Kansas alliance 1xbet best casino website for Healthy Positive Schools (KAHPS)

Contact: avennum@1xbet best casino website edu, 785-532-1489


Kansas Alliance for Healthy Positive Schools (KAHPS) and it's partnerships have been able to establish free school-based therapy for students and their families, conducted needs assessments to inform priorities, developed a trauma-informed classroom management approach, provided trainings for teachers and school staff on mental health and relational issues, collaboratively sponsored parent 1xbet best casino website nights, and received federal funding to implement a healthy relationship curriculum.

Program Partners:

1xbet best casino website School of Family Studies and Human Resources, local school districts and USD 475 and USD 383

Institutional Impact Area(s):

Address mental and relationship health for youth and their families.


KSU graduate/under-graduate students, K-12 Students, and K-12 Teachers