.

NCC: The public infrastructure investments in the corridor will create a vibrant neighborhood for the public. The area described is currently a high vehicular traffic thoroughfare for the community, but also has large sidewalks that are heavily used for pedestrians as running or biking trails. The streetscape, however, is unattractive, dilapidated and dangerous to cross because of the high vehicular traffic, especially on 1xbet online games login Athletics game days. The vision for the corridor is to enhance the pedestrian experience via the addition of streetscape and landscape (trees, knee-walls and gateways/entry features), as well as enhance the safety features for pedestrians (crosswalks, medians, bus drop-offs).

1xbet online games login Reimagined: The Community and Economic Development Strategy will bring the community together behind a consensus vision for a thriving, sustainable, and equitable future for the Central Flint Hills 1xbet online games login . Extensive quantitative research will be paired with comprehensive outreach to regional leaders and constituencies to inform the development of an action plan designed to be effectively implemented by the Chamber of Commerce and its partners across the public and private sectors.

Institutional Partners:

Kansas State University Office of the Provost, Office of the Vice President for Research, Governmental Relations, 1xbet online games login Research Foundation, KSU Foundation, 1xbet online games login Institute for Commercialization, 1xbet online games login Athletics

Institutional Impact:

KBED: KBED activities and partnerships with companies have resulted in over million in collaborative sponsored research with faculty and students; over 0,000 in philanthropic gifts, internship and post-graduation job opportunities for students; industry participation on college/departmental advisory boards; and ongoing industry support and participation in university events.

NCC: The KSU Foundation has taken a leadership role in developing 56 acres that make up the 1xbet online games login Office and Research Parks, providing office and build-to-lease lab space for established companies, state and federal partners that advance 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login Reimagined: The university has played an important role in many of the work groups formed to develop the specific strategies for the region, assisting in strategies to retain 1xbet online games login graduates in the region after graduation to meet workforce needs, leveraging the universities innovation capabilities to support regional companies’ growth and strategies to improve the infrastructure and quality of life in the region to support the health and wellbeing of its citizens.

Website: (KBED); (Regional Reimagined)